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Posts posted by NewOrleansLady

  1. I put FO in them with no problems.....until for some reason one started dripping. Not all the time...just random drips. Not I only put 1 or 2 drops in it and watch it get absorbed so it's not excess oil in it coming out.

    It's one I have on a wall (Angel holding a vase) and every month I happen to notice a line on the wall underneath it. Since it's terra cotta it could easily have cracks in it or if you put too much and it absorbs it maybe it would drip. Now I haven't added any oils in over 3 months and I still get the drip so I'm totally confused. The drip is sticky and smells nice so it has to be the FO but why it's still coming out I have no clue.

    Word of advice: Don't ever waste money on those terra cotta balls that you heat up on the stove in a little pot....total waste of money. They don't hold the scent and it doesn't throw worth a crap until I threw it in the garbage!

  2. Just Scent gives out free samples of oils with every order.

    1oz size not those stupid .5oz. "what-the hell-am-I-supposed-to-do -with-this-thing" size.

    Her high end perfume dupes are usually not included (it's states on the fragrance page under each product if it's not available for free sample) but you can list which 3 you want in the special instructions section of the order form and she will do everything possible to make sure you get the ones you requested.

  3. Okay so from what you are saying , the heat and humidity can affect the scent WHILE the candle is burning. But no one thinks it would affect the chemical process of me MAKING the candles? I test burn the candles in my house, which does have controlled air flow and my tests seem to be doing fine. However where I MAKE the candles (my garage) the temperature and humidity is NOT controlled.

    I mentioned that the ladies should try burning the candles in a room with the door closed and check the scent that way. I thought maybe they were burning the candles in a house with central heating/air and possibly to close to the return and maybe it was sucking the life out of the scent. The hotter it gets outside the more air conditioner units are kicking on for longer amounts of time, so the more that return is pulling air to recirculate, therefore creating constant drafts or air flow in the house. Hence spreading the scent over a larger and larger area therefore making it appear to be weaker? Does this sound possible?

    Right now I have a JS Pink Pomegrante burning on the end table of my living room which is within 2' of the central a/c return and I can smell the candle thru the living room (10'x20) and down the hall to the other a/c return so I don't see where that has any effect. I also have 3 ceiling fans going and an air purifier.

    There's no telling what conditions these peole are putting the candles thru. Are these customers you've dealt with before...are they reliable candle burners?

    I had one customer complain about the throw and after ?'g him I found out he had it in a room with a window open and a fan blowing so his cigarette smoke didn't go into the rest of the trailer. Well, guess what...if the smoke ain't going into the trailer neither is the candle scent. He was one who buys from me a lot so I could talk to him but I felt like bitch slapping him!

  4. I'm outside of those little burgs west of all of the above in Tangipahoa Parish. People like our strawberries. :)

    How hot was it in the city yesterday...? Was 98.3 °F around here! I'm gonna shut up. :lipsrseal The last time I started moaning about the temp and lack of rain, some cosmic joker sent us a hurricane that started with the letter "K"... *faint*

    The news said it was 97° and we didn't break the record of 98° (gee...weren't we lucky:rolleyes2 ). I know exactly where you are....I love your antique shops...I got a great deal on an old pedal Singer sewing machine about 8 years ago. I love that wine shop that's in that block down from the alligator (is he still in there?).

    I'm not making soap this summer cause I got to thinking back...since I started making soap (2004) if I have any curing between the months of July and Sept. we have to evacuate...so guess who's not making soap this summer?????

    I'm just grateful I started doing the averaging on my Entergy bill so I don't get hit with a $500. Can't have anymore like "K" cause those beautiful boys at the Corps won't have the protection wall for the West Bank done till 2011! Gee wasn't that levee supposed to have been completed back in 1979?????????? Oh, I can't get started or my blood pressure will go thru the roof.

    I've finally realized something .....without summers like this one we wouldn't have had a reason for God to have invented beautiful things like ice cold Mojitos and Margaritas!

    Have a great day and keep the popsicles handy!!!!!!! :yay:

  5. Okay, I put a candle outside that I'd been burning for about 3 days and was a very good thrower. Temp when I put it out was 94° with 79% humidity. I put it on a table close by the back door and there was absolutely NO breeze. Let it burn for over 3 hours and opened the back door and Nothing...absolutely no smell until I picked up the candle and put my nose right above it. Brought it back inside (A/C set on 70°) and within 20 min. it had filled a 15'x20' room.

