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Everything posted by ashncandles

  1. Very pretty! Love the bow! Love the colors!
  2. Those are gorgeous! You look like you keep busy lol
  3. Look very good! Yeah we don't have a Michaels here anymore either.. not sure why they closed. It was sudden and silent thing.
  4. Wow those look great! Like some real beers! And I think the foam actually DOES look realistic!
  5. I'm looking to try some lemon scents.. I've heard London Lemon Curd is pretty good but I dont know who sells that one.. Any suggestions?
  6. Oh that definatly sounds conveniant! Do they have anything similar for candles?
  7. What does this program do for you guys? Do they have anything similar for candlemakers?
  8. Oh man that sucks. I've had that problem with sealing my mold and the wax STILL leaks everywhere... big BLUE mess lol Sorry it was a bad day for ya
  9. Awww he's adorable. I wouldn't be able to sell him either!
  10. Oh I love those!! What will the wrappers do tho when you burn the candle? Or they're just for decor? They're so pretty I'd probably never light them anyway!
  11. Looks very good! I agree on the capatilizing of Sage too. Love the color too!
  12. That looks very good! I need to figure out how to make those...
  13. Very nice! Look just like toasted Marshmellows!
  14. One of my pillars did that. I poked relief holes in the one after it and I didn't have that issue.
  15. 3 Avacado chips and 1 black will make grey... a lesson I learned since I wanted DARK GREEN lol
  16. Those are beautiful! I wanna try it now too!
  17. For those of you that use GL 70/30.. My first contact with Gl 70/30 was with batch 6. I'd heard that there were some issues with 4? Opinions please? TIA
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