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Posts posted by GoldieMN

  1. 6 hours ago, Daisymay66 said:

    Anyone know of a dupe? I know there are other places that sell AQ..just wondering if anyone has tried one and found it’s similar to AH/RE? TIA

    Are you asking because it is out of stock?  Only reason I ask is, I have at least one unopened 16 oz. bottles willing to sell.


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  2. 1 hour ago, TallTayl said:

    Palm wax forms a sturdy crust on the top fairly quickly as it cools. This keeps the molten liquid wax inside trapped When flipped. Palm wax is either liquid or solid, there is no “slush” like with soy, so the air bubbles are free-floating inside the cooling wax. 

    soy wax does not form a stable crust and stays like slush/sludge for a long while as it cools, so  air bubbles do not not move freely. sludge would spill out all over the table if flipped. For soy, it is easier to prevent air pockets with pouring temps.

    Whew! Thought I had missed a step. lol Thanks, Sweetie!


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  3. @Kevin Fischer  Thanks for the response.  What I meant was the perfect candle that meet MY needs which are:  Good-great hot throw with a jar that doesn't get hot.  As I kept going down, down, down with wick size, I started wondering if at some point it would affect the hot throw.  I don't like big mushrooms but can live with them.  I don't care if the flame flickers.    I only mentioned hangups and melt pools in order to give people an idea of what I have been looking at in testing.  "Long-lasting burn"?  Sheesh, hadn't even considered that. 🙃

    Right now I'm getting kind of sick of testing (18 fragrances).  No patience for a candle that doesn't throw in first five-hour burn. Actually working through the hundred+ samples just so I can destash. :)


  4. Thanks to @TallTayl, I have been working on getting each of my pint wide-mouth canning jars wicked with acceptable hangup, little or no mushrooms, warm/not hot jar, and good hot throw.   I am using Premier wicks and C-1 wax (which I thought people were saying needed to be wicked up; I could be wrong).  Anyway, I now am making test candles with some ok hangup, no full melt pool right away, good hot throw.  With some fragrances, I have wicked down 3 wick sizes, but still thinking I could go down another size.  My question is, is there a point where the wick size used becomes too small and affects the hot throw?  Hope I explained this right.


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  5. 1 hour ago, BusyBee said:

    I noticed that you haven't talk to any of forum members about your problem.  CraftServer is another good source of trouble shooting.  Would you like to talk about it first with us?  There could be many in here that might can help. 😉

    Thanks.  I actually did ask on this forum when I started having problems with it two years ago.


  6. 5 hours ago, Kevin Fischer said:

    Dumb question, but why is it desirable to know the lot number from a buyer's standpoint?

    Great question!  In 2017 when many of us noticed changes in the way our soy candles were performing, we found that from lot to lot, the soy was not always the same.   Problems continued into 2019, so with every new shipment of wax I get in, I have to retest all of my fragrance oils.  I decided to order three boxes at a time so I could test and still have enough wax to make my candles. 😲  The other option is to mix all the wax in a large container like a garbage pail so at least a person is using the same wax even if from different lots until the next order and retesting.  Clear as mud? lol


  7. I ordered three cases of C-1 specifically asking they all come from the same lot/date.  One number is different on one box, but I am not sure if that means I have a different lot.  Does anyone know which numbers indicate this information?  I am attaching pics of numbers on the one box.  Two boxes are exactly the same, the third has 20:36 instead of 20:37 on it.


    cargill 2.jpg

    20200226_151121 (1).jpg

  8. If it would be worth it to have this account, I would consider extending my 10-20 mile delivery to 30 miles with the nominal fee charged.  I would also have a minimum order to deliver as I wouldn't want to have to keep the customer by delivering every week for small orders.  For me, there is a limit as to how much a person has to bend over backwards to please a customer.  Either she is just being a good business person or is someone hard to please.  If it is the latter, you will know soon enough and then have to decide if her business is worth the hassle.  As @TallTayl says, "life's too short" to deal with difficult customers.


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  9. 7 minutes ago, Candybee said:

    Congrats on a great show! I had a really good one last weekend and one more this Saturday then I am done until next year. My number one sellers this year are my beer soaps and lotions followed by Christmas scented candles then soap. But everyone wants beer soap and I can't make it fast enough. Who knew that would be this years big ticket item?!!! LOL

    So people want to smell like beer?  Or have that scent in the air?  Or am I misunderstanding.


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  10. The final straw for me and 464 was the fact that a person had to burn my jar candles about 1/4-1/3 of the way before getting a decent hot throw.  I have a case of C3 which I plan to start testing after the first of the year but have been having pretty good results with C1.  If the supplier who is close has both, I would test both.


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