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Everything posted by CSAS

  1. Cranberry Orange Spice is my all time top ten seller. I currently use the following from her and they do awesome in soy. Cranberry Orange Spice Apricot Medley Blueberry Muffins Lily of the Valley Lemon Gumdrops Wild Orchid Eucalyptus I have tested more and they have done wonderful, couldn't tell you which ones though, I never added them to my line. If the formula stays the same for her oils, you can choose any scent and it'll rock!! HTH
  2. Everytime I click on a link or enter their address to snowtop candle supplies, it reroutes me to Indiana Candle Supplies. I knew that Snowtop was down for a couple of weeks, but that's the last I heard. Anyone know the scoop? Thanks I guess so!!! It says in a small spot on the right side of the homepage for Indiana Candle Supplies that it is the new owner for Snowtop Candle Supplies. Sorry, if this is old news, I just found out!!
  3. I used to feel bad if I didn't discount for my customers if they purchased alot. So, what I do instead is, I throw in a freebie. And if they are purchasing alot or are a return customer, I throw in a coupon for their next purchase. Might be 10% off of their next purchase or as low as a $1.00 off. This way, you are saying thanks for their purchase, but not giving away money and if you give them a coupon for their next purchase, you are making more money from them. Just my 2 scents.
  4. I would actually call her. Pose a question to her, such as. Why did you pick me to ask (for all the information)? If she states, because your candles are wonderful. Tell her, my candles are wonderful because they have years of hard work in them. I did not call someone up on the phone and ask how to make a candle. I researched and tested for years and my final product is the result of all the hardwork I put into my business. My best advice to you, if you honestly want to make a wonderful product that is yours and something you, yourself, can be proud of, is to get on your computer and do months and months of research before you even make your first supply purchase. Then do testing and more research "until" you have come up with a product that is the result of "your" hardwork, not mine or someone elses. Something to this effect. Nice, but to the point. You just have to sit back and laugh. Some people are clueless!!! Handle it with dignity, your candles deserve it. HTH Tracy
  5. Hi Donna When you are on the site and looking at a product it says Price Unavailable Login to Register move your mouse over the Login to Register and click on it, that will take you to the page to register. HTH Tracy
  6. I help an organization and supply them with soy candles. http://www.knapp-time.com/index.html It's an avian rescue. If you have any questions, she will be glad to help you. I have been supplying them with candles for a couple of years now, and they have not had any problems whatsoever. They are actually a rescue that houses the birds in their home. So, they have many birds at one time in their home and burn soy candles and have not had any problems. I would suggest to not burn the candles in the same room, even if they are soy. The problems the birds have are with the scent not the wax. She has told me stories of owners taking their birds to the vet and the birds dieing from the air freshner hanging from the mirror in the car. Email her and ask as many questions as you can. Her name is Nell Knapp, she is a doll. Even though she sells my candles as a bird safe candles, I do not. The reason for this is I am NOT a bird person and am clueless. But she pretty much knows the birds and birds with candles. I hope this long story helps you in some way. tracy
  7. Thank You for all of the kind comments. I feel like the Dunkin' Donut guy on the old commercial. I get up and say - It's time to make the "candles". Even though it was dead slow in January and February, I am still playing catch up from Christmas. But, all is well. Hey Marisa I have one more Fresh Rain candle left and then it's on the discontinued list. So, ya better come visit me!!! Thanks Tracy
  8. It depends, really. It depends on what year of business you are in. I've heard that if you do not show some sort of profit in the 3rd year, you may throw a red flag up. The IRS could audit you and determine that it is not a business, but a hobby. Inventory all depends on what you have in stock, what you purchased, and what you sold. The less inventory you have, you most likely will show a profit. So, it's probably a good thing to have less inventory. It does not matter if it is ready to be sold or not (I believe). Because you make your products, your inventory is your inventory, whether it's on the shelf or still in the box. This is my opinion on what I've heard. I am not a CPA, and I do not play one on TV. HTH Tracy
  9. Thanks everybody!! It was a big decision. An expensive decision. But, in my heart, it was the right decision. Very stressful, but it's a happy stress. If there is such a thing. Thanks again. I will try to post better pictures when I can. Thanks again. Tracy
  10. Hi Everyone I don't post too much, only when I think I have helpful information or opinions. But lately, I haven't even been able to read any posts. I just finished having my grand opening for my new store and it went beautifully. Everything spectacular! The weather, the customers, the sales, everything. So, I thought that I would share a before and after picture of the main area. My mom, sister and husband helped me more than I can ever repay them for. I am very greatful to have them, and I try to show them as often as I can. Here they are!! 1. My sign 2. The before 3, 4, 5 The after
  11. Maybe they didn't receive the email. You should try calling them before you put them on your "bad" list. Ya can't trust the internet, not every email makes it to where it needs to go. Sorry about your jars, I'm sure it was a pain in the butt to clean the mess up.
