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Posts posted by SatinDucky

  1. I reckon it would depend on whether you want to make them for your own use or to sell. If you want to use them yourself and could guarantee that it would never be left unattended, never be near a draft that could blow the flame towards the shell, would never get knocked over ... well you get the idea. :(

  2. Ok, I've been test burning my first mottle pillar made with the 1343, using 3T pp stearic, 1tsp UV, 1oz FO. The original sweating stopped after a day, wrapped in a paper towel. I've let it sit and cure about 6 days before lighting it. After it's been burning for a couple hours, it starts sweating again :mad: I discovered it when I went to hug it and had purple fingertips. Which leads me into the 2nd problem, after just 2 1/2 - 3 hrs burning, it's getting a slight bulge. The melt pool was less than 1/2" deep and walls are about 3/8" thick. It's a 3x4. I'm using a 24 ply flat wick like I do with the 4625. I must need to wick down, but don't have any 18 ply here to try :( The top 3/4" of it is not longer mottled, but solid purple. Do all mottles start back sweating when they get warm burning or is it just because the the wick is a tad too large? Or am I way off course here and it's something else I'm doing wrong?

  3. I have been working with gourds for a while and am wondering if anyone has utilized hard shell gourds as containers for candles.

    Howdy and welcome to the board :)

    As in container candles... do you mean pouring the wax into it and leaving it? Burning the candle inside the gourd? If so, I would highly NOT recommend it. I may be way off base here, but it seems like the gourd would be flammable. There's been a lot of discussions lately on flammable shells candles and recalls of some because of the fire hazard. Some examples are coconut shells and tree bark. I would think a gourd would fall into this category :eek: I'm sure some one will jump in and correct me if I'm wrong ;)

    Now having said that... if you're talking about using them for molds like Martha, that would be interesting. Though with gourds being harder, not sure how you would get it out. I guess that depends on how hard they are fresh and I have no idea there...lol. If you try it, post a pic :)

  4. How cool! I wonder if you could some how put messages in them (like a real fortune cookie)? If so, those would be an awesome way to promote a discount or sale.

    That's just what I was thinking! Maybe some type of thin plastic sheeting you could print on that the water wouldn't hurt. Then while they're relaxing in the bath, they can read their fortune ;)

    You did a terrific job on those! :)

  5. Someone was telling me I can swirl with a small hand mixer to make swirls like stirring paint from another board is that true?

    I'm not sure I'm reading this right, but ....probably not.

    You can use a mixer to "whip" the wax, like to make crumb topping for desserts or whip cream kind of thing. But you don't normally want to whip air all through the candle. If you're wanting a marble look try this...


    And if I've completely misunderstood... just ignore me :D

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