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Everything posted by Kymber

  1. Yep we use both of those sizes and also a 1.5x1.5 square which i think is the smallest we use. Have no issues at all. Hopefully the next one they send you is perfect and you have no issues with it....they really are a great printer!
  2. WOW! I have the 400 and I love it!! I print every size label known to man I think with no problems. I initially had problems but it was only because I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I have run over 30,000 labels through mine and I have had it for a little over a year.
  3. I soap on the warm side as my tallow recipe does this every single time if I let everything get to room temp.
  4. I don't remember ever smelling the Dragons Blood...I just know I love the Egyptian Dragon. No clue if they smell anything alike...LOL
  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!!!
  6. I use Aquatech for our high end resort account. They love it!
  7. Another vote for BCN Spiced Cranberry....have tried many and this is still the best!
  8. That is an awesome buy. Someone else had posted that they found the same thing.....but expiration date was Oct 2008?
  9. I have had mine for several months. They both were custom molds. I ordered them back when they were fairly new and had NO problems whatsoever. They took about 2 weeks to make and another week to get to me. At that time they were very quick at answering emails. I did recently (in the past couple months) request another quote as I wanted 2 more molds....the molds were still about the same price but the wooden boxes were higher then before. I know they ran into some major problems when the guy who made their boxes got sick and that put them way behind. The silicone molds themselves are awesome and are top notch quality. I have read where one person is having problems with their soap sticking. Mine comes out slicker then a whistle every single time.....have never had an issue.
  10. Mandi is beyond awesome!! You will love working with her!
  11. Awwwww sorry about your dog! I have one that is 13 and I am pretty sure she won't make it through this winter (lots of issues)...even tho she is a big house baby. They become so much a part of the family....just like one of your babies. Soap is lovely!
  12. I really really like that!! Extremely creative!
  13. I have the Holly Jolly, Ultimate Christmas, Ethiopian Myhrr and I think 3-4 other Chistmas Scents coming in on Tuesday.
  14. Nope I use it straight and sell a ton of it! Awesome in CP soap but have never tried it in candles. I bet it would be very nice mixed too.
  15. I know I have seen an actual Indian Fry Bread FO but for the life of me can't remember where. We eat ours with honey drizzled on the top while it is still hot. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!! Damn...now I am going to have to make Indian Fry Bread (to eat!)....LOL
  16. I have the FCS B&B mold and cutters also..........but everyone thinks they are too small. What you might want to do is go to FCS website and get the dimensions of the B&B bars and cut a bar to that size so you have that size to also show them and offer. The SS guest bar boxes are very cute!
  17. I just poured WSP Fresh Baked Bread this morning and my entire house smells like I am baking bread right now. This one is stellar and so true!!! Can't wait to test burn it! I am praying it is just as good as what I got pouring it!
  18. I would definately go private label for them (they love private label). I have a resort that uses my soaps, lotions and special baskets of body butters, sprays, and so on. We use 1/2 bars of soap for them. Looks like a full size only half as thick. We shrink wrap them with the soap bands from MMS and put thier private label we designed for them on each one. We also supply them with full size bars. They order 1 oz, 2oz and 4oz lotions also. They have complete lodges you can rent.....4-5 bedrooms with 4-5 bathrooms. We do 32oz pumpable shower gels for every shower and foamer soaps at every sink. We use 2 different signature scents for them (one is very feminine and the other unisex). Every shower and bath is stocked with our products and then there are gift baskets of our high end products in every bathroom. Since it is Private Label all the labels say......Made Exclusively for__________ by (our contact info) I would try working with them on a signature scent.....something that is unisex.
  19. Mandarin Basil Lime is TDF!! I love that one! As far as the Christmas one's.........I have been eyeballing all of them and can't decide! And now they are on sale until tomorrow night........so will HAVE to buy some!
  20. Check the co-op section...Elitenaildesigns just did a co-op on them and there should be a link for the company that she ordered from.
  21. To me a 2oz would barely be a one time use. Personally with a sugar scrub I would use an 8oz as the smallest option.
  22. Love your soap! I love black and white....my black oxide gives me some gray bubbles...LOL
  23. I suck at describing scents...but there is a lot of difference. I talked to Kelly today and the reason Tranquil Spa was pulled is because the price went through the roof so they will not be ordering it back in until the price comes down to earth.
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