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Everything posted by blazerina

  1. Lol... Cuz 'Mommy' asked if I could make/get mint candy embeds....and i'm super stubborn. :rolleyes2 And we always want to please 'Mommy' right?:rolleyes2 My mind is suddenly starting to turn though... She just wants it to be Christmas-y and she thought the candy & peppermint Fo combo was SOOOOO clever, lol. What if i could find Christmas shaped bath confetti, huh? huh? Eh? <wink> :whistle: Thanks for the input!
  2. Oh great, Scented you have me in a gutter over here! Not hard to do though, lol. Also, the Monkey Farts suggestion brought to mind 'Cowboy Farts' Whut? They do yanno! And it probably smells like Leather, Denim, horse butt, and BBQ :tiptoe: I'm jus sayin'
  3. Well.. I felt generous and slightly bored, lol, so I did a bit of research for you. Things I learned... Bayberry wax is about $15 for ONE POUND. (takes 8-15 lbs of berries to make that pound of wax) It does have a definite smell but not an actual 'berry' smell. It's described as 'earthy'. The wax is naturally green Beeswax is often added to a bayberry wax candle to improve performance Bayberry wax is a known skin irritant - it will require careful handling I did see one site selling them in pillar style claiming to be %100 pure BBWax, but a supplier of the wax stated that they were not for anything else but tapers due to their burning characteristics. That could very well be a matter of the bbwax that IS in the candle is pure... but the rest is beeswax. Marketing gimmick kind of thing-if that makes sense? Percentages of 80 bbw/ 20 bw were spoken of on an 'about bbw candles' site.I would recommend perfecting basic candle making and THEN if you really want to work with BBWax -it will be much more affordable once you have more knowledge under your belt in general. Melt point is a specific character that just about anything has- it is the temperature in which your wax has to get heated up to in order to melt. Pour temp, is the recommended temperature to actually pour your wax into the mold depending on the desired affect. A candles surface will be different from another candle made of the same batch of wax if the POUR temp is decently different. If you look in the Candle Gallery you will see examples of this galore! So melt point or melting temp- is inherant to the wax... it's how hot it has to get to melt. Pour temp is the temperatue you have heated the wax to, or let it cool back down to in which you then pour into the mold. It is the general consensus around here that just about ANYTHING put into the wax of a candle that will then have a flame added to it, is flamable and not a good idea AT ALL. If you really like this idea though you can look into forever candles/canes/orbs/ etc. This is where the outside of the candle is a harder higher melt point wax and is either wicked so that only the softer lower melt point wax inside actually melts, or it is hollowed out and not wicked at all- but instead you place a tea light or votive inside this shell. That is as close as a description I can give you since I don't make them. You definitely have a good base of knowledge far as EO's and that's a great advantage. Hopefully you can work it all out -hobby or business. Good luck.:smiley2:
  4. I have to agree with on the jar. To me, a label on the lid and a label on the jar is the difference between an official product ready for retail and a home hobbiest. Lots of people put them on the lids, though. It looks fine. But just first impression wise I personally like it on the jar. And of course, sometimes it's just not feasable to do it on the jar as soulm8 mentioned. In some labeling styles, it might add work/cost, but sometimes putting the scent info or just your business logo, tag line etc, on the lid is SUPER nice IMO.:smiley2:
  5. Well now that just sucks, lol. Anybody else have any ideas? How outrageous would it be to use real candy bits? ( we use sugar scrubs... it's just sugar right? Lmbo.. yes i'm desperate here!)
