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Common Scents

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Everything posted by Common Scents

  1. I think thats the one I saw!!! When our taxes come back I am going to go ahead and get it! Does it work with bar codes that you make yourself? That was my main concearn with it.
  2. I'M COMING!!!! I will be driving up Friday morning with my friend Lauren. She doesn't make candles but she said she would come keep me company so I'm gonna pay for her registration fee This is only 6 hours away from me so I couldn't say no!!! Gonna make my room reservation today and then pay for the registration in the next two weeks or so! I'm so excited!!!
  3. Tess the one I am thinking of getting is at Sam's and has a scanner for bar codes. You can hook it up to your computer and it downloads everything into Quickbooks!! Its like $300 though but I think it would definately be worth it. I'm sure it makes things faster esp. when dealing with big crowds!!
  4. I used Peaks for a while but now I use Just Scent's. I don't use soy though so I can't help ya there. But both are VERY strong!
  5. Haha! You are too funny! The first one I am going to do is in September so I am working on the saving the $$ thing. I'm gonna do a few small shows between now and then to help with that. I just bought all new tables so I'm good to go on those! I am gonna invest in the walls for my EZ up though because they are priceless IMO! The website is 95% done, just have to add my milk bath this weekend. Do you use a cash register? I am seriously thinking of investing in one. Right now I don't accept credit cards so the merchant account is another one of my need to dos! You definately arent the only one contemplating this topic!!
  6. I got mine at K-Mart for $79.95 but mine didn't come with the walls.
  7. Thanks for starting this post Tess! There are a few bigger shows around here that I don't do and now I am really reconsidering! There are at least 4 of them and I think I may give them a try this year and see how I do!
  8. Well I have the size up for my candles (9 oz) but I don't have the air fresheners up there so I will add that! Thanks for the suggestion!
  9. I use a few of their FOs but I use J300 so I can't really help ya there! I use their Fresh Cut Roses, Fresh Squeezed Oranges, Warm Vanilla Sugar, & Mango & Papaya. I think that's all of them! I get my jars, wicks, & warning labels and have always had great experiences with them! I wish I lived near them!!
  10. Thanks Bev! I will take care of those! And I call mine Jamaican Me Crazy
  11. Hey everyone! I just got my website back up & running again. I added a new look & some new scents so if you have a moment please check it out and let me know your thoughts! I think I caught all the spelling/grammar errors but it never hurts to have others check again! Thanks! www.northmountaincandle.com
  12. I would have LOTS of samples for everyone to try! Your idea about the ingredients is good! For the invitations you do say bring a friend & get a free gift or something to that effect. There are several others who do home shows and can offer more advice than me! LOL!
  13. Hey everyone, I just wanted to put a post here that I am hosting a brochure swap. You can check out all the info on the swap board! I just thought it would be a good way to get the creative juices flowing! Thanks! Callie
  14. Trish after reading your review I got a sample of it an man OOB it is AWESOME! I'm pouring testers tonite so I can test over the weekend!!!
  15. I am getting ready to test JS Mimosa & Mandarin & Lemon Sugar...if they workout I will be adding them ASAP!
  16. Well I had never tried any of those from her but I do use three of them and here's where I get them....maybe it will help! Cucumber Melon - Candles & Supplies Sweet Pea - Just Scent (Peak's is really good too!) Warm Vanilla Sugar - Candles & Supplies The only oil I used from her was Buttermilk Pancankes and I'm having a heck of time finding a replacement. I have two bottle left that should last me a while so maybe I'll find one between now and then! LOL! HTH
  17. Banana Nut Bread, Hawaiian Breeze, Vanilla Buttercreme Crunch, Cinnamon Caramel Latte, Raisinbread with Buttercreme Frosting...just to name a few!
  18. I know it!!! I had a bottle in the classifieds but that I'm keepin that puppy now!!!
  19. OMG!! I can't live without her Buttermilk Pancakes!!!! What on earth will I do????
  20. I generally use a 1/2 oz of FO per lb with both...sometimes its a full oz. Of the ones that I use from JS the throw is amazing! And I usually cure for 7 days too.
  21. JS is Just Scent www.justscent.com I use both them AND Peaks and it really just depends on the FO. There are some things that I get ONLY from JS because they have the best of that FO in my opinion. And there are somethings that I get from Peaks because they are the best. They both have reasonable prices and great customer service. I would suggest ordering a sample pack from them to see what you think!
  22. Thanks for the info Denise! I order just about everything from them as it is! LOL! I will have to get a slab to play around with! Did you ever try JS 50/50 blend? I was wondering what it was like too!
  23. I use the one from Candles & Supplies and it is awesome!
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