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Didn't know Scentsy had sales


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I just returned from a small two day show at an American Legion Hall. Nice little show. As usual there was a Scentsy rep there. Usually the Scentsy reps in my area have nice displays. The venue provided tables (yea!!) and she didn't even put a tablescloth on them. Just set warmers out with the regular price and the mark down price.

Then the clamshells were in a big tapestry suitcase that she laid on the table, unzipped the top and flopped it over and the customers had to dig through them. Then tore a piece of brown cardboard from a cardboard box and used a magic marker to make a "Sale" sign. $5.00 each or 3 for $14

or 6 for $25

Now she sold some warmers but they were marked down $10 each. I started to ask if she was going out of business but kept my mouth shut. She had a LOT of warmers but not many clamshells. Well a suitcase full might have been a lot but I am used to seeing them hanging by scent.

I sell melts in portion cups and clamsheels also but my main line is goat milk soap and lotion. Scentsy doesn't bother me but I was surprised to see the pretty ratty looking display and the sale. I have never seen any of the reps having a sale before. Are am I just not observant?

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I thought they HAD to charge what the company told them? Don't know much about them except there are lots of reps here in my area..always a new person at the shows.

They do I have had a couple of reps come and jump on me one time for charging $3.50 for my melt saying the company require that they not undercut other S___Y reps I just looked at them and laughed then politly explained I was not S___Y and I could charge anything I wanted. I also gave them a history in my melts and infomed them I have been making melt much longer than S____Y they left pretty shame faced.

I am betting this women was a rep and now discount everything just trying to get her money back.

Edited by Vicky_CO
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I thought about the angle of trying to get her money back. She had a Navy warmer so I asked her if she had an Army warmer (since they were on sale why not) and she said she had all of the armed forces but she just didn't have them with her. I do a show next weekend where the rep is someone that I have been doing shows with for several years so I might casually ask her. I sell clamshells for $3.50 since that is what most of the crafters sell them for in my area so she still didn't get as low as my price but closer than the regular $5.00.

The reps in this area seem to stay for a long time. I was kind of out of my regular territory last weekend.

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Scentsy melts used to be $5.99, so $5 is a discount. I know some reps in my area have discounted at vendor shows. I do not know if they are supposed to or not. There always are reps with every company who break rules...at least from my experience. I think Scentsy is feeling the pressure with other handmade crafters prices. The $10 warmers...those are definitely discounted. Might be discontinued ones?

As far as her display...drives me nuts when someone does not make any effort to try to display professionally. But whatever...I just work on mine looking great (and better :) ).

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