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Everything posted by KJohnson

  1. Wow..those look ao pretty....where did you get that cool triple mold??
  2. Anyone use Peaks Black Canyon? I tried it in M&P and it seized up...what causes it to seize up? Did I heat it too much...I dont think that I did anything different...Could maybe a stronger scent make the soap seize? I have noticed that it is a VERY stong scent.. Any suggestions?
  3. thank youI will try Natures Garden they have awsome Black cherry I want to reorder too TY
  4. nevermind..LOL I just figured it out!! there is 3 pieces...and the main piece is creased I gotcha!! thank you!!!
  5. very cool! So its 4 pieces...and you slide each one in the mold every time..???
  6. My mom would LOVE some Chamomile scented soaps and loitons for Christmas..anyone know who sells a true Chamomile scent?
  7. So then do you cut this and tape the corners to that the soap does not leak through the corners? Im trying to picture this in my head..lol I wouldlike to make one too
  8. Thank you all. I did different packaging....so that you can see my soaps I used shrink wrap and cut it into bands then used a small label to secure it then hit it with my heat gun. Thanks everyone for the ideas! I may still try the corregated paper another day but right now I just want everyone to SEE my soaps!!! LOL
  9. how big is that?? how many chunks do you get off that? pretty
  10. These pink soaps are Plumeria.. I love the lather its awsome..I havent tried CP yet but I just love this M&P soap..you should have seen me in the shower this morning..lol well not really....but I was sooooo tickled when I saw the bubbles from this soap! Awesome!
  11. Yep...its M&P.. I added shea, goats milk, castor...
  12. thank you all for looking I will get the picture thing figured out..lol
  13. Edited to say Im sorry Im having a heck of a time getting the pictures in I will try again these are my Mini Loaf Bars..they are scented Plumeria
  14. Thanks everyone for looking and all the great comments.!!!
  15. Thank you all for the info..I think Papermart looks like the way to go. Im not the best at searching for things.....Thanks for you help!
  16. thank you ..I did find some at walmart but they are pre cut and do not fit
  17. anyone know where I can find corregated paper? all I can find are boxes..lol
  18. Thanks everyone! I just love making soap this was only my 3rd small batch...Im thinkin I need to make atleast a batch a day....LOL I am still waiting on my Lye from SummerBess Grrrrrrr
  19. Here are the soaps I made tonight....Mini Loaf soaps..They are Oatmeal Milk & honey (made with goats milk, real honey & oatmeal)
  20. Here are some Mini Loaf Soaps I made tonight...they are Oatmeal Milk & Honey (made with goats milk, real honey & oatmeal) Thanks for Looking!
  21. Well then you are going to LOVE this one...a lady that I car pool with... her husband drives a semi....well he was buying my strawberry 8ozjj candles and burning them while driving in his semi...I guess he has already used 2 whole candles...So she calles and wants more..so she gets 2 more candles...then 2 days later she tells me she is going to bring one candle back....So I said why?> and she said that its not burning right...So I said how long did he burn it? and she said from our house to the highway...then he blew it out...(just so ya know...its was only about 5 miles..so not a good burn) and its a wash board dirt road... So then she said the other strawberry candle they burnt in the house and it burns great...(they were poured from the same pot) So I told her....Im sorry but I can not gurantee my candles will burn properly in a moving vehicle. I havent heard anything more about the candle. Geeeeeeezzzzzzzz! People!! And to add to it..she is an insurance agent..you would think she would have enough common scents (ha) to tell him not to burn candlesin a moving vehicle
  22. Thank you everyone! I have used them twice now and think they should lather more...I did add a TBSP each of shea and castor pe pound...so maybe mext timeI will up the castor
  23. no Lye....those are MP!! but I added other things to it
  24. Thank you everyone!! I had fun doing it...If only I didnt have to have sleep I would be up all night makin more!
  25. HEHEHE!! Thank you Thank you! I need to get a cutter yet I used a butcher knife...my lines could have been straighter
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