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Made My First Batch Last Night

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Well I finally bit the bullet and made my first batch. I learned two things, I need a better scale and when a mold says it is for 6 pounds they mean total, not six pounds of oils. :shocked2:

I ended up with about 2 and a half pounds of extra raw soap last night, with no place to put it. I poured some into a small pyrex pan, but the rest ended up going in the trash. Mixing and trace went off without a hitch, and I was feeling frisky enough to try a little in the pot swirl, though today it sorta looks like a mess as the colors changed quite a bit when it gelled.

It's still too soft to unmold. I didn't discount water since I planned on trying a swirl if things didn't seize up on me. Once I started to pour I immediately realized something was wrong and ended up pouring too much into the mold and had to scoop some out. This muddied up what would have been pretty good swirls (I think) but we'll see.

I gelled in the oven. Took it out this morning, but things are still a bit soft. I poked around at the small pyrex container a bit. It is set up pretty good, but I am a little worried that it may be too "superfat" but I have nothing to really compare it to. I used the suggested ranges on the soap calc but I may have screwed up somewhere.

For my first go I decided to keep the base recipe super simple:

50% olive oil

30% lard

20% coconut

It seems to have sweated a bit but that could be fragrance oils I guess. I sliced off a piece of the small pan, there was no tongue zap (that I could detect). It lathered up really creamy but was hard to rinse off which makes me think there may have been a touch of lye left in it, or there is too much oil. Anyway, I will unmold this afternoon if things progress and see how things look.

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I made too much of the first one and over filled the mold. The green was much darker than I expected (I thought more of the soap's white would come through, especially based on its color in the pot). I wanted more contrast than I got, but the swirl came out better than I thought it would after having to scoop stuff out and back into the pot. I colored it with spirulina and charcoal and scented it with green irish tweed type FO.

The second came out pretty much exactly like I wanted it to. I didn't do anything special to this one. I colored it with red sandalwood (and a touch of titanium dioxide based on the experience of the first batch) and scented it with lotus and sea salt FO.

Overall it was a blast, and I have to put both of these down as a success even if not perfect.

Edited by GrinningGoblin
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You know... I've just started making soap, too. I'm making 1 pound batches. It only makes about 5 or 6 bars of soap, but I like that I can try different recipes and not have a ton invested or a ton wasted if I don't like one.

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Well I finally bit the bullet and made my first batch. I learned two things, I need a better scale and when a mold says it is for 6 pounds they mean total, not six pounds of oils. :shocked2:

No, the mold size is the weight of the oils, not the finished soap weight. 2# batches are a good starting point :)

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No, the mold size is the weight of the oils, not the finished soap weight. 2# batches are a good starting point :)

That's what I thought, but this particular mold most definitely does not hold 6 pounds of oils + water. The inside dimensions are 20" Long x 3.5" Wide x 2.75" High and was sold to me as a "6 pound mold". However, it actually holds a batch made with 4 pounds of oils just about perfectly. I ended up with way, way too much for that first batch.

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Soaping is hugely addictive! You will constantly plan batches in your head, and sometimes they will even resemble the picture.

I'm finding it more addictive than candle making. And me too on thinking different batches, designs and scent combos in my head. Sometimes I wish it would just turn off but it never does. I make beautiful soaps in my sleep. Not-so-much in real life....but will keep on trying.

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I have been making candles for a while, and I enjoy the business, but melting and pouring candles is a chore. Once you get the specifics down there's no variation. I definitely feel like a mad scientist with soap.

I am just about out of what I bought to begin my experimenting and just ordered a bunch of oil and bought a big pail of lye to continue learning the craft. The plan right now is to continue to perfect my skills and start some stuff curing and maybe hit a couple of craft shows towards the end of this year and see how I do.

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Both look Great! Soapmaking is very addictive, sounds like you're already hooked:)... I always look forward to making soap! If I have an off day from my day job I usually make 4 batches in the A.M. and 4 more batches in the evening. That's 160 bars of soap, lol!! I have way too many fragrance choices and it's so hard to keep up.

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