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Need help with ratios


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My friend suggested that I would like to use the following oils, but she didn't give me amounts. What would you suggest? The oils are:

coconut 76, Palm, olive oil, palm kernel flakes, castor and babbassu.

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wow there's a good deal of redundancy of cleansing oils. coconut, babassu and palm kernel all have similar enough chemical profiles and can be overly cleansing when used together especially at high total% in a formula. WHy make a 6 oil soap when three will accomplish almost exactly the same thing?

I would pick one of those at 20% (say coconut) and split the rest of the formula between olive and palm. Castor may be nice at a low%. THen I'd make the same formula replacing the 20% coconut with 20% babassu, and yet another with 20% pko and see the difference first hand.

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You'll get there. Just be patient and start simply. Often what soapers learn the hard way is that simple is best. It takes most of us a while to reach that understanding - we feel the need to try every butter and additive on the planet along the way :)

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Thanks, Barbara. I'm going to try your recipe. I've played with different amounts and slightly different oils and yours looked like the best formula.

My friend has been soaping for a long time now, so I think she must know something about these oil combinations that I don't! We'll see!

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