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Everything posted by dixylight

  1. I use BCN's and have to wick up on it at 9 percent. I have heard others do too. HTH
  2. ooooh...very pretty...love that look!
  3. Back in grade school we had a teacher who duct taped 3 boys mouths closed...couldn't get by with that nowadays!
  4. Very nice...one of my favorite scents!
  5. Very nice...bet it smells great!
  6. Wow...that looks awesome...bet it feels wonderful!
  7. Congrats! What a beautiful idea...you have a gift! -Joanna
  8. I really like the third picture...those bars look like they are waves on the ocean...how creative!
  9. Wow...those look great...I love the seeds on top and I like your swirls!
  10. Wow...that sounds very refreshing to me...I just love peppermint in soap. I love that cooling sensation.
  11. I just love that mold...perfect for spring and summer!
  12. Awesome...I love that scent! It looks so creamy!
  13. Thanks...I am so excited to do another batch...just waiting on some more supplies...I have a recipe in mind that Kris sent me...thanks for all the nice compliments...I can't stop smiling!
  14. Very nice. It looks like the oatmeal got evenly dispursed. Cool!
  15. I think my grandmother had shag carpet with those colors in it. I'd like to see how it burns too!
  16. Just bumping so you can check it out now that it is cut!:bump:
  17. I just love that color combination...it looks like a piece of art...almost too good to use! Awesome!
  18. Wow...I love the 3 layer thing...amazing! Mmmm...lily of the valley must smell great and Spring-like.
  19. [ATTACH]4818[/ATTACH] This is my first try at CP. I poured it last night around 10 p.m. I used my husbands guitar pedal box. Nice strong cardboard. He said "I suppose you can have it...lol." It should make 4 1/2 x 3" slices. I won't try unmolding or cutting this until tomorrow night. I'm so excited...it looks like butter. It is scented icy peppermint. Thanks Kris for giving me the guts to try CP. Your recipe is next! [ATTACH]4819[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]4820[/ATTACH] This soap cut easy and is still a bit soft. The color is consistent through the whole bar...hopefully it will stay that way. I'm so excited that it turned out. I'm going to let is cure for a couple days before I try a bar...maybe...lol!
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