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Everything posted by jbren

  1. Some pretty good info in this study: http://candleandsoap.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=candleandsoap&cdn=homegarden&tm=4&f=21&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=8&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.soapnaturally.org/DOS.html
  2. Read, read, read and then read some more.
  3. DOS=Dreaded Orange Spots
  4. You'll have to let us know what you think of the smell. I looked up what I use in mine, it's the STARGLOW BLEND at Rainbow Meadows. ESSENTIAL OIL PARTS Black Pepper 1 Frankincense 2 Ginger 1 Petitgrain 1
  5. Looks great! My fresh cucumber and buttermilk bar is one of my favorites. Can't wait to see it cut!
  6. Looks good! It'll probably darken some when gelled and cooled. Post cut pictures, please?
  7. I had a the second big seize of my life Saturday using condensed milk in a recipe. I put mine in the microwave! No sugar or extra liquid, but got the same result, and it's ugly as all hell, but it lathers great and smells good to boot.
  8. I make mine with an EO blend from the Rainbow Meadows formulator. It smells quite nice!
  9. They look great. I'll bet the lather is lovely. I've never had high percentage shea soaps get DOS and I've used it up to 60% !! I was in a shea soap swap a couple years ago and used 25% shea and 25% pai-naya to equal my 50% required. I still have a bar, and it's still holding it's own! LOL
  10. Soap doesn't moisturize. It may have skin conditioning properties, but again, it is a wash off product. Following up after bath or shower with a nice lotion or body butter is her best bet.
  11. Looks great...you're a natural! There's no looking back now!
  12. Celestial Colors at http://celestialcolors.com/celestialcolors.html
  13. It's just going to give you a highly superfatted bar (about 18%) The hardness doesn't look bad at all and since it's a small batch, you'll probably use it up before you would have any DOS problems. Enjoy! There's no looking back now, you'll be hooked!
  14. that first one looks like a slab of fine Italian marble~!
  15. that is one gorgeous batch of soap!
  16. Bottom line is...soap is a wash off product. While butters may add to the conditioning and make a beautiful, dense, creamy lather and CERTAINLY add label appeal, they don't really do too much else in soap. Don't get me wrong...I love cocoa butter, shea, painya and even kokum in soap, and include them in some of my recipes, but they really are more effective in lotions and body butters that remain on the skin.
  17. Stunning! I can't wait to see THAT ONE cut!
  18. Saponification continues after the soap is in the mold...maybe you meant 'trace'? Shea has a high unsaponifiable percentage. Just add it to your regular recipe with your normal superfat and the lye calc should take care of it for you.
  19. Yup...just like any of your recipes, oils only.
  20. He also didn't include the soybean oil in his batch, but it was in the recipe!
  21. I think they turned out quite nice! Love the color combo.
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