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Everything posted by Sherie

  1. Thanks for the info MA!!!!! I just emailed Suz to see what her results were with her FO. I so wanted to soap this scent!!!!!
  2. LOL, he needs a "special" raft!!!!! Definitely not "air" filled!!! Of coarse they are welcome, the more the merrier (did I spell that right?)!!!!!! :rolleyes2
  3. LOL, I left "freaking out" last week. I'm fast approaching "seriously stressed out"!!!!!!
  4. Okay Julie Bean, you better bring me a sniffie of this one!!!!!! You never sent me the dang Lavender sniffie.
  5. I have no idea. I'm not familiar with Grapevinesoaper or Heavenly Clouds. I'm assuming Grapevinesoaper lives in Grapevine but I haven't seen them here before now.
  6. Okay, but you'll need your suit cuz he'll be floating on a raft!!!!!!!! :laugh2:
  7. Don't forget the bathing suit Julie Bean!!!!!!!!!!! It's steak, rita's and water volleyball.
  8. Well that's just great!!! I love that scent. Suz at OT is carrying that FO now. I think I'll email her and ask her if she had any problems. The post on the Scent Review Board that stated it "riced", did she mention her recipe (ex: goats milk, lard, etc)? Some of them do, just wondered.
  9. LMAO!!!!!! I'm having a hard enough time trying to figure out one!!!! :rolleyes2
  10. Thanks for adding me!!!!!! I've been a little busy getting some loose ends tied up. Still trying to figure out what to get for this. I think I have an idea just trying to decide if that's what I want to do.
  11. Lovely, lovely swirls Tasha!!!! I love the colors you chose. As for a name, how about "Quiet Moments".
  12. Absolutely beautiful Brenda!!!!! I have both of those EO's. I think I'm going to make a sniffie to see how they mix. So, on the goats milk, did you mix your lye and oils and stick blend before adding the goats milk? I kinda had the same experience you had on my first batch of goats milk too. Then I started freezing it. I'd like to be able to use it in liquid form to make things easier. Also, keep us posted if it discolors to tan. Again, great soap Brenda!!!!! :highfive:
  13. Kerry, that soap turned out beautifully!!!!!! Even after all the craziness you told me went on when you were making it (mold popping open, duck tape), lol. I really love the look and Scott is totally going to love that soap. LMAO, well Julie, Rockin may just feel "sexy" because that FO is going to drive you nuts!!!! If you like that one, you should get a whiff of AXE - Touch, OMGosh that stuff is sex in a bottle!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got some and will let cha sniff when you get you butt here!!!
  14. Well, I'm down to only 1 at home now. She's been a little, shall we say, "frazzled" this week so I'm better off to just do it myself, lol. She did fold some clothes for me lastnight while I was working. Sounds good, I can't wait till you get here. :highfive:
  15. I do apologize baby girl for not letting you know. I'm trying to do 15 things at one time. Ask Kerry, she came by the other evening and I was mowing the yard. I am also working on something here so we can play the night you come in. You are a very important part of this road trip/party. Again, i do apolgoize.
  16. Beautiful pastel rustic layer "E"!!!!! I had forgotten all about Robin's technique too. Thanks for bringing it forward!!!!!!
  17. Euc/Lav sounds awesome. I agree with Eugenia!! Check out the link she provided and use their blending calc. It will tell you how much to add based on the size of your recipe.
  18. You would take your total ounces and multiply by the percentage you wish to use. Ex: 2.5 X .02 = 0.05 (for 2%) or 2.5 x .05 (for 5%) = 0.125 (which is 1/8 oz). HTH
  19. Is this in powder form? Also, what's the use percentage rate?
  20. Absolutely perfect!!!!! I love the colors and scents you chose and they came out very detailed!!!!! Love that mold, too!!!!
  21. Beautiful soap and presentation Christy!!!!! I haven't heard of the fragrance before. What does it smell like?
  22. Deb, clear out your message folders. I've been trying to pm you for a week now. I keep getting a message saying your inbox is full. :rolleyes2 Thanks!!!!:highfive: Sherie
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