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Everything posted by KJohnson

  1. thank you so much for the suggestions...I do know the technical side of this so I will get with them and see what they think. Thanks again!
  2. Thank you everyone for all the great places to try!!
  3. Maybe what I got is no good...it just doesnt smell like Orange at all...it almost has a TINY hint of a vanilla...but nothing else at all.
  4. Anyone have Peaks orange FO????? What do you thik it smells like? It sure doesnt smell like orange.. anything..I have ever smelled. i can not place what in the world it smells like. If anyone else has it let me know what you think. Thanks!
  5. Does anyone kow who has awsome Carrot Cake FO and what color would you make this candle?? Ihave no clue but i have a customer asking.
  6. I found mine in the isle that have the ironing boards and big plastic organizers...and big totes.
  7. Im working on resizing the bear pictures...I fixed the typos YEAH!!...lol.... I have about 50 pics of different bears I have made maybe someday I will put them all on there..they each have a diff bow/color for a diff theme. Thanks again!
  8. Thank you all for the feed back... Michi i dont take it wrong at all..Im glad to have people interested to point things out. THANKS!!!
  9. www.CountryClassicsbyKris.com Made by Geekoasis.com ...GREAT people to work with!! Enjoy!!!
  10. the only MP I have that has changed color(sofar..knock on wood) is my Pink Sugar..but it actually turned a light orange color...Im ok with it
  11. Have you tried all these recipes? and can you use bees wax instead of the Candellia Wax ??
  12. Thank you everyone.... This is what I found in checking things out....I called my Super Wal-Mart....16oz doe $15.61.....I was in shock...So then I called Hobby Lobby...they have 16oz for $6.99 So I ended up ordering it from Kangaroo blue...and a few other things I had wanted to get from them Thanks for all the help!! Can want til it gets here
  13. Thank you Landa I did find a couple..but they seem so different with the adding tsps of alchohl....or spritzing..etc... here is one I am thinking about... 1 cup of baking soda 1/2 cup citric acid 1/2 cup of cornstarch 1/4 cup of epsom salts 1 lg. vitamin E oil capsule (this aids in preserving your oils.) 1 tablespoon melted butter-shea, cocoa, mango 1 1/2 tablespoons of carrier oil-grapeseed, sweet almond, jojoba To that 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of fragrance oil or about 15 to 20 drops of essential oils 3 teaspoons of distilled water Colorant
  14. Anyone have a bath bomb recipe they would like to share.....And does anyone use the heart shaped molds (ornaments) from Hobby Lobby?? Do they work for making bath bombs? Any help would be great...
  15. anyone every buy from this company?? Im looking at bath bomb supplies, but I dont think I have heard anyon on here talk about them
  16. Citric Acid? can you buy this locally or is this somethin gI need to order...I want to make bath bombs
  17. lol well the thing is...they will reopen on Jan 2nd and fill orders as they came in...and I just ordered mine last night so I would say I wont get them til the endof the week if Im lucky...I know I will be using lots I did find some..thank you
  18. Anyone know a great place to buy lip balm pots and tubes...??? I ordered from Bramble Berry then realized they are closed til Jan 2nd and I want to make some before then
  19. Thank you all....I tried again and its still not right...I must not have waited long enough to put the embed in because it sank the the bottom of the mold...and kind of stuck out..I will try again and wait longer thanks for all the ideas.
  20. Wondering if you can pour little heart shaped soaps then put them in a mold then pour MP over it...So you would have an oval bar of soap..but in the middle you will see a heart...anyone know how I can do this?? I have it picture in my head and i just tried it and...well it looks like crap..lol anyone know what i mean?
  21. does anyone know how much sweet almond oil and flavoring to use? i want to put these in roller bottles
  22. I wouldlove anyones input on suppiers with GREAT FOs....Seems that my current suppier is...well......not living up..So Im at a loss of where to get GREAT FOs Any suggestions? Thaks Kris
  23. I bought some flavorings from Bramble berry...but I tasted them and they are not sweet..or shall I say they have no flavor...I was wondering how you can make them sweet can I add some artificial sugar? any suggestions?
  24. Thank you everyone....Im not going to offer the refresher oil. But I gotta tell you...I was in a shop today and you know the Big line of candles called Sugar Shack..(well big in nebraska anyway..lol)..well they do sell refresher oil...but they dont sell a wickless candle...at least I dont think they do...their oil is for potpuri...so there were 2 ladies talking about using this oil for old candles they have at home...ouch! Thank you all Ihave been struggling with this question..now I have an answer!
  25. Im wonderin if anyone who makes wickless candles also sells refresher oils to their customers? and if you do where do you find the correct bottles with the dropper?? Thanks!
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