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Blending / mixing EO with FO

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Ok, I hope someone can clarify this for me. I've read and heard of people blending/mixing essential oil with fragrance oil. I am wondering why would someone do this and how is that done? I'm assuming with the small selection of essential oils you could only do this for certain fragrances (a spa or aromatherapy type) and not one like bubble gum, cucumber melon, etc. Or is it possible to add essential oil to any fragrance oil and have it still maintain the original scent? Or would it create a whole new scent? I hope this makes sense & I don't sound confused as I really am... LOL

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Thanks Chris! I was thinking I could add essential oil with fragrance oil to intensify the original scent while still maintaining the fragrance name. For instance if I added EO oil to Bubble gum FO, it would smell 10x's as strong but still like Bubble Gum. From what I gather from your response it seems that it would create a whole other scent that i would have to make a name for. Thanks again!

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Here's a site that has a list of essential oils, their descriptions and some facts about them. http://www.oilganic.com/essential-oil-glossary/essential-oil-list.htm There a many, many more sites just google essential oils & many of our FO suppliers carry EO's. Just so you know, there are no bubble gum, cucumber melon, etc. EO's and if anyone who calls them EO's is full of it!

There are many EO's that are priced reasonably to use and many are way out of my range to even purchase.

I add lavender EO to my lavender FO in candles and soap and it helps intensify the FO. I use EO's of peppermint & spearmint in some of my holiday blends. Eucalyptus EO I use in a 'sinus candle'......and so forth.

Make sure you do your homework and learn about the pros & cons of the EO's you are interested in. Many can be very toxic to pregnant women, children or pets, etc. Have fun!!

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I actually make a line of meditation candles with both EO and FO in them. Some of my customers prefer the idea of having the EO in the candle, but the smell is too much for them just on it's own. So I blend, and everyone seems pretty happy.

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