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Posts posted by NewOrleansLady

  1. Actually you can't figure out your profits until you figure out all your expenses. You'll need to see where you are in a couple of years. Will you have gotten big enough to move making them to a larger place...so now you have rent, insurance, phone, utilities. Do you already have yourself set up with vendors license, tax collection, etc? Will you accept CC?

    As the business grows big enough for you to take a salary more responsibilities and liabilities crop up along with it. Don't forget to have your social security and all payroll taxes taken out with your salary so you have to be set up with the feds and state.

    Lot more involved than just a percentage of a candle sale.

  2. What's really bad is meeting up with the UPS man so you can stick the boxes in the car trunk and then bring them in when DH isn't home.

    Haven't gotten busted yet...knock on wood!

    OMG.....so nice to know I'm not the only one doing that. What's bad is when I get them delivered to the shop and he can hear the damn truck pull up....I've actually lied and said..."Dumb new guy...tried to bring packages for that shop around the back again!!!!"

    I hate to have them sent to my house cause they don't deliver till 7pm! At least at the shop mine might be hidden by 5 of his boxes..but his boxes are for orders he took the day before and are already sold!

  3. I had close to 1,000 without counting 1oz. bottles before I started weeding thru them. My scent list I give out to customers is 3 pages long..3 columns each page and that's no where near all my scents. I just can't update it very often.

  4. I've used Taylored Concepts "dirt" for a grooms bridal party. I made soaps that went with a deer hunting theme. They used them and worked great to hide the human scent from the deer. But my house sure stunk like hell while I made it. Smelt just like wet mud.

  5. I use Tennessee as well for their 70/30 and it is phenomenal but.......it is really expensive and with shipping, comes out to b $2.00 a lb if not a lil more. A lil too much for me so I am looking for a new wax. Anyone like Farmhouse 50/50?? Looking for a 70/30 or 50/50 blend that is good. I wanted to try a sample of JS 50/50 but it appears you have to order a whole case online. I do not see a 5 or 10 lb slab listed.

    E-mail Becky about the 10# slab. I know she had a 1/2 case available to help people out on freight....so she may have stopped the 10# slab out but write her and ask.

  6. I wondered how long before the foho's would show up.For those of you who have gotten Dan's new oils & are happy with them...congrats. The person identified himself as Dan when I called...how would I know any different or why would I assume he was lying. And you know what Dan did every minute of every day? yeah right!!!! Why didn't Dan advise that before instead of you????

  7. Being in the south I don't order from a lot of suppliers (freight charges being what they are) but here are the ones I've used consistently:

    Just Scent (over 85% of my oils) {sends samples 1oz size with every order}

    Nature's Garden



    Every nose is different but I've had great success with all of these companies.

  8. I use JS 50/50 and love it. Great scent throw, beautiful creamy candle, no wet spots.

    I originally used zinc wicks with them. Being 5050 I didn't have to go thru a PITA test of wicks like with pure soy. Didn't have to make any changes of sizes when I went from JS123 to the 50/50. I now use a different (kinda uncommon) wick cause I couldn't take the mushooms anymore. for an 8oz. jar I'd start with a 44-32-18z if you go with zinc.

    I originally used J223 and got those gross sink holes. So then I tried JS123 and really liked it but when she developed the 5050 I absolutely fell in love. It's easy peasy to clean up also. I also use her votive 5050 and love it just as much. Makes a gorgeous creamy votive.

  9. I wouldn't have felt right not saying something after the episode I had with Dan years ago. I don't believe people can change that much to where he would now be a nice, sweet, caring business owner who gave a damn about his customers once he had their money. Notice he didn't apologize to me for his rudeness years ago or even pm me about it.

    I've never had dealings with any other supplier as negative as his so I can't say "Next time I just won't say anything and let you fend for yourself and lose money you can't afford to lose".

    I personally like the way he was making all those posts....shows exactly how he is.

  10. I poured 24 jars yesterday and 1 had a huge sink hole and I think I know what happened. The wax temp was the same as the others but this one was poured a bit higher than the rest and the a/c turned on and I think it cooled the skim layer too fast and an air pocket formed. I could be totally off on this but that's my theory and I'm sticking to it!:laugh2:

  11. I think I was just very lucky WA wasn't one of the many that are out of stock.

    I did put it in wax this morning and will let it cure for a couple of days and light it. If there's any difference it just may be a little lighter. I'm gona try it also in some b&b as I have some made up from the previous bottles I had.

    Believe me I was very leary of ordering from them and if it wasn't for WA I wouldn't. But I've tried to even have that scent duped and it's never even close.

  12. Lol, I think Mr. Missy you would have been better off not identifying yourself with the past and certainly not stealing pictures of others websites.

    You may be better off to start all over with a new company name, ;)

    Here Here!!!! I didn't think that was a wise business move at all....but then not much surprises me today with what some people think they can get away with. At least consumers have been warned! Thanks for the head-up Dan! :yay:

  13. You should have been willing to do this when I called, not now just to make yourself look like you've changed to benefit your new business venture. I have no clue as to the approximate date....that was years ago.

    In my book this is a sad attempt to look look like a good guy..... too little too late! Forget it Dan...no one's buying the sad puppy eyes!

  14. Cape Coral Candle had the same FRAGRANCE OILs as the original Missy's.

    I ordered from Cape Coral months after Missy's closed and they were Nothing like the original Missys scents and when I called you Dan...you were rude and insulting to me and you were not willing to give me the quality of oils I paid for!

    I did notice to JS Logo on the bottom of your posts...Are you a competitor? Where do you see a Logo??? I am a chandler that uses JS products.

    And last but not least....What defines a mean person? I could think that you were mean in your posts. I have not once attacked you or anyone else........Most say I'm pretty nice and look out for people's best interests. Just call any of my employees... Plus I will post my personal cell number so you can call me...Like always...I do make things right (239) 895-8279

    Dan, when I called you about the oils I got from Cape Coral you were mean...plus rude and condecending ...I had been a Missy's customer for years and when the oils I got from Cape Coral weren't 1/2 as strong as the ones from Missy's I called you to question them and you were unprofessional to say the least. I don't want your personal cell #....I have past experience with phone conversations with you and don't wish to relive that ordeal.

    I know we can not make everyone happy, So if you have had a bad experience, I am the one to make it right. plus I will post my personal cell phone on this forum just so anyone can get ahold of me (239) 895-8279 If I find merit in the complaint, believe me, I will be the first person to try to make someone happy.

    Well, I spent close to $100 at Cape Coral and you weren't willing to help me out then when I was unsatisfied with your products....why should now be any different????? Should I pm you my address for a refund now??????

    I have had over 14000 satisfied customers over my years

    Make that 13,999!

  15. http://www.mrmissyscandles.com/home.php?cat=261

    Okay,now this is just insulting to my intelligence as a chandler....he's selling "colored wax (which by itself is bad enough but) ... the description on some of it is "container/pillar wax". How can that be???? You can't make a pillar out of container wax!!!!!

    Another thing I don't understand is why does he have soooooooo many oils as pre-buys when you click on the particular scent it'll show it has like 975 available in stock. Too much stuff just flat out doesn't make sense.

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