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Everything posted by snow

  1. Whenever my presto spigots got blocked up I heat gunned them until it broke lose, it might help but dont know for sure. Give it a try!
  2. Those are awesome candles as usual! You need to be famous, not just here on CT, your great! Love your work as you well know.
  3. I am burning the glass glow in my salsa 8 oz jar and it is tunneling too. Wonder what is causing that, maybe we need to poke holes and re-pour. I'm making another pillar now, the pillar burned better than the jars so far. We will get it right sooner or later, most likely later...
  4. Dont know if this will work or not, and this is my very first attempt at making one of these and boy do I need practice. It's almost hideous.
  5. well I'm done with it and its part good and part bad, if I knew how to post a pic I would so you could tell me what I did wrong. I'm going to try to send you a pic to your e mail.....practice makes perfect and I need plenty of practice with these babies! But thats what its all about!
  6. Mine is tunneling also, with the 9 oz jar and the 12 wick. But I started it last night and it seems to be catching up now somewhat. But it smells great. I'm gonna try my other jars. Hope they do better.
  7. My 9 oz with a 12 wick is burning now, moon lake musk...great throw. But its burning a bit strange. The melt pool is not even but the flame is good. It seems to be catching up with itself. It had like almost a layered look to the melt pool, hard to explain. Its been going for about 3 hrs now. But I had trouble with that jar b4, with J50. I have another one to test in my 8 oz salsa jar. My pillar that I tested a few days ago was going great and then staarted leaking down the side. I t was a 3" and I used the 14 wick. Gonna try another one. My crystalization is good in containers. I dried them on a rack also. They are sure pretty to look at. Keep us posted and I will too!
  8. Donita...I put the grass on and now I'm ready to dip into 4045 or 5055 (dyed blue) which one to use? Dip in to the presto or say like a coffee can? HELP ME...:undecided
  9. What type of hurricanes are you planning on doing? Make sure you have enough lead weights, and you don't really need the hold a mold. I bought 3 weights and I should of had more and I don't use the hold a mold for my canes. You can use about 4 paper towels (wet) to put the mold into the water bath. HTH...Dee
  10. Has anyone tried to make one of these? I need to know if when your almost finished if you dip it into the 5055 once again, anyone know? TIA
  11. Let me or us know how the 12 did in the 3". I used a 3" also, like I said the 14 did really good. But I want to try the 12 today too. I couldn't believe the scent throw. And no cure time at all because I couldn't wait, I think I'll put my order in today for the container palm. Cant wait for that either. I checked your pics in the gallary, beautiful! I don't know how to post a pic, they are always to big.
  12. Tried a sample of this scent from CS, its awesome! Might be my new fav.
  13. simply beautiful! I made two pillars with the feather and starburst yesterday. Tested the starburst, scented cremem brulee and it was awesome! Burned fairly well too, using the CSN 14 wick. Gonna make some more today and of course now I have to order the container palm. Have fun!
  14. I got my palm wax yesterday and made 2 pillars, one starburst, one feather. They turned out really nice! The starburst I did as a regular pillar and wicked with CSN 14, the feather I tried an everlasting. The starburst was scented creme brulee and had a fantastic throw, hot & cold. To my surprise it burned rather nicely. I tested it at work last night. Great throw and hardly no side walls, know what I mean? It was easy to work with also. Now I want the container palm, like now! I will be ordering it, especially if you say it was also easy and beautiful! I'll be making some more pillars today. Its great!
  15. I personally, didn't care for Moon Lake Musk but....everyone else seemed to LOVE it, so of course I got a big bottle. I was surprised but thats how it seems to go.
  16. Most of the samples I got....everyone loved. Favorites were Moon Lake Musk, Cranberry Marm. and Banana Nut Bread. I got another sample yesterday.....Wildberry Mousse. OOB it is AWESOME! Gonna try it in wax this week end. It might be a new favorite of mine. I didn't care for Med. Fig and Chardonnay was great OOB but didn't seem very strong to me as HT. Apple Jack & Peel was great and had a great HT.
  17. I just received my order of starburst and feather and I want to try a pillar. I also got the wicks. Do you make these as you would any other pillar? Melt using double boiler method and pour at 185-195 (it said on CS site) I'm gonna try it with one of there suggested wicks. Heat the mold and cool very slowly. Thats the info I got from doing a search here. Does anyone have any suggestions? Can't wait to see how they turn out! Wish me luck....Dee
  18. Anyone having trouble with this site? I've tried 3 times today to make an order and I can't get in there. Hope its not just me.....I'm off to try again!
  19. Can you use this wax to make a pillar candle? I've only used it for canes, has anyone used it for anything else? TIA
  20. Do most of you do Lilly of the Valley in white? (no color) or a pastel. Just curious!
  21. I just tried this today, someone here said it a while back. Let wax cool and whip it and then put it in a baggie and cut the corner. You can get a nice look that way! It works great.
  22. I did it! Got the egg out and it looks pretty good. I did poke holes and did a re-pour but didn't test burn yet. Whats the best wax to use for silicone molds, I need to get some more wax, mainly all I have is J50 and Astor V. The pillar wax was just one slab sample. Any suggestions?
  23. Ok, I poured the first egg with a piller wax, OK6228. Will I have to poke relief holes and do a second pour? I've never used a silicone mold, so please help!:embarasse
  24. I got an easter egg mold and want to know...I'm planning on using astroV wax and Z wicks, does that sound ok? It's 21/2 diameter x 3" tall. I also have some pillar wax, any suggestions? Thhis is my first attempt at this mold. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated, thanks so much!
  25. My very first photo cane I did by the instructions on the left here on this site. But I had some problems got help from the experts here...DONITA! She's a life saver. Hopefully she will help you out some. But try one following these instructions. And don't be scared, lol. Don't remove it from the mold to soon either. Good luck
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