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Everything posted by Sponiebr

  1. I was curious as to what my actual costs were per loaf and I was actually shocked at what I found... I had done the math before, but it was quite a while ago, and well, it was a pleasant shock. I'm actually doing SOMETHING right... What the hell's up with THAT?
  2. Got my first stable weight today, same as yesterday 121 g and 135 g. I'm watching 2 specific bars.
  3. I've been selling my bars at $5 each and they run 4.2-4.7 oz.
  4. I know prices vary per supplier and what you're putting into it with packaging but with the large variations in types of soap makers here with everything from the extreme piping magic cakes to wash-yo-butt-and-yo-face soap I see being made here could y'all share (PM or in this thread) what you're getting per ounce of soap retail and wholesale? Even if you're making something like KrazyKelly's "OMG-you-mean-that's-NOT-ACTUALLY-food!?" soaps or you're making simple stuff like me, it makes no difference, I'm looking for an average... Just y'know, so I can tell the difference between my butt and this strange dark circular void thing on the floor outside. 10-Q! Sponiebr: (bad ideas on pause for the moment)
  5. And here is the shrinky dink photo: 10% loss from formulation the worst of it is in the bottom right. That's still not all that bad, and nothing a little trim off the top won't fix up.
  6. I appreciate the input! So is there any particular one of those that y'all like better? I'll clean it up and get rid of the shading, but it's a rather LONG process, so it'd be nice to focus on the more popular version of the logo. As I don't have a brand yet, is there a particular font that you have found that works well in soap stamps?
  7. I could leave the wording out without much heartbern... The logo has to be there though. I'd like 1 stamp for all of my different bars if I can do it. (it's 29.98mm square so it's slightly larger than 1x1)
  8. (Sorry about the title... I HAD to! ) So, I'm trying to get the soap stamp design banged out here. Which ones do you like? It's going to be 1"x1" (30x30mm) #1 #2 #3 #4 (Some of these (COUGHS) might not show up too good in a soap stamp...)
  9. Not a bad idea. I'll pull a couple and see what I lose. Any thoughts on how to get rid of glycerine rivers? Polysorbate 80 maybe?
  10. Ok! So here's the cut: o.O (shush now... Just take it in...) A close up showing the weird little transparent polka dots, (they're solid) And another shot of the same bar to try and show the same region of (whatever those things are)... Yeah, they're SOFT, like refrigerated butter soft, but that's no surprise. The weird clear polka dots, THAT'S a little surprising... What the hell are those things, stearic acid? TD? They're still cold from the freezer so that's the sheen... Well, when one does weird Sche!ße one SHOULD expect weird Sche!ße to happen... Slainte! Sponiebr: We be Bad Ideas 'n Sche!ße...
  11. Well, there's the white sugar, 2 tblsps worth, I thought that'd be enough. I only use honey in my honey oatmeal milk soap, and frankly if it wasn't in the name I'd drop the honey altogether. Actually, thinking along those lines could I just put a drop or 2 of honey in the OMH soap and sub out the rest with white sugar or does there have to be a minimum % to validate the claim that "Y" contains "X"? It's 1% isn't it? @bfroberts It wasn't bad at all... It worked like CP into the mold only it tended to skim over pretty quickly. My main fear was that it was going to fall, but when I came back today while it had sunk a smidge, it wasn't really noticeable except to me. It's in the freezer chill'n right now so I can get it out of the liner and exposed to some air.
