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Everything posted by pamperme

  1. Yuck..thanks for the heads up...going to make a few next week so I will have time to see what they do before I put them in my booth.
  2. I use plain white..they have packs of 250 sheets at walmart for like $4..Office Max will have tons of color choices if you are looking for off white. For hang tags I actually use biz card paper..you can get 1000 cards for $11 at office max..near the fancy paper for weddings and invitations and stuff..at least that is where they keep it at our store.:undecided
  3. I do peppermint soaps with the snowflake mold from WSP with glitter sprinkled in the bottom before I pour and also mixed into the soap..just using a white soap base..no color. however, I think this year having my booth I will add a scent or two as well.. not sure which ones yet..but I am looking for a frosty look..so maybe a pale pale pink with pink sugar..and a pale pale green with eucalyptus..dunna yet. Love the spice idea though..since I am going to some logs and cut them with my wavy cutter that might be a thought..for the holiday spicy scents..mmm..can almost smell gingerbread
  4. I don't think that would be as bad as BURNT FLESH!!!! WHAT?
  5. ooohh..did you see the Spiced Mesquite Chili FO...ooh bet that one will burn the nose hairs. Dusty Mexican Morning sounds good. I love their site format..to cute!
  6. I have it and am yet to pour it..I think it smells great..oob..I am thinking that might be a good holiday scent..being red and all. ..goning to pour it next week when my jars come in..as far as smelling like birthday cake..it does smell like cake but with more to it..not sure what..but it smells better than just cake
  7. I agree..OH how awful...I love Nascar..but I have to draw the line at burt rubber smell. Sorry but I would say no to a request to pour that one..wonder how long it would take to get that smell out of your house.
  8. I agree they have great customer service and I tested out some tea lights with the two samples of wax he sent me..but I made some votives with the votive blend he sent and country pine FO..and they came out horrible..would not stay lit for nothing. :undecided ..tea lights worked great though. That mossberry sounds wonderful!
  9. try Aurora..not sure if they have a website but I have a catalog at home.
  10. NICE!!!!!! What a great hubby you got! ..I am still trying to get that darn soap mold cut..I even measured the boards out..and marked it..lol..but that is ok...he has been working hard...I might have to learn to use the circular saw myself.
  11. lol...well at least you did not put bath & body dye in your soy melts like I did the other day.
  12. hmmmm...don't know..I use the pipettes and I uped it to 1.5ML(I think 45 drops equals 1ML) per batch(for some lighter scents)..so if you have something with ML's on it.. You gotta get yourself some droppers. I could not live without mine.
  13. If you wanted to add salts to them..you could probably color the salts a dark color and then add them to the milk bath..that might work.
  14. Yep there are alot..I was just wondering if it was the exact recipe..it can be altered to preference but you know I guess it would not matter anyway..there are such few ingredients and in almost equal parts that it would be easy to duplicate on a whim. ..I could see if it was a soap recipe or a very involved lotion recipe..but hey glad you are all enjoying it..I enjoy making it alot and using it. I think I might play around more with the milk salts..I have done up a few batches in the past with herbs in them..but you know those are pain to get out of the tub..need something added for a new twist..maybe milk/salts and citric acid so they fizz ...hmmm...got my mind a rolling now. I actually just got confirmation from a website called Better Budgeting..that is publishing my recipe for there frugal craft section..and they are paying me to publish it...it is only like $20 but hey that is 10# of citric acid or a bottle of Fo.. Hey what about powdered bath & body dyes..I have not tried those..as I prefer the liquids..but those of you that are more familiar with them..do you think those would work to color them?
  15. THE SAME RECIPE??????? Ummm..that is my recipe I played around with early last year..where is it at? Interesting! As for coloring ...I tried to color it before and it did not come out well..the only thing I was able to color was the chocolate with some cocoa powder.
  16. Great! Thanks for posting this!!! ..I have been looking for these types of forms as well.
  17. yeah ..you can get the plain white or kraft cub bags with handles on there for like $.22 each..and then add your label..I also use the size that you use for lunch bags as well..for smaller items.
  18. ummm...that does not sound right to me..my biz insurance is $583 a year...you might want to make sure he covered everything. ..and I would up it to $1,000,000
  19. Awsome..thanks for sharing..and good read! Oh...and you should be one of those people who write the description for catalogs...kinda like on the Seinfield episode.
  20. yep...I LOVE IT!...NG White Tea/Keystone Lilac 3 to 1 mix...give it a whirl..I have been wearing it like everyday..he he. gonna try mixing it with jasmine and a few other ones as well..you know those kick butt so strong you cant stand them scents..the white tea seems to tone them down nicely
  21. Since I also sell bath salts it does not make sense for me to add them to my milk bath..I wanted to totally separate products..that do to totally different things. But if you want to just sell one product..yeah I say try the salts in there..just adds more benefits to what you are soaking in.
  22. I think I am going to mix me up some of my own..to try out this year country pine with some peppermint coutnry pine with some mac apple..and maybe some cinnamon chocolate with some candy cane Think I am going to play around with those this weekend.
  23. Mac apple is my favorite apple scent..and Peaks is great. Gingerbread Spiced Sugar Plum Spiked Egg Nog Sugar Cookie Christmas Splendor Pumpkin Fudge any apple scent Candy Cane(ie; buttermint candy) vanilla Country Pine Mullberry or Cranberry scent
  24. You can also add a bit of cocoa powder to it..and scent it chocolate. I made some strawberry last night and yum I wanted to mix it in some water or milk and drink it. Those milk bottles are great..I think later I am going to switch over to those..once I see how things in my booth at the Market go. I love this recipe..my skin is soooo soft when I get out of the water.
  25. ooo..I love Wellington Hill...sounds very upscale
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