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Ring of Fire

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Everything posted by Ring of Fire

  1. Bittercreek North sells BNL's frgrances. This one is a must have.
  2. Oil of Amber from TCS, can't get any better than that.
  3. You picked a jar wax. It may be better to get a votive kit to start. They are very easy to make. Bittercreek has a nice one with IGI 4794 pre-blended wax.
  4. LMAO, now that is funny. You sure add some pizazz to this humorless board.
  5. Works for me. Instead of all this marking, why not just divide the amount of layers you want by the amount of wax in the jar.
  6. Why not just use presto's in the basement or where ever your work area is?
  7. Fugly. I had a candle that did that way back when. I was always afraid it would spill over.
  8. I did the same and got such a rude email back they can take their stuff and stuff it where the sun don't shine. There is absolutely nothing they have that I can't get from a reputable, stand by what I say, supplier.
  9. The top one isn't too bad, but what in tarnation is the second one?
  10. Oil of Amber from TCS. It's gorgeous, unfortunately, impossibble to wick so far.
  11. I tried to check out to see how the cart works, and nothing. You should check out Wahm Shops. Priced right, help all over the place, and a cart that works. Prices haven't changed in years, unlike some we know.
  12. Recently, don't know if it's my browser or not, but IE doesn't want me to access paypal because of "security certificate errors". In fact, just sent them an email about it. Quite scary with your cc info. in the email.
  13. I look at their surplus stuff all the time. Those surplus jars have been the same price for months. I just never got them because of the ridiculous shipping. I think a ton of people ordered them under $25.00 and WSP realized how stupid they really are. So they raised the prices. Just got an email from Debbie, and she said those are never definite prices. What a liar to boot. They raised prices on a lot of the surplus. I don't think taking 80 cents off an oil makes up for that.
  14. Has anyone noticed what WSP did since they offered shipping for $6.95 under $25.00? They raised their prices on stuff I just got this week. They now have lost my business once again. Nice going WSP, way to do business. Even raised prices on surplus. Probably raised prices on everything.
  15. Same here, haven't heard a thing back, ordered last week. Not that I am expecting my order yet, but not even a confirmation email. I did email her also.
  16. If you already make pillars the process of testing votives is no different. How do you measure your FO for pillars? That's the same too.
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