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Posts posted by Kris10Tackles

  1. On 9/22/2020 at 9:21 PM, MAE998 said:

    I agree, the H&G reformulation has almost no throw and lacks depth. 

    That’s so interesting. I used H&G this winter. It was so strong smelling ootb and I decided to use a 4% load. While making the candles I thought it was gross and so sickeningly sweet. However, after curing and while it was burning it smelled so good (and I hate cookie/sweet/food scents). I actually thought I had baked cookies.

  2. 1 hour ago, Pam W said:

    Something else you might want to look into is CP rebatch soap (I get mine from Bramble Berry).  It is CP soap that is shredded and you can add various things to it, heat it in the microwave or double broiler and pour into molds.

    I saw that on the Brambleberry site last week but wasn’t quite sure what it was, so I went with a pound of the M&P goat and a pound of oatmeal base since I was my first time playing with soap. Will definitely keep it mind of next time.

  3. Not really a question just an humorous observation. I was on Instagram and a post advertising candle vessels popped up in my feed. It kind of stood out and I thought it was a cute Valentine’s Day Dalmatian sort of vibe. I kid you not more than 2 hours later I went to my local Marshall’s and was in their housewares section and what did I see... the same glass but in a tumbler format. Dying laughing. 



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  4. Because why not venture out past candles. I picked up a sample of Northwoods Cedar & Amber FO and soon as I smelled it I was like,  “I want this in a soap. But I’ve never made soap.” 

    Of course because the forum is amazing I found the M&P section and thought, “why not?!” So here we are.


    Happy Monday and 2021 everybody!


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  5. 1 hour ago, TallTayl said:

    They’re cut really short, but still have a slight curl which is the off center melt pool.

    Is that why the melt pool appears off centered? Constantly learning. 

  6. She’s been burning for about 2 hours and has good HT. Note to self don’t beat myself up when things aren’t perfect. It’s okay and not the end of the world because even very successful companies have items that aren’t complete perfection. 



  7. My mom received a set of three mini Voluspa tins for Christmas but she’s even more sensitive to scents than I am and so she gave them to me. OMG they’re so cute but I’m also a sucker for good design and pretty things. I should preface this with I have not burned them yet, and I’m really only keep one because two of the scents (French Cade Lavender and Nissho Soleil) just don’t do it for me but one of my friends loves FCL so I can give it her. It’s a win win. 

    On to my question... I noticed there are little droplets on top of the wax, is that normal? What would cause that?


    Even though the scents aren’t my favorite I do love how strong the cold throw is. I’m looking forward to start burning it just to observe and continue learning.


  8. I know this post hasn’t been active for awhile but I just order my first M&P soap bases. I’ve mostly been playing around with candles and awhile back ordered Stephenson whipped soap base which I loved! My SO commented last night that he was running low on the shave soap he uses which is in “bar” form and wondered if it was something I’d consider making. “Sure why not! I can just add it to the list!” 😆 


    Wish me luck!

  9. 14 minutes ago, CatoftheCanals said:

    What an adventure! I did not realize candle making was so complicated when I started a few months ago. I wanted to add candles to my soap shop and figured it'd be WAY easier than cold process soap haha! In theory it is, but not so much in practice 😅

    I had no idea it was so technical but I think that's what I love about it! 


    I've been burning this for about 30-45 min. As you can see I'm still only in the first half of a test burn. It has 7% FO and I'll be curious to see what happens when it get's down to the second half. So far I'm pleased with the flame size, the hot throw, no mushrooming, and the temp of the container. 

    16 minutes ago, CatoftheCanals said:

    I had someone on the Candlemaking subreddit suggest double wicks as well. I was hoping to avoid that but it may be necessary. Any tips on how to get them centered correctly? I'm really worried I'm going to mess that up and cause the tins to get too hot.


    I can't help you there. I'm only on my first test candle for double wicking - I filled the jar with wax and used screwers to make holes to test the wicks. If I didn't mention it before, I'm very new to this! 😆


    I also stumbled upon this thread from a few years ago but the conversation is very insightful. Maybe it'll helpful for you too? 



  10. I was in the same boat a few weeks ago; switching from soy to coconut wax. I haven't yet tried coconut apricot (Ceda-Serica) but it's on my list. Instead I've been using coconut-soy EC-26. 


    I literally just switched I had the exact same issues you are (minus tinting wax); huge flame and not a full melt pool. I found information that suggested using much smaller wicks and two of them in containers that are 3 inches and larger. I have a 4.25 inch vessel that did my first 3 wick candle with and it was a success. I'm also in the middle of my first test burn with a 3 inch vessel using 2 CDN 2s. I don't think I have he wicks facing the proper direction but so far I'm pretty happy. I can light the tester I have going on and will post that picture in a little bit.


    I also had some wonderful guidance from this forum.

  11. On 12/11/2020 at 5:49 AM, SRez said:

    I just went onto CS to look for 494 and lo and behold it is discontinued.  Out of stock.  Anyone know why?  Did they have some kind of fall out with GB or better offers from the other competitors?  

    I just went on to CS, maybe I missed it but I didn’t see anything about 464 being discontinued, just that it’s currently out of stock, and the dates that it would be back in stock in each warehouse. 

  12. 1 hour ago, BusyBee said:

    They might have good in-house scents, but I don't think they have good candles.  Sooting (see picture below) and I see some people complaining about lack of HT (typical for soy wax candle).  Soy has excellent strong CT, but HT is a problematic!  There is slight chance that you might be getting headache from excessive sooting from that candle.

    That is fascinating. The one I had did not burn like that. It was completely clean and had an amazing hot throw. It’s also one of the first candles I burned that I didn’t give me a headache. Maybe I just got lucky of it was just a unicorn?

  13. On 12/11/2020 at 3:14 PM, Marisa11 said:

    I think her name is Vanessa? She is awesome. 

    I do agree that 12% is excessive. I have had luck with a 5% load and have not gone above 8% in the coconut wax. Just need to get the right wax,wick, FO formula down. it is so amazing how much difference just a different wick makes. I made 3 candles with 3 different wicks and the first one even though it performed well in my wickless testing did not do well in my half jar test it was about a 2.  


    yes I love their containers too. I have plenty of containers to last me a while. 

    Yes Vanessa is so nice!! 

    Agreed on the 12%. I’ve done as little as 5% on FO that was extremely strong and only as high as 10%. I think I usually average between 6-8%. 

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