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Everything posted by Gdawg

  1. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47085&highlight=GB415+supplier ...here is a search I did that came up with the question of where to buy the GB415
  2. I have found that the advance is a hit and miss for me with FO. I use LX wicks, and add Coconut oil. Bottom line I switched to the CB135 lol and like it much better
  3. lol henry...I hate wet spots and tried everything I could think of to stop them from appearing but they were always there, so now I have switched wax and deal with the frosting instead
  4. kandlekrazy...love your way of thinking and I agree if you change the name the mind is find with the "strawberry" candle not being red
  5. Lightof dawn I think you and a few others PM'd once about pink sugar...I just havent gotten around to ordering all the suggestions lol
  6. Okay actually just had this just happen for real though and I was so thankful there was no color in it and it was soy. lol one twin was messing around and down went the lite candle, thankfully the flame went out as it hit the ground.
  7. Oh I love pink sugar also..just cant get it to throw even with the coconut oil. Keep us posted
  8. I use 1/4tsp for my 15oz jar that holds less then 15oz of course. I use ecsoya CB though also
  9. IMO the angel wings is a VERY light scent and I had to let cure for a long time and it was still lighter then what I wanted..nice scent don't get me wrong.
  10. I on the other hand have had to wick up since I added the CO. The wax I use is Ecosoya CB the apperance is the same for me but the throw of the FO..ooo lala is so much better
  11. well for me an lx14 doesnt work and lx16 does okay but nothing to brag about. I also use the ecosoya PB and I have taken many time outs with the votive wicking lol
  12. oh yeah that probally came out wrong. I was just asking for me personal. I am sure they do carry it year round. hope they send it to her quickly before it becomes extinct
  13. Is this a holiday scent, since it means merry christmas in hawaii?
  14. I use soy and have gone both routes, I like the no color look where hubby likes the colored look. All comes down to your preference I think.
  15. I add mine to the pour pot when I add the color and FO
  16. I started with C-3 but have since changed for 2 reasons...1)couldn't get it wicked right and 2)the cost of shipping it to me. I found a supplier that I can drive to pick up my soy
  17. hey do you think maybe between the humidity and the %of FO effects it? I have tried adding what it says it can hold but then the wick I use affects the throw to basically nothing
  18. txgirl maybe the climates. He have had no rain here for a long time but the heat and humidty is high here. 96 here today aghh my grass is so dead
  19. Yes I would say it does help with frosting. Strange though cause I never had frosting with the CB advanced just ugly spots where it doesnt adhere to the jar.
  20. wow thanks so much..very helpful indeed
  21. Hey sally I have not tried it in the Ecosoya PB yet but hey worth a shot. I do use the Ecosoya 135 and advance and after adding the CO I am going to use just the ecosoya 135. The throw is better and the tops are smooth. I was still getting wet spots with the advance and I hate that. The frosting has has been less with the cb135.
  22. oh how exciting..we are doing ours also and the shopping cart is kicking our butt. hopefully my hubby can get it figured out:laugh2: we are on like our 5th rebuild site lol
  23. it did cut down on the frosting a little for me. I have noticed that I need to wick up when I use it. The throw has improved for me as well
  24. good catch stella...that's what I get for not reading and just looking at the picture lol
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