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Everything posted by grammafransfixins

  1. These are made for display mostly, but can also be used for "soap" LOL It says on the website and on the label to use as a soap just rinse the spices off. I have one in my kitchen at the sink....and been using it many times a day. I have extremely sensitive skin and no problem for me. So I am sure all will be fine. I am sooo shocked cuz I have already sold a bunch. Guess folks like grubby soap balls...mainly for display cuz they smell sooo good Thanks gals
  2. Thanks! I just made another batch and my whole basement is spicy... LOL
  3. You can affix coffee beans to the outside of a pillar candle, where the flame wouldn't reach. Or to the outside of the candle jar, but never mix them in the jar.
  4. Oh wow... it looks awsome!! So.. how does one become a swapper??? LOL
  5. Not 100% sure but you could have many things happening. To much fragrance, to much dye, air pockets, just to name a few of the most common things. Sheila
  6. Well these first ones are not made by me..but by a friend and I sell them on my site. They are Life Candles and can have any picture you send me on them. These are a picture of my Gramma Fran.. who my business is named after. Here is just one of my many jar candles.. It is an 8 oz mini mason. Here are some cinnabun tarts.. can ya smell them.. mmmm Sheila
  7. I make them all the time for our woodstove. I use the paper egg cartons, put in some shavings...can also use corn cob if no shavings are available..pour in wax, put in a pine cone, a chunk of wick and wala! LOL We love them and they are all we use to start our fires!
  8. Wow.. Thanks everyone The balls are dusted with spices.. a secret mix of mine.. hehe The bowls are from Ohio Wholesalers and CWI. I have some on my site, not the ones that say soap as I am waiting on my shipment of them Sheila
  9. Oh this is my first batch and I am so pleased how they turned out! Been searching for info on making them...no luck finding it so I just came up with my own recipe.. LOL! Then after they were done some friends sent me info..but too late! Mine are now MY ORIGINAL CREATION so that is better Prim Blessings, Sheila
  10. I don't only make them, but they are one of my best sellers. My jumbo tarts are all soy, and over 2oz each, loaded with scent!!! I also have cinnabun tarts, heart tarts, prim soy tart cups and tart crumbles! Come peek at http://www.grammafransfixins.com I also have a sale right now cuz September is my favorite month.. Enter the code september when checking out if order is over $35.00 and get free shipping Prim Blessings, Sheila
  11. I get most of my jars from ... http://www.candlesupply.com http://www.candlesandsupplies.com http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com http://www.thecandlemaker.com Also, if you want good candle resources check out my new site http://www.thecandlebuzz.com and click on resoureces...I have tons for everything candle related! Prim Blessings, Sheila
  12. I offer some very good advertising for craft websites at really good rates. I own and operate three online crafters marketplaces... please do check them out. <links removed> If you or anyone has questions I am here and return all emails asap!! Prim Blessings, Sheila
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