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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. WOW...I think it looks nice! Much better swirls than I have been getting lately. I think the Swirling Demon is at my house!
  2. I am looking for a Lemon that is STRONG in CP. I have tried LLC and it turns colors. Solas Lemon Sugar soaps nice and does not discolor but the scent is very faint. Lemon Pound Cake from Peak soaps nice but the scent is too faint also. Any Ideas??
  3. I have soaped DSM before...used it for the swirl once. I dont order from the place you are asking about...sorry.
  4. I have several requests for a Lavender/chamomile soap. I pulverized some Cham flowers and added them to unscented soap. Scented and colored the lav half. Scented with Tristate Lavender and lav EO. The side by side pour didnt turn out too bad and the two scents together arent as bad as I thought they would be.
  5. Well, for what its worth, the first one looks fabulous! I tried another attempt at the side by side pour last night....doesnt look as nice os your first one...but not too shabby this time around.
  6. OK...since no one but Scented was up to guide me, I did what I said I was gonna do. Colored and scented half the soap and other half was left natural with the chamomile to scent it. I hope it turns out half way decent! I have had several people ask me lately if I did Lavender Chammomile soap...we will see if those same people are around after this stuff cures...lol
  7. See, me too! I was thinking of doing a side by side pour...dividing the soap and scenting and coloring the lavender and then leaving the uncolored part unscented except for the chamomile.....Whacha think?
  8. I am making a Lavender Chammomile soap with Lavender FO/eo blend and ground Chamomile flowers....would you color it? Or leave it Natural?
  9. Do any of you guys have this problem? I see a good deal on packaging and "OH I HAVE TO HAVE IT!" Nevermind I have no freaking clue what I am going to put in it...I just have to spend money! OR....I see something neat that I want to try. Like different ingredients that I want to "play"with....."Gotta have it" and have it now! I dont have the time to make the stuff I currently have in my product line, let alone play with anything new. What is my problem????? That is whay you guys get such a good deal from me in the classifieds...lol Anyone else have this problem? Anyone else a Supply/packaging Whore?
  10. Thank you so much! I will go and search that topic on the Dish. I read over there but dont post a whole lot at all. Thanks Again.
  11. Sometimes if you just email them they will sell it to ya even if you dont have the freakin 100 post minimum. Can ya tell I am bitter about that?...lol
  12. Is one really better than the other? I have seen several recipes with BTMS listed instead of Ewax...what do ya think? Is BTMS really better?
  13. Nope they didnt say what size...so I take it as any size you order you get $1.00 off. The code is GT-0407
  14. Ok..I was a little confused at first when you said you ordered from Peak as I know they do not carry half the scents you had listed there. So, your beef isnt with Peak...seemed a little odd to me to mention them in this. Anyway...No, I dont think your email is rude, especially if you have asked for the info before. Good luck.
  15. Hey guys, I just looked at the BCN Newsletter and the GelTones are $1 off this month! I think I am gonna try a few more colors!!!
  16. So its a whipped butter? not emulsified? Try using the refined shea and ya wont have to worry about the smell of the shea overpowering your FO. It looks nice and rich!
  17. Thanks for the compliment Lorrie! You can get big sheets of mylar at JoAnns Fabrics. You basically just fold to fit the inside of your mold. I like the ease of my log molds and I (and my customers) like the size of the bar from the log molds. This bar size is totally different than what I have currently. And I TOTALLY SUCK at swirling in a slab mold...gonna take a lot of practice looks like...lol
  18. I had a ton of energy yesterday, so I put it to good use...SOAPING! I only stoped because I ran out of molds...lol 1st... Coconut Lime Verbena from Tristate...soaped beautifully! Smells strong. I made this one in my Misty Creek Mold...Still undecided on the mold...we will see. 2nd.... Mechanics Soap...I am so happy with the way this one turned out...Scented with Lemon EO with Lime Sugar from OT to anchor it. At thin trace I added Kerosene and Fullers earth for the degreaser..and before pouring added pumice. The EO/FO blend covered up the Kerosene smell! 3rd... Lemon SUgar from Solas...not to sure on this one either...scent is very faint to me and I used 1oz pp. Hopully it will get stronger. 4th.... Cucumber Mint from SoapnCandles LOVE, LOVE, Love this scent! If you havent tried it...you gotta!
  19. Nice to hear of a satidfied customer! However, why is it all these graphics that are for sale at a reasonable price are Prim/country? Not my style at all!
  20. The jury is still out with me on my MC mold. mystical_angel got me the 16 bar for my Bday so I could try my hand at swirling...well I SUCK!..lol I cant help it, I like my log molds. I HATE lining the MC mold! I made mylar liners for my log molds so I just wash them off, wipe them off with a papertowel and then pop them back into my mold and tadaaaaaaaa ready for another batch. I just cut my second batch from the MC mold...so far...not impressed. But I am gonna give it a chance!
  21. I totally agree with the other 2 posts. I am working on my website also and I have plans of offering "Free Sample with EVERY Purchase". Taking my cue from Alan and Nachelle:D Even now, if someone orders candles...I always add a B&B sample. If someone orders B&B...I some sort of candle sample like a tart or votive.(this is if they are strictly a B&B customer) I have had people ask to buy samples and I always tell them they are not for sale...But FREEE with a purchase!
  22. oh girl I feel your pain!...lol I just cant get the hang of it! But, I have to say I still think it will turn out great.
  23. I totally hate Florals. My best selling Floral Scent is Lilac...in candles and B&B.
  24. All the dry milk I have seen in the stores here is non fat. I use the non fat dry milk in my Milk Baths.
  25. OMG I LOVE the FCS cutter! It is the easiest thing in the world to use. I did sell my other cutters because I am so IN LOVE with the FCS cutter! IT IS DA BOMB!!!!!!! Bug...the one that I sold is a great cutter and at a reasonable price. www.creeksidesoaps.com
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