  6. Im really not sure, but I think honey would turn grainy at some point- as it tries to naturally. Doesn't go bad really, just not a desired side effect. BUT- there is probably a way to 'temper' it perhaps to prevent this just as you do sometimes have to do for Shea. Again, not sure... just something to look deeper into before trying. And I think you CAN use the 76 CO, but it will not be all that stable far as standing up to heat. If someone puts it in their hot little pocket it will melt easily. MAYBE though, subbing out a harder butter/wax for some of the other oil amts will balance that out. Not sure. Just thought I'd toss some confusion into the ring, Lol. J/k. Just stuff to consider. If you are anxious to try and don't have exactly what you should, your subs 'should' be workable. I'm the kind of person who says Dont tell me why it's not a good idea, just tell me if it is POSSIBLE. From there I will fix or change the recipie as needed accordingly. Because when I get a hair up there, and I WANT to do something, I'm going to try to do it. And when it doesn't work so well, THEN I will make a mental note, lol, and report back.:rolleyes2
  7. Wow, there is no better name for that last candle than Witchypoo! It looks sooooooooooooooo magical and stardusty, and wizard-y and mysterious all at the same time. Man... I love that candle! Ok- since I don't make candles, forgive my ignorance and please don't be offended by my asking... but I'm guessing that you did in fact TRY for that look right? I'm speaking of the snowflake-y on the bottom and the smoother smoke-y liquid-y look on top. That is just too cool. I'm mesmerized.
  8. Ok, I did a search and came up with only classies and wax embed info. My Mom has asked me if I could make some M&P soaps with the Starlight Mint type embeds (red & white disks) She wants it scented in peppermint candy FO and with water soluble paper that says her friends business name... Anyhoo- my question is- does anyone know of a place to order such a thing as these embeds? I sure as heck am not going to do any embed striping of my own, lol. I'm sure I will be having enough fits as it is with the WS paper, lol. Thanks for any info!
  9. Wouldn't that be an awsome name for a citrus or mint fragrance?!!:highfive: Scented!
  10. It 'WAS' free shipping when the thread first started, lol.. and has since changed. I keep seeing this thread pop up at the top and getting a bit excited even though I know better. I am particularly interested in your review of Autumn Leaves. So far, anything Autumn and Leaves has been my favorite overall of any fo's.
  11. Late Night-Why... thankee kindly pardner! Lmaoo... Tereasa has my kind of humor... I like Buckle Bunny, lmbooo... and Miss Kitty is a really good one too.
  12. If you have a real strong and fast thrower, call it 8 Seconds, lol. Then theres.... Dusty Chaps Dusty Rose Prarie Wind Prarie Grove (for citrus or apple scent) Praire Fields (lemongrass?) You could do a line of 'Western Lawmen' Either give them actual names or just titles... Deputy, New Sheriff in Town, Marshall, Constable, Chief, Ranger, Posse etc There's always Leather & Lace High Noon Sundown Painted Pony Hayride Lust in the Loft (lmbooo) Roll in the Hay Barn Baby Six Shooter Scarlett Tumbleweed (lemongrass??? or hayride) Greybeard This one is too much fun, lol.
  13. In fact, most all EO's are dangerous to use on your skin. Many are for inhaling, or bathing, wash off products, and generally adding to things because there are many volatile/active oils in them. You could make fragrance oil from eo's and a carrier, but this is an expensive and very limited way to go generally. As Sioux and Chris mentioned 'natural' in NO WAY means 'non allergenic'. That's crazy. Perhaps he thinks or meant because he uses a non-not source of carrier oil they are safe for that common allergy in general. I'd be asking him to state his resources of his research and 'lab test' results. :rolleyes2 Then ask if his insurance has claimed to stand by him on the matter. Ok... I'll stop. :rolleyes2
  14. Aww... c'mon now Sliver did you just go make that site real quick? JUST KIDDING! I guess one can hope she plans on staying small time and has no interest in the internet business side of things. And then again...I guess if you want something bad enough you deal with the possible consequences. She can always add something to the online addy to differentiate it. And who knows... she might suddenly get very popular;)
  15. Not sure about the poly wotsit situation... but try My Girlfriends House.com (something like that) for a ton of cello bags in all styles and sizes. I'm sure if you ask they will be able to tell you the 'polywotsit'
  16. Running with the 'A' concept mentioned by KandleKrazy... A Country Lane A Country Girl's Way Crafty County Girl (Gifts) Country Girl Treats A Country Girls Treasure Country Girls' Treasures Country Girl Caboodles (caboodle meaning -Lot, group or bunch, collection) Country Girl Home Collection A Country Home Hometown Girl Creations
  17. <~~~~ I'm sorry, I'm just over here lmao at that boobie endowed banana of Billyne's. Good one.
