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Posts posted by Terry

  1. 2 hours ago, Candybee said:

    Do you remember who your instructor was?


    Also, as an FYI... the candle classes I went to were taught by the famous Flaming Dame of candles. Don't know if she still teaches there at C&S but if she does and you want to take her candle classes I highly recommend it. They may still have some of her creations on display at C&S. She did all the wedding candles and the bakery ones and some others I can't remember.

    HaHa, the Flaming Dame of Candles, love that one!!  Will keep that name in mind if I should sign up for a candle class - thanks for the heads up. I did see some carved candles on display and know they offer a class on those.  Maybe those were the FD of C's.

    Sharon is the lady who taught our class. 


    • Like 1
  2. Thank you Puma !!  We had so much fun....and yes I do feel way more comfortable with the Lye now....  :thumbsup2:

    We used palm, coconut and olive oils.  I suppose this is a basic recipe of sorts ?...

    My sister used their Christmas Tree scent - smelled so good!!  

    We are going to trade bars when ready, can't wait!  :yay:



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  3. @MYTVC15   C&S has M&P classes and HP soap classes coming up, check it out http://www.candlesandsupplies.net/Classes-FREE-Projects/Classes-Offered and they are affordable. 


    @Sponiebr   Thank you for the kind words of encouragement!   :)   


    @Candybee    It was my first time in a supplier showroom  :bliss:and it's dangerous thing for my pocketbook!  I love to be able to sniff before you buy but since I placed an already large order for wax and other things I did not splurge on the extra FO's.  Next time...;)   I am a patchouli fan and the Witches Brew is awesome OOB.  Your blend with the sweet honey sounds divine....  (we need an emoji for smelling a lovely scent and one for a stinky scent - HA-HA!)

    We took the ride about 3 hours to get there, not bad, and it was sunny and crisp autumn day in PA - perfect for a drive. And yes, I loved taking my project home to use!  

    We also made a quick stop at Candlewic for some jars.  It is great to be within driving distance from the suppliers but they are just a tad too far for me to drive to and back same day including all the stops.  And I need to check out Peak/Fillmore next time around.  Thank the Lord for GPS's - what did we do before them, lol?  My order from C&S also included the M&P goats milk and clear -- not sure what soap making route I will take. Going back to your M&P recipe thread when I start to play Candybee, thank you, that is one fantastic thread!  The Craftserver soap of the month demos have really inspired me to make soap.  :thumbsup:


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  4. Attended a CP soap making class at C&S on Friday.  Loved it!  The staff are terrific... 

    Purchased a few scents:  Witches Brew and love - love - love Bayberry Apple Spice OOB.  (thanks Candybee!)

    And for the soap:  Lavender scented, buds on top....  

    Poured mixture into a food take out carton, cut today, setting aside now for 6 weeks just in time to give myself a Christmas gift!  :)

    It's a start, right ?!!   20161113_094613.jpglol20161113_094622.jpg20161113_095232.jpg

    • Like 7
  5. Honestly there are great debates about this subject here on the board.  

    Many members only use Permatex Red to adhere the wick to the jar as it is resistant to heat, the tab will not come loose and it seals the hole in the bottom of the tab.  (this seems like really the safest way to go when selling your candles).  For now while I am testing glue dots or wick stickums are fine for me.  I have also read that members use the wick tabs and glue dots without here issue.  The purpose of the wick tab is to stop the wick from burning at a certain point so the jar does not get too hot at the end which can lead to cracking.  Glue dots/stickums may not provide sufficient coverage of the hole in the tab if not properly lined up thereby drawing the wax up into the wick so the candle continues to burn long after it should have extinguished itself out by the wick tab doing the job it was intended to do.  They could also come loose especially if the jar does not have a flat bottom.  When you use the Permatex you need to prepare your jars the day before pouring so it sets up.  


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  6. On a piece of cardboard, (you can use the back of an old writing pad) trace the jar. then with a ruler measure the diameter straight across and then do it straight across the other way to make a cross so to speak.  

    Then take the wick tab and trace a circle around that right in the intersection of the cross, color it in with a black magic marker.  

    Place the jar you want to wick within the outer circle on the cardboard.  

    Take your wick, place the stickum on the tab and thread the wick through the pen stem.  

    Aim and place the wick tab within the inner circle that you drew.

    Pint mason jars are a bit more challenging due to smaller opening but can be done...

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

    I can't say with certainty but I recall someone on here saying that they did not care for FB 's Frasier Fir . CS is really good + so is WSP 

    A better price is CS for sure as its super close to WSP's . Hopefully someone else will chime in who's actually tried the one from FB.

    I have not tested WSP's FF, however, CS FF is so darn good IMO that I need to look no further  :)  

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  8. 1 hour ago, Lora said:

     I saw that there was an FO review thread, is there one for wax?  I will be using paraffin and there is so much out there, I don't know what to get.  Would love to know from others what they've bought and like.  I look forward to interacting with everyone as I begin this journey!



    Hi Lora (love the way your name is spelled, BYW!)   Welcome to the board!   

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