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Posts posted by NewOrleansLady

  1. I poured the Edward and Bella from MMS and OMG...they are both very soft, sexy and woodsy. Great throw in my 5050. I hope Jacob's doesn't smell like wet dog!!!!! :laugh2:

    Bella's is a little different from Edward's...can't tell if it's sweeter or more floral ....my sinuses are a little congested today because of the damn tropical storms in the gulf but I'll see if my DIL can pick out the difference.

  2. Another precaution.....print this out. Shows proof of your intentions.

    We can only do so much but since he offered the info of the COPD it's your duty to inform your customer, which you've done. If he still chooses to purchase it's on him. If you don't sell to him someone else will.

  3. I would suggest he contact her Dr. If he insists than I would suggest anything but florals. I've been told by a Dr. that floral scents are the absolute worst for allergies or asthma etc.

    Now beeswax you don't need to scent. The honey scent is very light.

  4. Just to answer your question Lonestar is very dependable. I've got quite a few of their oils.

    But I do agree to find a place closer to your area. There might be a small one that's not too well known on this board and you could be saving tons of money on shipping.

    I was looking over that list (thanks for the link) and isn't it amazing how many are in OHIO....Does anyone know why?

  5. Yesterday I made a couple of lampe berger fuel oils and was burning them and a couple of new scents. Something has had me sneezing since yesterday.

    I know of people who have scarred their lungs for not using a mask while using strong scents like cinnamons. I had a bad experience with some black cherry that I was stupid enough to put my nose directly over right after pouring. Now the same mask I use while mixing lye for soap I use for candlemaking. My sense of smell is my livlihood...why would I want to damage it.

  6. I've made :

    Frosted pumpkin

    Pumpkin Bread

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    Pumpkin Patchouli

    Pumpkin Harvest Cake

    And love them all.

    I'm not much on coffee scents so I steer away from those just on a personal level.

    All of the bakery scents are super throwers with great out of the oven scents. Multi layered and complex.

    Pumpkin patch is great for those who don't love patch. The pumpkin sweetens it up and it also throws great.

    Frosted pumpkin is probably my fav. Great dupe! Great throw.

  7. I'm totally bummed cause I've been looking for different odor eliminator scents. They have them but if it's not going to be consistant, why bother. I've got 3 different scents now and I guess will just have to be satisfied with that.

    If they are closeouts or "distressed" (whatever that means) they won't be around long.

    If anyone knows where I can get a variety of odor eliminator scents, please let me know.

    Taylored Concepts has a number of them but I've never ordered them myself.

  8. During the height of my votive selling days I would put a typed instruction sheet in the box and the small sticker instruction on the bottom of each votive. The votives were put upside down in the box so they were visible.

    The instructions emphasized what Stella said, to baby sit it once it was 3/4 of the way burnt, to straighten and trim the wick after extinguishing. I also sold votive holders that fit the candles best and candle quenchers to extinguish it properly. The instructions are basically the same things I tell my container customers.

  9. I had a feeling the oils were discontinued ones the mfg.was getting rid of...that's the only way he could sell them for those prices.

    A leopard doesn't change his spots and Dan is the same as he always was. This one will shut down faster than Cape Coral!

    He must think chandlers are really stupid to not see thru his ways.

    Hay....where's Sassy Q about all this!

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