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Posts posted by SatinDucky

  1. Alot of people have used craft store wax at some point. Some like it, some dont'. Either way, it costs an arm and leg, but will do in a pinch. There are alot of good suppliers, one key is finding one close to you to keep shipping costs on wax down. This board is sponsored by Peaks and has great stuff and the most excellent service. Their FO's are the best quality available, IMO. You might want to browse through the archives of the old board. It has a wealth of valuable info. You can also find the link in the drop down box on the bottom left of this site, Access the Archives ;)


    Oh yeah, Welcome to the board :)

  2. I made several 3" by 3/4" thick discs of wax, colored appropriately. Drilled out with my hole saw drill bit to make rings. Then I took my hand coping saw and cut each ring at an angle in two places, trimmed the angled parts to fit together as close as possible, then set them in the mold. Poured the filler wax in and crossed my fingers!

    Bet that was a lot faster than using cookie cutters! LOL

  3. You basically got it! Personally, I really think you'll need wickpins because it'll be hard to keep a wick in place and straight. Or as an alternative just for experimenting, you can make it solid and use a drill bit to make the hole afterwards. I've done that before too. Just twist the bit with my fingers, not using a drill...lol. as for how long to zap the mold, you'll have to just try it and see. It will vary depending on how hot your heat gun is, how solid the wax gets, etc. Time to experiment ;)

  4. I don't use blocks, but do mix some of my own colors and make chips with it. I use about 2oz wax and add enough dye to get the color I want but greatly increased. Then pour it in little mint patty candy molds (some use jelly bean molds). With blocks you could do similar. Melt a block in a couple oz plain paraffin wax, but record what size block and how much wax. Then pour it in a small easy to use shape mold. Each piece should give you the same results, or at least very close. And now that I've thoroughly confused you, let me say, I do prefer liquid ;)

  5. Actually, I do both. Of course, my pins do fit inside my round ones. ;) If I'm using my 9", I can't get the candle out unless the pin is inside so I have something to pull on...lol. Either way, you'll still have to putty the hole. When I thread it through, I do like the others. I use a good size "ring" of putty and it hold the mold pretty good if you don't knock it around. I just give it a little straightening when I'm done pouring and let it sit.

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