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Everything posted by Denise2456

  1. omg!!! they are beautiful. awesome job!!
  2. they look so real. thanks for sharing the pic.
  3. Looks like you are having a good time rebatching soap. They look great. Happy Soapmaking.
  4. Ditto what everyone else said. They really did turn out Beautiful.
  5. you can also use different shape ice molds usually found at IKEA and Dollar Stores.
  6. Congrats on your first batch of soap. I see many more in your future.
  7. Didn't Bittercreek South also buy out Sissie's Candle Supply in Tx?
  8. Oh yea that is really pretty. I bet it smells awesome. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  9. Looks like you had a nice weekend. Very pretty soap pics.
  10. I like them all but my favorite is the rose.
  11. Oh yes they do look Fabulous! That is a very good swirl too.
  12. That is too cute. Very nice label.
  13. That looks like something to eat. But I dont have a problem with slathering it on my body.
  14. I am really liking the cut pics. That's a nice swirl.
  15. Oh yes, you have been really busy. Beautiful Soaps
  16. That looks like a scrumptious desert. Very Pretty.
  17. Those are so kool!! I really like the color too.
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