    I got to thinking about something else.....some plants need humidity for you to be able to smell the blossoms. Sweet Olive is one that comes to mind. I heard of a woman that lived in Louisiana and loved her sweet olive so when she moved to CA and opened up a winery she wanted something to remind her of home so she planted something like 500 sweet olive plants and they bloomed and nothing...she found out since CA has very low humidity you can't smell it. And it's true...in February when my 9 sweet olive bushes are blooming it's very hard to smell them cause that time of year if it's cold the humidity is usually very low but come April when the humidity is an average of around 60% you can smell it's heavenly aroma.

    So all this makes me come to the conclusion it's the heat and not the humidity that stiffles the scent. Cause if I could smell them outside at night in Oct. it would have been around 70° and at least 50% humidity.

  6. Best thing I've found living in the south...believe this or not is a combo of Listerine and Skin so Soft (Avon). I've also rubbed a Bounce sheet on my grandsons with good results. The listerine I've used alone but who wants to smell like that stuff....I add the Skin so Soft Oil just for the smell but it helps repel those annoying no-see-ems. I use this on the grandsons and all my animals with great results.

  7. Now in your case it may just be the cross ventilation is pulling the scent totally out thru the windows. The ratio of scent to air volume has changed. When your windows are closed it's simply recirculating the same air so the air is constantly being scented over and over...with windows open you have constant airflow. Hope that made sense.

    Glad I saw this post...I forgot to go light a candle outside. I'll go do it right now

  8. This has been a question I've had for years. I've sent candles to different parts of the country and one will say great throw and another will say lousy throw. Now I realize everyone's noses are different and as long as humans are involved in the testing we probably will ever know for sure.

    In my house, it is central a/c year round; open the windows in the spring and fall for a couple of days if it's breezy to clear out the stale air. but yearround I run air purifers and I keep the humidity in the house around 40-45%. Now outside it's around 95° with humidity around 85%. Maybe I'll light a candle and put it on the back porch and see how it throws.

    Now that I'm thinking about doing that I remember all the Halloweens I put candles out in our "Graveyard" and the scent would carry like crazy. Now I'm really confused!

  9. My heart aches for your loss. I remember when my sister passed away. Even tho she had cancer and we knew it was enevitable it's still hard to handle when it comes. I remember my mom just sitting in the living room with her head in her hands crying and saying "It's not supposed to be this way. She's supposed to bury me." I will burn a candle for you today.

    It's especially hard for me this time of year. We took my sister's ashes and placed them in my parents back yard (which is where I now live) in the hole of a magnolia tree. The tree is now in full bloom and 25 years old and I always say the blossoms are my sister's smiles!

    I can't help you with the soap but if you should use silk flowers don't use dark red ones as they will bleed.

  10. I've used BCN's & WSP's and personally I like WSP's best. If your base gets too thinned out with FO you can get Crothix to thicken it back up again. I don't have a bottle in front of me but I think I got it from WSP.

    I used to sell a lot of b&b but it's dwendled off except at Mother's day etc when I make baskets...but I use my gallons up in under a year just making soap for our kitchen, bathroom, and stuff for me and Bobbie. I do have one bottle that I use for the shop soap (don't scent it just refill the dispenser) and it's over a year old from WSP and it's absolutely perfect.

  11. Vera Wang's Princess & Truly Pink both have unbelievable throw in wax. I wear Princess and it's exactly a dead on match.

    Estee Lauder's Pleasures Delight is beautiful.

    Juicy Couture. Never put in wax but made some awesome body butter and body spray. Exact dupe.

    Calvin Klein's Euphoria.. DH wears this and it's identical. Great in body spray and awesome throw in wax.

    DKNY's Be Delicious, Delicious Night and Red Delicious....DN is my favorite. Great in wax. made some luscious bath salt scrub & bath gel. RD is awesome in wax.

    Mark Jacobs Daisy is luscious. Great in wax & body spray.

    Sarah Jessica Parker's Lovely is dead on.

    Stella by Stella McCartney is another one I wear and this is an exact match. Beautiful rose that is great in wax and b&b.

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