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Candle Makin Momma

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Everything posted by Candle Makin Momma

  1. WHat do you use to stick the wick to your jars? Try letting your wax cool until you get a film on the top. This will help with the wick and will also make a better candle. What temp do you at your FO?
  2. I am not sure what you mean by letting the wax cool with the FO. I add my scent at 180 or so, then let it cool until the wax is slushy, then I pour it into the container.
  3. I have voodoo love from bcn, but can't find a coffee that works goodin soy
  4. But I have a Rose candle going and I just made coffee. The scent in my kitchen is awesome!! If I mixed these two FO's together, what would I call it? And would anyone buy it?
  5. Burberry for Men from Tony's is manly! And my dad loves Cinnamon scents
  6. I love the Ornies, but I can't handle the smoke they give off in the oven
  7. Yep that's just about right. For me to order jelly jars from BCN to FLorida, it is almost the same amount for shipping as it is for the jars.
  8. I recommend Bitter Creek for FO's. They are awesome, have a huge selection and a good portion of them work great in soy.
  9. Yep that's frosting. But it is not too bad. I started out with the hex jar too
  10. The second and third pics look really good!! Frosting is what is on the bottom of the jars in the second pic. I am not sure what to call the first pic though!
  11. Do people know that they are selling to members of this group upfront? I would tell them to screw it. They would not be getting free stuff from me. A bunch of bitter losers on a message board are not going to ruin anyone's business.
  12. If I can't get a decent hot throw after 6-7 days, I scrap it.
  13. I get an awesome throw with soy. SOmetimes too strong at 1 oz pp, so I have to back it down.
  14. I use a wisk. I love it. It really incorporates the oil into the wax. I just don't go stir crazy as the wax gets slushy. Then there are no bubbles
  15. So if you throw a whole candle in there, it is fine? I didn't know that
  16. How do you microwave with the wick tab being metal?
  17. target has them in their $1/$2.50 section. 3 for $2.50
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