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Everything posted by Accents

  1. So many things affect soy. Temps pouring, speed of pouring, room temp, speed of cooling, etc. Can you tell us a little more, when you added FO, how much FO, and pouring temp? By a rough top, is it flat but looks like little air holes all over, or is it a larger roughness like cauliflower? I've never heard of a C-4, though. Is Cargill making a new wax, or was that a typ-o?
  2. They're not wanting to use it as one of those lotion candles, are they? You could try vegetable shortening; it doesn't look real pretty, but it's still veggie. My c-3 candles are kind of soft in warmer weather already. Is there a reason they want it that soft?
  3. What did you do to make it difficult? I've only done layers a couple of times, but I just mix up wax for the first layer, then mix up the second one when the first is set and pour it over a little hotter than the first.
  4. That's too cute! You could put it in a frame and set it up at shows and parties.
  5. Mtngrl, you mean like a corner that doesn't go all the way back? My risers go back to the corner, maybe a wedge-shaped riser to make the turn? I thought I knew what you meant, but I'm having a hard time picturing it. What does everyone think about corners?
  6. mizb, I've got pics in the candle gallery. There are some others in there too. I haven't done enough shows to say what seems to be best for me yet. The show I posted pics of had plenty of people coming in, though.
  7. Very pretty, so nice and smooth looking. The leaves are nice too!
  8. I did okay. Was hoping to do better, but I'm still fairly new at this. Not to mention the weather was iffy all day. Did about 2.5 times my booth fee, sold mostly votives and melts.
  9. Glad your show went okay. Seems they like to buy the little stuff. Interesting the things I heard about candles at my show this weekend, too. Someone would show their friend or family member one of my candles and say "these are the kind that...." Mine are soy, and I'm not sure exactly what they were saying so I couldn't correct them, but I don't want people to think my candles never soot just because they're soy. I can make them soot.
  10. She was thinking of trading it for the Citrus Linen from JS. Anyone know if that has a fuel smell? Would the peppermint EO have a fuel smell too? I have some but haven't played with it yet.
  11. That's wonderful news! You're going to be very busy!
  12. Just got a call from a customer tonight who says my peppermint candle smells like the oil from an oil lantern. I never noticed that with my testing. Could it be different noses? I use BCN's peppermint. She's bringing it over tomorrow to trade for a different scent. Is this just one of those that some people detect a fuel smell? Do I have to train my nose or something to smell these things myself? :undecided
  13. Not sure UV inhibitor helps much with frosting, but it's a good thing to use anyway. I have candles that don't show frost for a week or so, then there it is. It's getting cooler in IL now, that doesn't help the frost issue any either.
  14. Well now, Marika, that would draw some attention....
  15. Might just have to get my husband busy on more risers, then. Glad you all like the colors; I just feel like so much of it is brown. Just how many shades of brown can a person make? blech! Now, to change the fabric or the canopy cover? hmmm.... Actually if I use more risers, I'll need more fabric to cover them (they're not very pretty under there).
  16. I can only speak for my provider, but I paid one year to have my domain name and then I'm charged monthly for the space. Some e-mail services include a little free personal space you might want to try first. I was going to do that, even made a little site, but it was a long drawn-out address that I didn't want to ask people to type in. I don't know what it would be like transferring your domain address, but since you would own it, I don't imagine switching would be a problem.
  17. I've got gift baskets and reed diffusers in the cubes. Didn't even notice the color clash, yuck. Have some blue fabric too, but it doesn't cover the tables as well (these don't do a great job covering it either). thanks for the kind words!
  18. Here's the pictures from my show Sunday. What do you think? [ATTACH]8358[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8359[/ATTACH]
  19. Very nice! I wouldn't change a thing! If you're going to be on a corner, I think leaving it that way is best. If you turned it in, people might just cut through and not give it much notice. The outdoor show I did this weekend, people liked coming in because my tent gave them a little shade. I still had one table and a display that went at the front and people walking by would pick up a candle sitting on the corner and smell it. Mine's not nearly as pretty as yours, though.
  20. I don't use anything yet, but they make heavy disks that slip onto the legs of your tent. I saw someone today who had weights that looked like pvc pipe that was sealed at the ends and filled with something. They hung alongside the legs and didn't even touch the ground, almost blended in.
  21. Welcome, Brandy! Check out the thread at the beginning of the business section about setting up for craft shows. Also look in the galleries for people posting their show pictures. Hope it goes well for you!
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