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Everything posted by celicagtca

  1. I have found some of the CBA batches don't have the same consistancy as it us to. I ended up switching a year ago because of the problems I was having the the CBA. Not like it used to be that's for sure.
  2. Can anybody tell me what the inside diameter measurement is for the 6 cavity break apart clamshell packaging is. I have ordered these and now need labels for them. Haven't received the shells yet but am placing my label order today. Thanks so much!
  3. Very nice and professional looking!!! May I ask you what size of label you use on those? :highfive:
  4. Very nice bath bombs and what beautiful colours. :highfive:
  5. Always had good oils from them and great customer service.
  6. Abbreviations and info for you: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5492
  7. Love your colours and they look great! :highfive:
  8. I knew I seen that pic in the right hand corner of your site somewhere else. http://www.candletech.com/containercandles/
  9. I had the same email...contacted PayPal and they told me it was a hacker trying to get info and clean me out. I never answered their email, but changed all my passwords in PayPal and everything was fine.
  10. Looks good but a few things have to change. Get rid of the moving Welcome...very annoying. When you hit the shop button, why not have all your product pictures on one page. Also...that pic you have in the top right hand corner of the site, I've seen before on Peaks or the Candletech site. You may want to check with them first before using that pic. Some businesses get pretty sticky about using their pics. I would take another pic of your jelly jar as that pic is very washed out. Your soy melts look great, but adding a label to your packaging would really benefit your product. I did get a total on your shopping cart which was good. You should have a listing of fragrances with descriptions for the consumer. Don't think I'm slamming your site, just a bit a tweaking will have it looking GREAT! What better place to get feedback than here.
  11. Tell them to emal "Yankee" and see if they can get a "Free" sample before they order. Don't think so!!!!
  12. I just ordered that oil and may get it this week. I'll keep you both posted on it.
  13. Ditto! LOL I've seen better candles from dollar stores than the crap she pawned off on you. Cut your losses and get rid of her.
  14. Very nice! I find the pits are either cased by to much oil and poured to hot. I had one particular oil that constantly did that to me. Try a different oil and see if that resolves the problem.
  15. After you pour...tap the mold a few times and watch for the bubble to rise.
  16. Hi Sabrina, As for the crystalization, I've used Candlewic's Palm 2 Crystal wax and have not been satisfied with the outcome. I switched suppliers for this reason. Their feathered is #1.
  17. Sure Would! I buy Yanekee's YC Collection when new fragrances come out to get my dupes, plus I have to say that collection is the only one I'm pleased with. I just purchased a "Nature's Finest" Beeswax (blend) Collection "Cinnamon Clove" to test. $9.99 Canadian for 255 grams. Huge flame height right from the start regardless if I trimmed the wick (3 times). Not impressed with the hot scent throw either.
  18. What type of containers do you have. Maybe you could post of pic of them, to help us out.
  19. THe JP is a very nice blend from P1 also.
  20. I had made up a bunch of those recently and if you get the ratio of Rose to Coffee just right...it does smell really nice. More top notes of the rose with bottom notes of coffee.
  21. Me Too, Me Too, Me Too!!! Just posted our closing date from the 21st to Jan. 2nd. I ended up developing Tennis Elbow on the 15th of September and my arm is in dire need of a break (no pun intended). I won't know what to do with myself with time off. Went to the liquor store yesterday, picked up some spirits and I plan on having a Nice Long Drink starting tomorrow. Thank goodness I won't be "drinking and pouring"!
  22. Your so good with the labels and pkg., that MOM just might think you got them from some thrift shop and they've actually been sitting around since the 60's. Looks GREAT!
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