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Laura C

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Posts posted by Laura C

  1. On 11/18/2020 at 3:12 PM, TallTayl said:

    Can we rant together about Etsy for a sec?


    Yes, I totally agree with you. That Sucks Big Ones! LOL. All the forced stuff and control Etsy is wielding nowadays is really nasty (like some other big tech companies) and makes me think of socialism/communism which I hate. The shop owners do all the work and Etsy collects most of the money. I don't like it at all. Seems like Etsy use to be for the artist/crafter/shop owner but not anymore, they are for themselves and you must bend over and like it or leave.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, MilosCandles said:

    I wish this were a simple answer.  Some many pieces to this.  I have done everything from manually doing it, to paying some one at Fiverr to do 5 of my products, to paying someone on Fiverr to write "Catchy" descriptions, to someone at Fiverr to writing a few blogs for my website.  Various different ways bring people to my website and then show some of my own "ads" for my products in the blogs.  There is not just 1 solution I use to drive traffic to my website.  


    Here is my newest form of driving traffic to my website - youtube, but not in the way most people think.  


    Here is one of the latest.  This channel has 129k subscribers,  at this moment 12k people have watched the video, and I get a live "testimonial" about my candle, usually shown my postcard.  All this is priceless.  It is almost like a 15-second TV commercial for me, all for the cost of the candle and postage.  Figure people are on a "computer" while watching it and they can easily search for my site.  I have done this like 100 times this year,  I usually send them one of my less than 100% perfect candles that I would give to a friend or family member that will not complain about a little dent or less than perfect wax.  If you can personalize the message and send them something they like, even better. This has been amazing for me.


    Awesome, you are rocking it with great marketing/advertising ideas. Keep it up, seems to be doing great for you.👍

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  3. On 11/1/2020 at 9:34 AM, TallTayl said:

    Who could have predicted that the shallow wooden dough bowls would catch fire I used to make candles? Anyone anyone? 

    am seeing post after post of charred dough bowls and it is barely 8:30.  

    no sealant or warning sticker  will protect you from a law suit if your customer’s house catches fire because a maker used a flammable container. It is NOT the customer’s fault if a container made from combustible material catches fire. 


    I am not surprised. I have seen those and wondered about the fire risk as I was shaking my head. Sure they look nice but it is wood and a fire hazard! 😲 Just like you wouldn't make a container candle in a plastic container, if you have any sense. 😄

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  4. 6 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    Do you add pictures to your listings of how the item will arrive to the customer? I find I’ve been looking for that lately especially with so much shopping being online.


    I also like to see how things I buy online will be gift wrapped or packaged. As was mentioned about "giftable", you can decide if you can send it to someone directly as a gift or not.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, TallTayl said:

    ALSO my candleistas, please test in different temps. I make candles for my relatively cold area. My test temp is 70*F. I sent testers of new FO in 4627 to people in Utah, LA and Michigan. Every single one of them had higher ambient temp than me. All of them burned on the verge of dangerous.


    That's interesting info, I've wondered about that, different temps and elevations as well.

  6. Hello fellow crafters.

    Ok, so many of these issues have been discussed in separate threads but I want to address these in one post as simple as I can. Not trying to be mean, just telling it like it is. "You can't fix stupid" and/or User Errors vs. Product Quality & Safety. I'm referring to responsible, safety conscious, quality candle makers that have warning labels & candle usage instructions and not the get rich quick, wax slingin, candle making hacks out there, LOL! Just sayin! As a maker we can do everything right in our power but once the product leaves our hands it's up to the next person to do what is appropriate and sometimes the ball gets dropped but the maker can still get blamed. 😲


    I just came across these horrifying candle reviews and charred product photos on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Aromatherapy-Scented-Candles-Maharaja-Caramel/dp/B01KU0IW1S/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=smells%2Bfabulous&qid=1603384861&rnid=2941120011&s=furniture&sr=1-5&th=1


    I have purchased candles from this company before and their candles were pretty good from what I remember and I believe they have been in business for several years. While reading the product reviews and looking at the photos, the thing that jumped out at me was blatant User Errors, candle abuse and lack of common sense by the users/reviewers. It blew my mind reading the reviews and I'm sure the candle company thought the same things I did. People saying how they let candles burn until they burn themselves out (to the very bottom), etc. People not expecting a candle tin to get hot, people thinking candles should melt/burn every last drop of wax without a fire hazard, and the list goes on. Please read some of the reviews and you'll understand.


    I feel sorry for the candle company having to deal with these situations. I also feel sorry for the customers and hate that they had these dangerous situations but they need to stop and think about what they are doing and maybe read directions or something, LOL. 👀 🔖 The candle company or maker can't go to their house and properly burn the candle for them. 


    Whatta ya do, whatta ya do? LOL 😄


  7. 5 hours ago, awnl said:

    What's the easiest way to find members on this forum?


    That's a good question. See if you have access to get to this. Go up on the menu bar to "Find Posts", click "Search" then scroll down the page and click the "Member Search" tab.

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