  12. Look at you Trapp! I like em... <---- (that's like me spelled backwards) Love those little Italian jars.
  13. Narrator: When last we saw our boy wonder of karmic debt increasing BAD ideas he was fixing his car... Let's see what boy genius is up to these days hmmm? Oh hi everybody! (ha-ha) I'm pushing the envelope here people... Yep. (haha) Bad ideas a'cook'n! AND HOW! So I just molded this with a hanger swirl. Pretty standard looking stuff... right? WRONG. This is Hot Process... Specifically, high temperature fluid hot process. 57% water content (aloe juice actually) Like I said, I'm pushing the envelope. I gots silk, yogurt, and kaolin clay in there too with kind of a floral scent... (Seems like it's got plumeria and pikake...) Funny thing is even with all of that liquid it didn't go thin, (I mean it was TOUGH stirring), until I added the sodium lactate, and then it went THIN... (crowd screams) "How thin WAS it?" Like light medium trace CP THIN was how thin it was. Yep! HP that poured and swirled like CP. Can't wait to see what the shrinkage rate on THIS is gonna be like I may knock it into blocks and then let those cure and then cut them with a wire. Slainte! Narrator: "My, my what that weirdo won't do... Oh well kiddo's that all the time we have for now! Tune in next time for another installment of "WEIRDO'S FROM THE SWAAAAAAAAMP!!!" BUHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!! " o.O Sponiebr: Envelope pusher, sender, and executor of Bad Ideas, Bad Karmic Debt, and Sundry Services.
  14. Um, (fidgety) So, not that I would EVER do something like put rotten milk in my soap even IF there is a half gallon of it in my work fridge, but I seem to be running low on my little 50g frozen cubes of yogurt. Do any of y'all use any other types of creamy-soured-happiness-milk-smut in your soaps? Say, like sour cream in lieu of yogurt? Soygurt? Djoghurt? (it's not yoghurt, it's djoghurt...) I ask because I will have to buy some pretty soon and I like to keep my options open when it comes to shopping so I can save that $.01 off my purchase of store brand whatever. Just curious... Sponie
  15. How about little cello bags that the candied apples come in? Throw a cardboard disc into the bottom and plunk-scrunch-put-a-bow-on-it DONE!
  16. Wow... NOW that's a TUTORIAL! Well DONE Candy!
  17. NEAT! (I mean the painting, not y'know... that other junk.)
  18. One word Trapp: HARD You may now return to your regularly scheduled activities... Sponiebr: The Executor of Bad (yadda... yadda... yadda...) Come to think of it, and in all seriousness, the Macintosh and the Pomegranate Cider from Candle Science is pretty awesome, I just LOVE the Pomegranate Cider, (hard... cider... of course...) If you're talking about the drink, "K" Cider is the best in the world. (according to me.)
  19. The BRV is TO DIE FOR in soap! I just got a pound of their Pink Sugar and it smells like, (to me anyway) the old bubble bath from Avon, (remember the one in the pink oval lumpy bottle?) It seems promising.
  20. (face palm!) Well, duh! Deceased persons scene, I knew that... (I hate eucalyptus too... See previous sentence) The brake cleaner is working, just a few more puf.......... Y'know... I DO have some Tiger balm, not the tiger balm that is available here in the States, it's another type smells of spices I could do that, it's gonna light me up though. HAWT STUFF! Wait, hot stuff... I KNOW!!! BEN-GAY! That'll work! Sponiebr: Shade tree mechanic sans tree, shade, or mechanic...
  21. Oh PLEASE somebody give me something to make it STAAAAAHP!!!! I got a hug from a lady today and I'm DRENCHED in musk.... I can't get AWAY FROM IT... IT'S BURNT INTO MY BRAIN!!!!! This is what hell smells like? 'cause I'm pretty sure this is what hell smells like. At this point I'm willing to snort battery acid, or plumeria FO , just to make the smell go away. (Oh gawd... I can TASTE IT...) I'm gonna go change the timing belt in my car now, hopefully being doused in brake cleaner and xylene will subdue the odor... (I always knew I wasn't super fond of musk but now, it's up there with sandalwood. GAG) Sponiebr: The Musk Impermeated Soul.
  22. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! RUNS AWAY IN HORROR!!!!!) Mylanta you have a wonderful attitude! Sorry about the spill! (shudders)
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