  18. I wanna pretend to *gag* as well, but I can't deny the tears. Seriously sweet. What a guy. :highfive: And I guess I've also finally figured out that Scented and Rocking are ... well if not married - then some how very significant to eachother? Lol. :embarasse Yes, I'm out of the loop and proud of it cuz I'm generally not nosey, lol. And Scented... while it is a true blessing to have someone like Rockin support you and what you do and love... you are truly a dear for taking the time to put the word out how much you appreciate and approve of his help and acheivements. More wives should toot their mans horn. And with that... i'm outta here...:tiptoe:
  19. I hate to throw a monkey wrench in the pit, but I like Country Girl Creations. Then your daughter can have her 'line' of products as the 'Country Kids' line, and it would all tie in. It wouldn't have to be a permament part of the Biz either- just like a seasonal line that comes and goes, etc...but you can claim it if you like assuming it's not taken. When thinking of a business name I often think about the initials and how they roll off the tongue. Let's assume you get really big and popular...people will sometimes abbreviate or initialize your business name when referring to it. (as you see done here a lot... and I have the hardest time with places like RA/ whatever, lol... see I can't even remember:rolleyes2 )Also, for those times when your business name just won't fit on the packaging, etc... CGC looks good, and is easy to say and remember. Just one of those little things that are good to think about because when you are stuck with something for the long run, it can drive you nuts if you aren't happy with it.
  20. Yep, that's what I noticed too. Great prices on Jars and those bottles though! Definitely will probably order from them ...some day, lol.
  21. Thanks for sharing... that's an interesting site. Have you ordered from them before? I'm curious about their shipping since I couldn't find any info about it on the site. Also, is it just me or are those oils for incense only? And I'm assuming that means they are cut with DPG.
  22. Are you saying that you don't like them strong? That's contrary to what most people want out of a tart. Or are you worried somehow about strength = too much FO? I think that as long as you follow the recommendations for your wax, it doesn't matter how effective the oil is, it's still only that amt of oil. If that makes any sense. Sometimes when an fragrance oil goes 'bad' it will 'turn' as opposed to just loosing it's scent or becoming weaker. Often this results in a fermented/vinegar/wine type smell depending on the ingredients of the oil. Could that be what you are noticing? When poured and burned it will add a different character to the scent and you might not really notice it as 'bad'... just different, more pungent, etc. But it's all about how the tart smells in the end right? Unless 'Strong' means bad, I don't think i'd remelt and add wax. Hopefully she isn't in a hurry for them and you can let them cure for at least a few days to get a truer sense of what they will smell like when melted. Good luck.
  23. Thanks, it's one of my all time faves. And I'm an OPTIMIST...truly!
  24. Ok, i'll just toss some out there... it will be up to you to make sure you aren't stepping on any toes in case they are used already. I have browsed so many sites and heard and seen so many fragrance and company names that I'm completely clueless as to what belongs to who anymore! I do think you will eventually wish you had put some long hard thought into choosing a business name, but just for now... here are some ideas... Fragrant Indulgences (seems familiar to me, might be used already) Nifty & Sniffy Teddy Bear's Treats Sniffy Bear Treats ( im so very un-country- so BEAR with me ) Family Tree Gifts or Apple Tree Gifts Treasure Lane Scents & Gifts Treasure Lane Creations (TLC) Cottage Creations That's all I got. Maybe this will help start the creative juices flowing. Let us know how your show goes. Good luck.
  25. For the Roll On... I would use Aloe Vera Gel, and lip and eye safe glitter (since it will inevitably end up on someones fingers and then in their eyes- and would probably work better in a roll on) . I think it stays on the skin better too since it is a smaller size. Should be able to lightly fragrance it with skin safe FO or eo's with no issues. Or try SAO... just like you were to make a massage oil - only add glitter and put it in a roll on bottle.
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