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Everything posted by Bernadette

  1. Might just be something set up to scam funds...hoping it sounds like something new and hot on the internet...:tiptoe:
  2. Shanda, was your phone a 3G or a 4G. My kids tell me some of the older phones don't have enough power....kinda like the difference between dial up and wireless...
  3. You know, Candybee, maybe I'm getting old and fixed in my ways, but I don't intend to do anything different for mobile shoppers until/unless I have to. I've seen 2 spots on TV - one on CNN and one on our local channel how credit fraud is WAY up due to online purchasers using mobile devices. Maybe I'm becoming technology ignorant in my old age, but I can't help wondering...since my first post, I got my monthly security software update, and since the increase in mobile visitors, I've had, for the first time ever, several high risk virus attempts blocked.:tiptoe:
  4. I've noticed that I'm getting alot of traffic lately from mobile connections, and in the past 4 weeks or so, orders too. I don't have anything on my site specially for mobile shoppers. What I don't understand, is that several customers have said in an email to me that they can't get my emails to them until they get to their computer. How can they send and not receive? Is that my site's problem or their phone problem?:tiptoe:
  5. Yeah...I have it watched. I probably will get it, but they really don't last all that long. I've had so much interest in this fragrance, I'd love to be able to find one for my own candles and tarts. My customers would love it, and I'd always have it available for myself! Lol.
  6. Does anyone remember Votivo "Mahogany"? I cannot believe I had one candle years ago that I burned in our small office. The room was overpowered by it's CT and HT, but that was okay because everyone, men and women alike, loved it. Since we've switched to laptops and internet faxing, we don't use the office as much as we used to, moving to "paperless" as much as possible. It's a home office. I went in there last night, and could still smell it! Votivo doesn't make that scent any longer(I've been told), but does anyone know of anyone who sells a dupe or something comparable? I would love to be able to offer that scent. TIA
  7. I stand corrected...I just went and checked, to be sure. Global Express is $100 insurance coverage to anywhere. Priority insurance coverage is based on and different from country to country, so the only way to tell is calculate an international shipment by putting in the country to see what the insurance coverage would be. From what I quickly saw, it looked like all countries are covered for $50.00, then there's a charge. But to be sure, I'd enter a country to find out.:tiptoe:
  8. LynnS, you may want to check the usps.com site. I'm sure it says that international flat rate(at least) is covered for insurance up to $100.00.:tiptoe: You may not have to buy insurance.
  9. If you print your labels from the usps site, LynnS, you can fill out your customs forms as well, and print them out; then, you'll have everything ready when you go to the Post Office. Just go to international shipping, and it will tell you what you need for the size of the box, and the country you're sending to as well.
  10. True, but I've found that if you keep them out of the sun, and at a constant temp(climate controlled environment), you can keep them for at least a couple years without fading or blending together.
  11. Yes, I do get order from out of the US. Mostly England and Dubai lately. I'm not sure, but the exchange rate must be in their favor.:tiptoe:
  12. No, they were not selling it as decorative only. The other pictures, as well as this one, which was larger, clearly shows a wick. One was lit, but just lit, I might add. I tried this design years ago. It was pretty in solid colors, but you should have seen it in mixed colors. It was gorgeous! But, yes, it overflowed every time. So I tried the forever route. Packed those "sticks" of gel nice and tight around the tealight cup(a votive made the glass somewhat unstable) so you couldn't even see it. Perfect, I thought. But when the tealight had been burning a few minutes the gel "sticks" would start to melt from the funnel for heat that they formed, and they'd drown out the tealight. What a mess. As far as decorative goes, what a bear to keep clean! I kept one for some time. You couldn't shake, swab, etc. without the "sticks" starting to or actually breaking. The only way to really do it was to put it under a glass dome. I couldn't see anyone paying what it would cost in time and effort to make, decorative or not.:tiptoe:
  13. Well, my pest guy said he really loves to have them going all the time, but thing with Scentsy is that they only last 8 hours(per him) and that gets pretty expensive @ $6.00/pak(per him). Additionally, he said he had to put 2 in each time to get the scent to throw. Most of the homes out here are ranches, with very open floor plans and cathedral ceilings, so you need something strong to get the scent moving thru the house. Right now I use a tealight tart warmer(because it was made by Native Americans in an original, one of a kind design). I use the cra==y Chinese made tealights you buy in the store. Each one of those tealights burns for 3 hours. I can use 6 tealights to a 1 oz. melt of my own, so that's 18 hours/melt. I'd say that's better than Scentsy. I did order one of their melters. I want to see how mine burn in them since I read the other thread about Scentsy in wickless. Just for info, the pest guy said when he puts 2 Scentsy melts in his Scentsy melter, he has wax that never melts, so it sounds like there is a problem with them.:tiptoe:
  14. Well, it's not the sales tax I'm objecting to...it's that it's 8.1%. Our county is 6.85%. I wonder if it's because the rep lives in an 8.1% county. I didn't know they did fundraisers either. First I heard of it. Guess they're trying to take over!
