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wholesale suppliesplus

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We loved WSP...great products, great scents, wonderful customer service. But when they did the "free shipping"...we jumped ship. Everyone knows the shipping isn't free. We all know the price of the item is sooo jacked up so the shipping cost can be covered. Shortly after they offered this "deal", I needed to place an order and decided to just check to see the cost...and started adding the items to my cart. After just a couple of items I knew it was going to be outrageous. But, I continued to add all items to the cart. Then, decided to go elsewhere to check pricing...the difference was over $200.00. Now...if they went back to being fair...I'd go back and order some cool sounding products. There's just too many other great suppliers out there ... it takes some time and research to fine exactly what you need and from whom, but worth it.

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I used to order so much stuff from them, but I agree, with free shipping (read that as shipping price built into product cost, plus some extra padding just 'cause), weird ever-changing policies.. & now I very very rarely ever purchase anything from them, maybe once a year, if that.

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Sad thing is, I gotta order from them next week :( UNLESS some of you amazing soapers can tell me where else I can get Vanilla Stabilizer for MP and the Vanilla Stabilizer for lotion. (not concerned with the one for wax because I do mine all natural and whatever happens , happens LOL )

Any suggestions? I really like how those two products from WSP work ( the Crafter's Choice) but, I'm willing to try other, known good substitutes if they aren't TOO far off.

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Brambleberry sells a very good vanilla stabilizer. BCN sells it too, but it has a HORRIBLE (and in my opinion) DANGEROUSLY strong toxic-like note to it after a couple of weeks. I would never recommend the one from BCN because of this. I thought that I had completely lost my sense of smell after taking a whiff a while back and it was a very frightening experience. Their stabilizer also crystalizes after a couple of months. Just an FYI...

Now about WSP... I am not a fan and the jacked up prices are the biggest reason. However, I feel that I should in good conscious share a recent experience that I had with WSP...

Recently, I was in a pinch and very low on clear soap base. I had a very large order of loofah soaps that I had to ship within the week. I did not have enough clear soap base for this order and I could not use it anyway. Bases do vary and I wanted the colors to be exactly the same for each bar. For me, the base from the same supplier is critical for the same order.

Anyway, no company could accomodate me without charging me an insane shipping price for speedy delivery. I understood this. I contacted WSP with my problem as a last resort. I have not ordered from them in a couple of years since they added shipping to their prices and put forth a ridiculous minimum with orders. I was hesitant to contact them, but I was SO desperate. Well, they shipped my base the same day and did not charge me anything extra, even though they were swamped with orders from their big sale. I received my base within 3 days of ordering.

I still think they are too pricey for my taste. But they did get me out of a tough situation this time and feel that I should mention this.

Edited by Noodle
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Thanks for the info Noodle and sporadic...

Sporadic, I did check out the VS you posted, and although it says its for MP, it doesn't state that it can be used in lotion . Do you know if it does work or not in lotion also? ( sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm just used to have three different stabilizers for specific applications )

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Brambleberry sells a very good vanilla stabilizer. BCN sells it too, but it has a HORRIBLE (and in my opinion) DANGEROUSLY strong toxic-like note to it after a couple of weeks. I would never recommend the one from BCN because of this. I thought that I had completely lost my sense of smell after taking a whiff a while back and it was a very frightening experience. Their stabilizer also crystalizes after a couple of months. Just an FYI...

Crap, I just ordered some from BB with the rest of my stuff. Guess I'll get some on order from NG or AH/RE cause I'm not going to like it acting/smelling like that! I doubt I'll order there any more anyway - I ordered EARLY Monday morning and my order didn't even leave until yesterday (Thursday).

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It is BCN that has the terrible smelling one, not BB. BCN stabilizer smells fine for the first few weeks and then it changes to something VERY strong and awful IN THE BOTTLE. This has happened several times for me and finallly I just stopped buying it. The smell goes away in the base though right away. Brambleberry has a wonderful stabilizer, so don't worry if you ordered that one.

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It is BCN that has the terrible smelling one, not BB. BCN stabilizer smells fine for the first few weeks and then it changes to something VERY strong and awful IN THE BOTTLE. This has happened several times for me and finallly I just stopped buying it. The smell goes away in the base though right away. Brambleberry has a wonderful stabilizer, so don't worry if you ordered that one.

WHEW!! Thanks for straightening me out!!

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Wouldn't you of thought that wholesale suppliesplus would of lost just a ton of business by doing that with their shipping? Just the way things are today with our economy, we have to do everything possible to keep our customers..not charge outrageous free shpping prices! I just don't get it! How the heck do they even stay in business? I personally want people to be able to afford to buy my products and enjoy them! I'm happy just being able to make a little. It's not about the money for me anyway, I'm not expecting to get rich! I get way way more satisfaction just knowing that folks love my candles! It just the best feeling! :0) have a great weekend!

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I'm with you on that one. I was thinking that they'd have lost enough customers/had enough complaints by now, that they'd have restructured that crazy "new and (cough) improved" system but undoubtedly they haven't.

I keep putting off going over there and ordering those VS's... but I'm going to have to bite the bullet and just do it I guess :(

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I still think that WSP attracts hobbyists- the new, excited crafter who sees WSP's name pop up first in the search engine with an enormous selection of products. The newbie becomes starry-eyed. The newbie sees FREE SHIPPING and they are DONE searching. They think "WOW! A $30 minimum is not much at all." They are not familiar with the years of BS that this company has inflicted on its longtime customers. They are just psyched to get started on their craft. I honestly think that the experienced customer in this business is wise and knows where to shop for the best deal and most efficient customer service. The experienced customer knows that WSP is NOT the place to shop.

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I haven't been doing this long enough to know all the history of the companies policy changes and shipping but I do buy select oils from them

I buy a few yank dupes that I have not been able to find anywhere else as good and doing the math it is not much different in price in most cases:

If I were to order just a 16 ounce vanilla oak from brambleberry with shipping to me I would pay $38.42

Ordering the same at WSP is $40.96 and I have always received my order in 2 to 3 days- cant say that for a lot of other suppliers - their minimum is $30 so what I do is order 1 and then when I get the ship confirmation I will order another so they are not able to make extra money off me in bulk shipping- and most 16 ounce bottles are over 30 anyways but other suppliers are getting that high as well

I am not totally defending them as I would rather be charged actual shipping and fair price for the oils but the 4 I do use from them are amazing and nothing else I have tried comes close to comparing- I never tried any outside of the dupes though

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