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Everything posted by SliverOfWax

  1. Will they refund the donations they got from those who applauded their original decision? If they don't, they're nothing but scammers.
  2. Christians DO provide charity, by the bucket loads. Goodness, there are tons of faith-based charities, for everything from feeding children to adoption to helping with health care. My guess is you don't know about them because you haven't looked or asked your religious leaders. Your dilemna is a business decision. Oh, and btw, moveon is George Soros. In case you didn't know.
  3. Why not? Those are your tax $$ at work. Everyone I know associates PP with abortions and SGK with breast cancer.
  4. Put me down as a PATCH HO. Awhile back I blended Sweetcakes' B&BW Chocolate Amber with Bluegrass Coffee. OMG! It's too good to be true.
  5. I'm laughing. Yes, I find them comparable in quality. I wouldn't use either. And yes, I've tried a lot from both places. Neither of them will ever be on my fo supplier list.
  6. It's probably not possible to categorize the best types of scents by supplier. For example, CS has the best straight, true Rose, imo, but their Honeysuckle isn't close to the real thing. Unfortunately, you just have to test 'til you find what you want.
  7. JS is probably the last place I would order from. jmo lol
  8. I wouldn't dream of making candles without a Presto WITH A SPIGOT! No way am I going to use a big spoon of any kind and slop wax all over creation, leaving me with yet another utensil to clean. Prestos with spigots are the best thing since sliced bread.
  9. I love the polka dot one. I would wear it to the grocery store.
  10. I love it. It has just enough red to make it pop! I've been wanting to do a black and white but haven't organized my thoughts yet. I might have to use yours for a pattern. lol
  11. Top was opinionated, too, and wasn't always necessarily correct. Early in this thread, someone said the OP could measure the way she wanted as long as she is consistent, or words to that effect, and that the way she asked about is as good as any. Someone else said to measure in grams. I concur with both statements.
  12. Looks like the chimney effect. The flame didn't get enough oxygen to really get a good start and eventually just petered out. I don't bother with tall, narrow containers any more. They're nothing but trouble, imo.
  13. A much needed little pep talk. Those of us who actually have businesses with repeat customers know you speak the truth.
  14. I don't make soap anymore, but I always threw in a dollup of SFIC shaving soap when I made SFIC shea butter soap. I bought my soap directly from SFIC. The small amount of shaving soap gave excellent lather.
  15. I wish to be cremated because I don't want the worms to crawl in, the worms to crawl out, and the worms to play pinochle on my snout. My soul is not part of my earthly body, so resurrection isn't part of my decision.
  16. lol, I keep waiting for it to go away, too, but for a different reason. When a customer asks for something stupid or just plain something I don't do or don't want to fool with, I just say, "NO, I don't make those." Sometimes I laugh first. Sometimes I wait for the customer to leave before I laugh. Nancy Reagan was right. Just Say No. I've never understood the need to make something because someone else thinks it's a good idea.
  17. Please don't take what I said out of context: I said: Reading ability has nothing to do with it. You said: Reading is everything on forums. In fact, that's all there is. My comment was in regards to newbies being able to discern truth and experience from bullcrap. Yes, reading is all there is, but ability to read doesn't enable newbies to know who has a clue. I have a feeling you know that's what I said and what I meant. This is a very civil forum. If a virgin blew onto your forum and racked up post after post about the dangers of breast feeding, well............you get my point.
  18. But TallTayl, an overwicked NEW jar will explode as easily as an overwicked USED jar.
  19. Since you asked, the reason I feel sorry for newbies is because they don't really know who actually makes candles and can offer advice from experience or who just piddles around googling and bloviating. Until you can separate the wheat from the chaff, you have no way of knowing which advice is realistic and which is just chest thumping and copy/pasting. Reading ability has nothing to do with it. The internet is full to the brim with hideously bad and/or useless information. Nobody is here to engage in childish fights. It's just that those of us who actually know what we're doing (from experience, trial, and error) and have actual businesses get tired of reading nonsense from copy/paste queens. It's an unfortunate aspect of life on all forums. Each one has self-appointed experts. It doesn't matter if the forum is about soap, candles, guns, dogs.
  20. lolol. if stella wants to bloviate about home canning, perhaps there's a home canning forum she could infiltrate. I truly feel sorry for the newbies.
  21. Wendy's, now Tennessee's Vanilla Bean Noel is the absolute best of any Vanilla, any Bean, or any Noel out there. Period. It's so divine I want to drink it. I loved her Winter Candy Apple, now at Tennessee, too, but it's never sold well for me. That makes me sad.
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