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Ring of Fire

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Everything posted by Ring of Fire

  1. In answer to your question, KARMA, seriously. Daystars is an exact dupe of Lush.
  2. God forbid anyone mention another supplier on BC message board. Hey, BTW, did BC fix their website yet? Been going on about 10 years now. Bet you are just about done with the final touches, huh?
  3. Wind chimes with martini glasses? Ok then. Tree sparklies?
  4. Those are really pretty. Love that layered one.
  5. I can't wait to those those cut, especially the 1st one.
  6. JMO, the red font does not look right. The color you have on the fragrance page is nice. I would change the white font on the links also, again, JMO.
  7. Now that is just beautiful. I love your scent list page too. Awesome job.
  8. I use a CD 10 or 12 depending on the FO. I do have an Apple Jack and Peel but not from CS and use a CD12.
  9. 12 watts IMO is not high enough. I think the 19-21 range is the best for scent throw. The 25 is fine, the scent just won't last as long.
  10. 4794 is a good wax for tarts. I use that by itself or add CB at 25%. Either way, my tarts are very strong. Because of shipping costs I can't buy KY's tart/votive blend but that is another very good one. Even the pillar/votive blend. You shouldn't have to use more than 1 ounce per pound with the 4794. Maybe the Fo's you chose need more.
  11. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. That was not my intention. I have no idea why this is so big, LOL
  12. Both of them are nice, the way you have it, and fleabiscuits version. I have always loved all your websites and this is no exception. Maybe a compromise with the font would be nice.
  13. And if you think you are going to bully me off this board.... it's not going to work. Just because you don't like my work does not mean other people don't and I generally like coming here and chatting with people as well as looking at their work. If you don't like mine, quit looking at it. Can't get more simple than that. Sorry MODS if this post violates any rules but sometimes people have just had enough, ya know? How could I possibly do that? How ludicrous. Just trying to help. But hey, LIKE I SAID, who cares as long as your customer is happy. I am not one to ooh and ahh over something like lots of people here just to make someone feel good. Don't read my posts if they upset you so much. I notice you can't accept any suggestions a lot of the time. Oh No. Here we go again! Weren't you two disagreeing on candles when I first came here? I think so. I agree Ring of Fire that it seems you seek CandleLytes threads and ridicule them because the product is not like your own. I think everyone is different and as long as they are happy with their work and the customer is happy that's all that matters. You are basically accusing this person of not knowing what she is doing and from what I can tell, her candles look great. You must have me confused with a whole lot of other people.
  14. Edit to say crater then if that is considered a dip to you people.
  15. Why are people saying they like the dip? Is this what all you guys votives look like? Is this not a candle board where we should say the truth and try to correct someone's mistakes if we can? They should not have a dip if poured properly. If a customer likes them it's probably because they don't know any better but that's fine for them but shouldn't be for the chandler, IMO. This is how mine look and I would image the majority of you here make them with no dip.
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