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Ring of Fire

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Everything posted by Ring of Fire

  1. What supplier told you to use drops of FO? I would call them and give them a what for. That's the dumbest thing I've heard yet. And the pouring temp is like 140 or close to it I believe. How much wax is 190 grams. I am too lazy to look it up. You probably need 1 and 1/2 ounces per pound with that wax. Maybe you could get by with 1 ounce for some fragrances.
  2. You never burned a tart before you made one? BTW, you can burn it until the scent disappears. However the wax will not disappear, it will still be there. Just believe.
  3. Why didn't you go to this huge local supplier to begin with? Who are they BTW?
  4. You can have short hair and it will and can still fall out and land unnoticed in someone's stuff. Only way to prevent it is to wear a hairnet, skull cap and space suit. LOLOLOL
  5. I can't read it either. I wouldn't want anyone to have to struggle with the pronunciation even if they knew what the letters are, which I wouldn't if not mentioned.
  6. That is truly adorable. I would want to know the wattage first and how the heck you get the wax out before I bought one. I googled them and someone is already selling on ebay, LOL http://cgi.ebay.com/NIB-Electric-TART-BURNER-Melter-Warmer-FREE-WAX-TARTS_W0QQitemZ200274284104QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20081111?IMSfp=TL081111116007r24791
  7. Those are simply cute. I don't like dipped bears much but yours have personality, LOL
  8. Oh I love that Bath Nation site in her portfolio. I clicked on several of her sites and they are all real nice. Very professional looking.
  9. I wanted to try the body butter because of what people were saying but it never went on sale enough for me to try it, way too expensive, IMO. I bought the moisturizer because it was in line with what I spend now. I ended up allergic to it, LOL, so a big waste of money there. So, yesterday my sister who buys their body butter once in a while even though I make her my own whipped butter, calls me and said Walgreen's had it for $1.99, regularly $12.99 for a seven hour sale. She bought a Yes to Tomatoes for me to try since I was allergic to something in the carrot one. This stuff is very nice I do have to say. BUT, no better than what I make, nope, not at all. I think the way it feels going on is what makes the product. I know the moisturizer felt really nice going on. Just an FYI if you use this stuff, if you go to their website and sign up you can get a buy one get one free coupon. I did and bought the shampoo and conditioner with it.
  10. Definitely. Call them and ask why the discrepancy. If everyone let this type of thing go, they would do this to everyone. Doesn't matter if you would still have bought the wax for $132.00 shipping. That is not the point.
  11. With all the internet fraud and identity theft going on I would not want to play around with emails back and forth with a scammer. Not good judgment if you already knew this was a scam, IMO. Most of us know these emails because we get them almost on a daily basis. I am sure this same guy and many like him have contacted hundreds of candle makers. Not hard to find on the internet. In fact, you don't even have to have a website to get them. Wonder how they get your email? Anyone who falls for them deserves it, IMO.
  12. That's what I am thinking. Did you make $2000.00 worth of candles already? That would not be good. Amazing all the talk we have about scams people still do not realize one from the get go.
  13. Nice your fund raiser went well. Worth all the effort!
  14. They sell those at Dollar General also. They hold 6 ounces of wax but they only fill them half full. I buy them when seasonal scents are marked on clearance for 25 cents or less and melt the "wax" and reuse the jars for wickless.
  15. Another for Black Cherry Bomb from NG. That is one powerful FO.
  16. Nice going WSP. What a great way to run your business. Nice they told other customers about your difficulties and basically insulted you. Reminds me of another supplier. I wouldn't order from them if someone paid me.
  17. Lemon is awesome in soap and that soap is just plain gorgeous.
  18. Those are amazing. Wonderful sell in spring. Oh hell, anytime, LOL.
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