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Everything posted by ShelleyBean

  1. Welcome to the board! I agree about getting a kit to begin with. I did that and became addicted right away. Also great advice about finding suppliers close to you, the shipping costs can kill you when buying large amounts of wax or glass. You may not always be able to find a supplier close for your every need, but it can save you money if you can keep most of your supplies coming in from fairly close to you. Welcome to your new addiction, this board has a lot of people with a lot of good advice as well as a lot of talent. The archives are also a very good source of information, I still go and read it from time to time.
  2. Yes, we are at Ft Riley until August anyway and my on post housing is ok, but we took it because of the lack of decent housing off post that matched the money they wanted each month. You are speaking my language when you say HOCKEY, when we were in Alaska we went to the Jr A and college games both every chance we got. I didnt go to any K state games while here, I get enough of the fans just being in Manhattan on game day lol. There isnt a lot to do here without driving a bit, but our next assignment is near or close enough to Tacoma/Seattle area that I'm sure it will be different our next trip.
  3. I am a 415 user myself and have awesome luck with it. I am in the process of trying some para waxes now, but I will still keep 415 around because it works so well for me. I havent really found anything that doesnt throw well in it, but of course I haven't tried every scent out there (although my husband and his checkbook would SWEAR I have lol). I didnt order my wax from Millcreek, but I do use Millcreek for a lot of other things and have always found them a great supplier.
  4. I used to buy candles from them a lot of years ago, before I found other companies and then homemade because a friend of mine sold HI and she always gave me the discounted price. I havent burned one of theirs in years though, but I'm not surprised by the news much. Back when I did buy/burn them however, they weren't the strongest candles but they were nice enough. Have faith in your candles, I've had people who were hardcord Yan*** candle fans who now buy mine because I can get the similar scents and cheaper to them. Good luck with your party, I bet you win them over
  5. I worked in Manhattan (the little apple) Kansas with a few people who live in Wamego, always felt bad for them on the nasty weather days since it's a little bit of a drive. Myself, I have lived in Kansas almost 4 years, but the army says it's time to move again this summer and we are headed to Ft Lewis, Washington. As an army brat, we lived in Colorado Springs, over 25 years ago, how long have you been there?
  6. I couldnt have said that better myself, I love the one in the thread, but I dont think I will ever have the patience to make them. I think it's a great looking taper
  7. What an awesome tutorial/test/pic thread! I am not near ready to experiment with these myself yet, but I have bookmarked the thread for future reference. I loved the crackling part, made me miss hubby a little more than usual, we rented a cabin one vacation that had a fireplace and we loved the quiet time in front of it and it reminded me so much of that. Since I am nowhere near ready to make one of these by the time he comes home, I think I may have to find one to buy now because of this thread. Again, great job!
  8. Thanks for this link, I too am in Kansas but hadn't seen this particular supplier listed before for some reason. I'm mapquesting now to see where it's at lol. Being in Kansas I usually order from Peaks for the most part for some of my heavier stuff but I get my oils from all over.
  9. I can't imagine using an entire ounce either, I had just the bottom of a 1oz sampler bottle that I used and that seemed like a lot to me. I made another today for my son's girlfriend because she saw his and loved it. His was the first I ever made, and hers the second, but on hers I had Heavenly (her FO choice) in a spray bottle already and used it to make hers and it worked just fine. She's going to keep me updated on how long it lasts. So, so far I have used the squirt bottle on one and spray on another and I would say probably used the same amount of FO, and I'm keeping a paper on how long it lasts and since they both smoke in their cars, I'm interested to see how well they do. I am going to do the brush on technique on the one I send to my husband overseas, he's going to hang it in the bathroom he shares with his roommate. Talk about a true test huh? :lipsrseal hehehe
  10. WOW! That's an awesome deal, and I dont blame you, I would have bought them both as well.
  11. Hey neighbor! We are right up the road from each other For me, I would buy as small an amount of a wax I could get and try it. I have tried a few different soy types and now have some 4630 on the way to try because I want to see what else is out there. I think most people just try try try until they finally find that one kind that they truly love to work with. I like ordering from Peaks because it's so much closer than other places, but I usually order FO and other supplies. But, you have come to the right place to get your answers.
  12. Hello to you both! This place is a wealth of information and talent as well. Starting out with kits is a great way to go, but if you have passed that point, the forum (and dont forget the archives) is a great place to learn. I haven't had a question yet that someone here hasn't been able to answer for me if I couldnt find it by searching the board. Happy candle making, it's addictive
  13. This is the only one I have tried, my husband is a jelly bean freak, so I made him some wickless candles for his room in Korea and he said it smells just like real jelly beans.
  14. You almost perfectly described my work space. I got my turk and surf right before Thanksgiving and then found the island at Walmart. Mine has one extension, and the other side a towel bar I use for paper towels. It has a drawer and then has the cabinet doors underneath, and that's where I store my FOs. I dont have a lot of counter space so the island is a life saver and I can move it closer to the counters when I am working, then just push it out of the way
  15. For me, I did get a little too much, but I think because I did it with some left over oil so I wasnt really worried about how much I used. Once it's soaked, if you have too much, it can sit on the top of the cardboard, but I dabbed it off and learned my lesson. Moderation is key and it really didnt seem to take that much, but again, I was working with some left over stuff that wasnt enough for candles so I can't really say exactly how much I used. On a side note, when making these it makes your house smell WONDERFUL
  16. I used this method last night on some hearts I had laying around to make a freshner for my son's car. It worked great and did soak it up very nicely. Now all his friends want one because I have a lot of scents to choose from other than the basics you find at the store.
  17. I've had it happen sometimes with mine, but they still looked fine. I dont make the tart like melts any more very often, once I started clamshells I have used them for the most part.
  18. Those look GREAT! Now I am thirsty, think I know what I am having tonight
  19. I finally found some time after going back to work to play this weekend, so I'm going to make some "clean" scented candles, mix up some carpet sprinkle (silly dogs thinks it's funny to play in the mud then track it in) and while not "in my pot" related, I am determined to organize my work space
  20. I sent my husband some shallow wickless tins a few months ago and asked him to try them for me. (he's my warmer tester, he's in Korea in the barracks so he's perfect for the task lol). He said he liked the shallow ones because they seemed to melt all the way quicker, which gave scent throw quicker. I sent him the 4oz shallow and he had been using the normal 4oz tins. He said he likes them both, but if he has a choice, he liked the shallow better. Oh, and he's a neat freak too, and threw in how he liked how the shallow stacked better, his room is limited on space so he liked the shape of them. Only my husband would come up with the stacking reason I think
  21. I just placed an order and didnt have any issue (so far, and knocking on wood) with the shipping setting and got my email with my order as I ordered it, but I guess we will see if for some reason it's blank or not the next day they work. Hope you guys are able to figure out what's up, I would go nuts if I couldnt do my orders online.
  22. What I do is put the warning on the bottom of my label for my clamshell, that I make myself.
  23. When I use the dye blocks, I have the diamond shaped ones, and I use just the very end point to one pound of wax and it comes out perfect.
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