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Sweet story involving wax and a rescue dog. Unexpected for me!

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I have Chihuahuas. I am on a couple of Chihuahua online communities. On one, there are a few young ladies who foster and rescue dogs from puppy mill situations.

One of the ladies came on a few days ago and indicated that she was offered a rescue/foster Chihuahua that had been used for breeding that was both deaf and blind. It was suggested that the dog be put to sleep.

My online friend, who lives on several acres, agreed to take the dog and try. She was given advice about starting her one room at a time. The dog is already doing VERY well. She quickly learned the first room, is learning to trust and is acting like a dog!

She asked if others had dealt with this situation and some had dogs with one or the other issue and offered advice.

You may have heard of this but I had not. Someone suggested that for blind dogs to get a candle with separate scents for each room in which she'd have available to her. The lady said that the candle needed not even be burned, just unlidded. Apparently, this is suggested as sense of smell can remain strong or compensate despite the other senses being compromised.

The young lady said this advice had been suggested to her by someone else she consulted as well. She went on to say that she had a couple of those "warming things" and this would be a great reason to splurge on wax tarts.

I jumped right in to let her know that I make wax melts (and since I make just for myself I am buried in them!) and would LOVE to send her a box full.

We agreed on apple, pumpkin, laundry, vanillas and lemon. Those should be distinctive enough. If not, with the dogs that she has, the house will smell more yummy!

I found this concept very interesting and cannot wait to hear from her if this seems to help in some way.

I love wax and dogs. Today I found a way to mix those two loves!

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I had the privilege of caring for a blind dog, I named him Blue. He was someone's throwaway, at best guess he was 1/2 Akita and 1/2 Blue Heeler.

Blue was one of those dogs that every other dog you meet will always be compared to. The vet I took him to said his blindness was probably just a nasty case of conjunctivitis when he was a pup that wasn't' treated. It didn't stop him, and most people were shocked to find out he was blind. He jumped into the car on his own, and out. He knew us all and he easily found his way around. When it was potty time he would sit at the top of the back yard and put his nose to the air, side to side. Then off he went in the right direction to add to his "potty area".

He herded the chickens across the yard, and when we got home late to put the new peeps away and they were scattered through the 2 acres Blue found every one and led us to them. He was an outside dog and he loved to roam in the woods, but he never ran into trees. In fact he would even trot along the kids when they rode their bikes and he never ran into them either.

He knew his food bowl from my Pugs bowl and he never mixed them up, and he knew my car and my husband's car, as well as the kids school bus. When my daughter got on the bus in the morning he would plant himself in the front yard and howl for a time. He really loved my daughter.

The candle idea is a neat one, especially to a dog that is more recently blind.

I know I'm rambling, I do miss Blue. :cry2:

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Thanks for sharing :) so glad the little dog has a good home and is not going through the nightmare anymore. Hope the tarts do the trick. You never know what will work till you try, please thank her for being so compassionate and taking this little dog in.

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