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I'm going to start making CP soap very soon (after I sell a bunch of Yankee candles I have sitting around... Just started selling them today, and more than half of them are sold...LOL)

Has anyone tried NG's oils? What do you think of them? Are they as good as BB oils?

I like the fact that NG packages them in one pound bottles, and if you buy 7, you get a discount... BB will give you a discount as well.. But packages some in big bulk bags, and iMO.. It's a pain in the ass.

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I have had good luck with NG. I would try small amounts of new FO's until you discover those that work well for you before jumping to the 1 lbs. Not every oil from every supplier works well with my formula and techniques.

Peak has excellent oils also - some of my faves are from them.

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Thanks TallTayl... I guess I should have said Soap oils for your recipe, not fragrance oil.(Coconut oil,Palm Oil,Olive,Castor,etc.)

I was wondering if the quality is there... or if they just picked the cheapest oil on the market so they could be competitive.

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i have not ever bought soaping oils from NG, but I am sure they are good quality oils..as is their fo's.

If you need more than 1 lb sizes..Soapers Choice has lots of soaping oils, and their prices are very good..

i have bought from them many many times..

Edited by 8-GRAN-ONES
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+1 for soaper's choice. They're prices are among the most competitive I have found, and even though I live quite a ways away from them, they still have very low shipping rates for the size of packages they send out. I use NG for a lot of fragrances, and looked at them for base oils but they were almost double the cost in shipping for similar sized packages, in part because they package most of that stuff in 1 pound bottles. The smallest size of oils that SC uses for most of their products is a 7 lb bottle, but I wager that is cheaper than NG's buy 6 get 7 deal and it was about 1/2 the shipping cost for me.

When you are looking at sources for base oils you really have to pay attention to shipping rates. Ordering them in any real quantity can inflate their costs quickly, so even if you find a source that looks cheaper add some things to the cart and get a shipping quote. You may find your bargains aren't that great depending on your location.

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I just got in an order of oils from Soaper's Choice and I can't complain a single bit, although they are in Ohio and I'm in New Mexico. Shipping was very predictable (they have a table on their website so you can calculate it out too) and I loved being able to get things like my Shea Butter that much cheaper.

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The holy trinity of basic soap is olive oil, coconut oil and palm or tallow/lard. You can get olive, coconut and lard at the store and make some great soap. You can infuse your olive oil with herbs that are in your store for a more luxurious soap and use spices or chocolate powder for coloration. The soap molds look great and with local ingredients and a good recipe, you should get some great soaps. I order my palm in 7 pound bottles and my beef tallow in pails and buy the rest at wally world or wherever good olive is on sale. HTH


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I agree with Steve...as a newbie go with local store bought oil. You needn't invest a lot when starting out in soap making. That's one of the things I love about this particular hobby.

Wal-mart even carries coconut oil and castor oil. Look in their pharmacy for the castor. Get your olive oil when its on sale and don't bother with extra virgin.

I've been soaping for over 5 years now and I still only buy my olive oil and coconut oil locally. For everything else - Soapers Choice.

Also you can check out Essential Depot for lye, tallow, palm etc.

Edited by JacquiO
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Thanks everyone! I went ahead and ordered my oils from NG since I had to restock some FO's I was out of.

I ordered Palm,Olive,Sweet Almond,Coconut, and Argan oils.. along with a BUNCH of colorants and butters.

Next time I'll just order from BB since shipping to me is at the MOST, $12.00 (and I get it next day since we're both in WA)..

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