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Fire and Ice

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Everything posted by Fire and Ice

  1. Have you ever bought a scent that you simply loved or thought the public would go crazy over just to have them totally reject it? A scent you would swoon for but the public scowl at when they smell it; looking at you like you're out of you mind for making candles or soap from that scent? Draakar was one of those for me. Thought is was okay for a masculan scent and thought the women would love it. WRONG! Musk was another of these. I didn't love it but I thought the public would. Never happened. The testers enjoyed them but nobody else did.:embarasse PS~ I love all of the new smileies!
  2. Still getting ready for the big show at the end of the month. Finshed up all of the summer scents and some of the winter ones. Now I'm working on Sage Lemongrass, Blackberry, Cranberry cinnamon. Waiting for Amish Harvest to come in so I can get those poured. Then I get to start all over again with pouring and lebeling the clamshells! :highfive:
  3. I will be getting the Spruce Christmas from Peaks too. I LOVE the sample. I will also be doing Amish Harvest and Red Clove from PEAKS! I make my own Cranberry Cinnamon and it is a Huge seller for me! I'm thinking about the Hot Cocoa and it smells good but I will decide in October whether to add this or not!
  4. When I have a wholesale account nibbling locally, I bring out my Clamshells! I bring one of every scent and I've got 60 scents. I tried the 1.5oz hex jars but they're just too small to get the full effect of whaat a pint size jar would smell like. The clamshells are larger but much easier to carry than jelly jars or hex jars. No breakage.:rolleyes2
  5. Anybody gotta a web addy to see more of those? Very Nice candles!
  6. For me, it's a number of things.: *It's a creative outlet and something I can do with God. I'm able to pray and pour at the same time. With all that's happened of late, this is important! *Meeting all of the neat people *This is a business for me so I really have to bust my chops if I want to pay bills! *Research and development~ This happens in January and Feb because they are my slow times and candles sales are very slow. This is when I will try a new vendor for scents as well as re-evaluate my scent list and revise it. Drop some scents, try new ones.
  7. What scent were you pouring? Have you poured this scent before? If it was a citrus based scent, they can often give a fuel smell.
  8. What about Cafe' Mocca ~Coffee & chocolate. Of course there is always French Vanilla:rolleyes2 Cappuccino! I know, that's Italian but how about putting LE Cappuccino in front of it!?
  9. New shows are just as important as the money. Now you can pick and choose. Why write off the show next week. The best place to have a show is in the Wal-mart parking lot! So many shoppers to snag on the way in or out of that place. And I'm sure your candles are much better than anything they have in the store! Give it a whirl and you might be surprised!
  10. I know that he'll have your sister trying to get the candles back in the store. DON"T do it until he's willing to apoligize for his behavior, will sign a contract and pay up front for the candles! I gareentee he'll come slinking back, The customers will notice the candles missing and ask him what the deal is. If they know he's a jerk, they might call you directly for order. Stand your ground, Trish! Never let anyone walk all over you. He'll try complimenting your work, how the customers love them and the like. Don't cave in to sugary words spoken by a jerk! The words may have changed but the attitude hasn't. He's still a jerk! And I'm sorry your sister is caught in the middle. That's gotta be rough for her. Hugs of support, Sweety! You have other accounts and many of the Home interior designers will be calling you directly! Talent is always known and supported. Trust the customers to notice!
  11. It's a great idea. I'd go for the Green Clover and Aloe myself. Of course I must say that I just released my Thunder River Candles(Cool Water) and the women a going nuts for them! I have a friend that does a soap scent called Old World Spice that I just love! Cool Citrus Basil would be another good scent in both candles and soaps! And I'd call the line~ New Life
  12. Trish Stand your ground on this point and pull the candles! Get them out of his store and do not allow him back into your good graces unless he is will to pay for each order up front with CASH! Then make both of you sign the recepte he gets for the payment! That way he can't claim you never delivered candles and he knows you can't claim nonpayment for candles delivered! Why are store owners who are named Lou Jerks? That the name of the store owner I'm dealing with for the past 1 1/2 years and he's a jerk too. I've thought about pulling my candles too but I can't afford to right now. But mine isn't consignment either. I get paid cash each time I deliver candles. Those orders are what are paying the bills right now since I'm laid off! I have a show at the end of the month but until then, I have to put up with he and his wife. So I fully understand where you are coming from! Hugs of support to you!!!!! You are way too talented to allow anyone to wipe their boots on you!
  13. I hope you get some much needed rest and I am sending prayers of hope and good cheer to your business! Great luck to you!
  14. Oh, you'll do just fine! Believe in your products and relax. Be sure to take a camera and take picture and get lots or rest tonight. Doing a show after working all day is great deal of work! Good luck and keep us posted!
  15. I agree with you Bee and I saw it too and thought," They're using the same jars and labels and knocking off Yankme!" The when I saw their jars I was like HUH? Maybe it a ploy to draw the unsuspecting Yankme customer. Personally, the dars are different but the look like cheap plasic jars and I can't say as I care for the. They're 4oz hex jars are fine The other thing that really turned me iff was the double wick. I just can't do double wick candles. I have had a bad experience with double wick jar and won't try another.:undecided
  16. You can buy 1,000 tee shirt bags at Sam's Club for around $10.00. They come in a box. I've never found boxes to these at my Wal-Mart.
  17. I personally like the clamshells better than the tart for the following reasons. Clamshells are all in one. Pour them, allow them to set up, close and label, you're done with the product. Tarts: set up molds, fill, wait for set, empty molds, wipe out and use again. Package and label tart. SEEMS more work with tarts. At least it was for me.:undecided In my area, both sold well but I personally made more money with clamshells because there was less time invested in making them. They are self contained and you don't add the cost of packaging, just labels. Customers can mix and match scents in the same tart burner. One cube of Chocolate Brownie+one cube of Coconut= Coconut Squares or German ch. cake! I also sold more clamshells than tarts. Tarts=$1.00 + tax Clamshells= $3.00 each or 4 for $10.00. Most people took the special! HTH
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