  12. I purchased some liquid suspension base from The Chemistry Store and want to thin it out for hand soap. What is the best preservative for this? I do not normally do bath & body, so I am clueless. Thank You Tracy
  13. I finally took the leap and signed a lease on a store front. I will post pics of the before and after, once we get our after accomplished. I am in need of a wholesaler of Rustic Pillars. I would prefer someone from Michigan, but might purchase from others if I cannot find the right look. So, please, all that are interested. please send me your info. If you have a specific way of sending out your wholesale info, please let me know and I will follow the specifics. Otherwise, if you could send me the following information, I would so appreciate it. Company Name Website or photos of finished products Wholesale Prices Minimums My store is located in Wyandotte, Michigan. Thanks to all. Here is my email - you must remove the spaces before sending Candles Soaps And Stuff @ wowway.com
  14. My suggestion would be to file a claim yourself, and see if that works. Also, if you used your charge card, let the supplier know that you are going to take it to your credit card company. You did not get what you paid for. Keep all of the packaging for the shipment, though. You'll need that for evidence (to file a claim). If you let the company know that you are going to your CC company, they may make it right, otherwise, they will be out all of the money. JMO Sorry, don't know who you can get those items from. Tracy
  15. Then ya better get some glue, cuz that's what you'll be doin' all day and every time. People take the lid off, the ribbon comes off and they just do whatever with it. So far, I've had good luck with the Jewel It. I place some glue on the back and front. I don't do it all the way around. Hope you master it, it's a good feeling when something works and goes your way. Tracy
  16. I use Jewel It Embelishing Glue. Name Brand - Aleens It's good for applying glass to fabric or vise versa. I used to just tie the ribbon on, but then everytime someone takes the lid off, the ribbon would come off and they would just do whatevr with the ribbon. This glue works pretty good for me. I tried the E6000, but it's in a tube and it dries quickly, so if you are doing a few jars at once, it seems to dry in the tube end before you can get to the next jar. This is just what I use and works for me. Tracy
  17. Here's my thought. If you have multiple sales reps, they shouldn't overlap as far as areas. So, one rep cannot take another reps possibilities. I feel the same about this situation. All you have to do is let the rep know that you were the rep for this store and that the store is already a customer. You can give your rep the 15% for this sale, but let her know that you already have a relationship with the store yourself, and would like to continue with it. And any further orders will be directly through you. This way, you keep the rep happy, the client happy, and you happy. JMO
  18. Is there a website that has the rules and regulations for labeling your products, specifically candles? I remember someone listing it here before, but I cannot find it. Any help is appreciated. Thank You TRacy
  19. I am not a spokesperson for this company, nor do I play one on TV. I received this in the mail and called on it. The fees seem too good to be true. I asked the sales rep about 10 times, if there were any other fees by them or Visa/MC, he told me "NO" about 20 times. He seemed confused on why I was skeptical. Here's what the deal "seems" to be. I am going to sign up, and if anyone else does and it blows up in our face, don't hate me. I say this, because many of you all know, what they say and what the statements say are always totally different. BestMerchantRates.com 1-866-576-5757 Accept all forms of Payment Card Swiped Debit Card 1.15% Card Swiped Credit Card 1.54% Keyed Card 1.99% 19cent authorization fee (which I called there transaction fee and he said they are rolled into 1) So, there will be no transaction fee on the statement. 10cent batch out fee. If you do not have any charges for the day, you do not get charged the batch out fee. FREE Trans330 terminal with the purchase of a Printer 250 for $120.00 NO Monthly minimum NO Application fee NO Statement fee A chargeback fee does apply, if used. Funding Time - 24 hours This seems like a very sweet deal. Does anyone else see anything that I am missing or forgot to ask about? Oh and if you upgrade your terminal and lease one for $39/mo for 48 months, you get a free DELL computer worth $1000. (not really a deal, when the total payments are over $1800.00) Let me know what everyone thinks. Tracy
  20. Believe it or not I do all of that. I have a separate room, and noone is allowed in (supposedly). I keep all animals out, even the hairy man!! I even have an air purifier. I think sometimes, it's already in the clamshell, which is what I pour into. When I used to use the ones from WSP, I had alot!! I honestly believe the fuzzies were in there to begin with. Those little devils are very staticy (sp) and attract everything! Then sometimes, I think that the little fuzzies are on whatever I am wearing. I even bought a button up mans shirt to wear, and still the darned fuzzies still get in. I get more fuzzies than hair. I just thought I could find another use for the soap instead of washing hands and the shower. Thanks Tracy
  21. Is there a way to make M&P soap into a liquid soap? I have and always have soaps that have defects in them, like a fuzzy or hair, is there a way to make them into liquid soap? This way I can use the liquid soap for the family and for washing out my pour pots. Thanks A Bunch Tracy
  22. To avoid any complications, I would just give her the 15% off. If she can't follow the directions to sign up, she will probably not understand anything that you will try to explain to her. Just send her a friendly little note stating that you didn't want to hold up her order and if she could be so kind as to finish the process, it would greatly be appreciated. Ya know, suck up to her. If you make her happy the 1st time, you'll have a customer for life. Tracy
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