  15. Oh yeah, and this was an official Scentsy print out page. Plus you didn't get charged shipping but there was 8.1% sales tax! For where? Idaho? We don't have 8.1% sales tax here!
  16. My question exactly...I've never seen a Scentsy pack of tarts(amazing, huh?). I have no idea how many are in a pak, or how they are marked. The sheet that came with the packet for ordering had minisual pics of all their warmers and their animals, a list of scents(which, by the way, how the heck to you know what you're ordering when they have names like French Kiss, or (something like)Birth of Issac Newton?), and the $60 price said full sized warmer and 5 melts - not paks. So did they mean 5 melts, 5 paks of melts? Who knows. It did say you could mix scents, though.
  17. ...and 2 in 1 day! We have our house sprayed once a month as we live in the desert. Our pest guy came this morning. He knows I make candles and loves the scents he smells in here. To make a long story short, he says he's afraid of candles because he'd forget to blow them out, and then mentions Scentsy. So I said, "Oh, you're talking about melts", told him I made them, and when I told him what I charged, he's going to be getting his tarts from me from now on, for him and his Mom. Then this afternoon, our son brought over the grandkids because our GS has a fundraiser going on at his school. It's all Scentsy! $30.00 for a full sized warmer, AND if you wanted the warmer WITH tarts, it was $60.00!!! Wow! Amazing... that's all I can say...:tiptoe:
  18. I found this candle for sale on the internet. I thought it would be fun to see what everyone thought. As pretty as it is, do you think it's safe "as is" ...that is, wicked? I have an opinion, as I tried this several years back, but will hold off telling it until we have a few other opinions. The main reason I decided against the design is that I ship everything, and this would be a bear to ship. Found a company back then that would make a special "protective" plastic gizmo for the top, but wanted an astronomical set up and minimum order, which seemed "iffy" not knowing how the design would be received. [ATTACH]21370[/ATTACH]
  19. A little off topic...but wasn't it YC that originally started in some guy's garage in MA years and years ago? I know one of the big ones did.:tiptoe:
  20. I get emails thru my website all the time with requests for me to "share" how I make/sell my products. Guess we all do, but today I got this: "pls help me i have been searhing the website to start my on busness with no help can i want sell candle like the ones that you are i live in the tenn ,you help me by telling me how to go about pls pls pls thank you" That's the exact typing! My website is a business, not a how to. At first I thought Nigerian/Russian spam, but I checked the ISP and it is in Memphis, TN, and they were using IE 8 with Windows 7, so they must at least be computer literate, if not English language literate!:laugh2:Seriously, though, they may be immigrants that are just learning...still, I thought someone might get a kick out of it.:tiptoe:
  21. Well, this will probably sound crazy, but I'm a pretty good cook/food preparer, so I use a sharp knife!:laugh2:Just like when you need small shavings of lemon peel or such. My blocks are rectangular(don't know if they all come that way), so I start on the shorter side and go all the way across. I can shave them so thin, they curl up in a spiral! Works like a charm.:tiptoe:
  22. It's been a long time since I used liquid dye for just that reason. Years ago, I purchased mine from BC and the chemical smell was overwhelming, probably because I do alot of unscented candles for events where food will be served(no scent recommended because it can interfere with some folks sense of smell, which affects taste). I switched to dye blocks and have never looked back. Perhaps liquid dye has changed over the years, but I find the dye blocks work great in all the different waxes I use for different applications, and since I have to add quite a bit at times to achieve a deep, rich shade, the dye blocks don't have any odor. I do pretty uniform shavings, one at a time, in a measured amount of wax, and count them, until I get the shade I need. When that wax is gone, I can then do the same measured amount of wax with the same number of shavings to get a perfect match to the first batch.:tiptoe:
  23. I can't remember exactly when, but there was quite a few articles on the web, in newspapers and magazines that candles imported from China, the Philippines, and Central America(those are the ones I can remember) were being recalled or known to still have lead wicks.That got implanted in customers heads. I think candlemakers advertise "no lead wicks" because it's easier than explaining that they've been banned in the US, that their candles are made in the US, etc.:tiptoe:
  24. This is my biggest selling/growing line of candles, and since I sell on line and have spent a small fortune and hundreds of straight days testing/perfecting the designs, I cannot share how it's done, but all my floater designs burn a minimum of 5 hours, with some up to a max of 20 hours. I have test burned a minimum of 50 candles in each design under various conditions(wind, drafts,high/low containers, high/low water levels, smelly jelly crystals, etc.) because I wanted to make sure I had really discovered something. I have never advertised them. I sold some on eBay over 11 years ago now, customers followed me over to my website, and new customers arrive all the time strictly from word of mouth. And I've never had a complaint that they don't burn as long as I say they do. One of the advantages of testing, as was pointed out in a different post, is sometimes you hit on something that can turn out to be one of the best things you've ever come up with. I just wanted to let you know that it is possible.:tiptoe:
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