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Powdered oxide dye in M&P soap; where did I go wrong?


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I googled adding the powdered oxide dye in M&P soap, and per the recommendation I found, mixed the powder with a little sweet almond oil before adding it to the melted white base.

But there were still little flecks in the soap. Also, the dye was burgundy, so I was just going to use a little, hoping for pink, so I could make cherry vanilla soap.

Well, as I mixed in the dye, the soap turned sort of brownish purple with those little flecks. I was afraid the dye wasn't mixing in good enough.

It sure didn't look like cherry vanilla soap, so at the last minute, I used nutmeg and vanilla FO's, since the flecks look like they could be nutmeg.

Do any of you use the powdered dye? And if so, how do you do it? I'm going to have to test a bar to make sure the flecks don't turn my hands brownish red or whatever. The soap looks more light purple now in the mold.

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Well, I had to throw away that batch of soap. My first totally wasted batch. What a mess! The dye didn't dissolve right, and I got dark red all over my hands (and even my shirt somehow) when I unmolded and started to cut the soap.

I am through with powdered dye. I just bought it because it was on sale at Bramble Berry. It sure turned out to be an expensive bargain.

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I'm sorry that happened to you... it stinks to not be able to salvage it. I also bought some of those powders from BB - I mixed mine with glycerin - it worked "okay", but I didn't like it - I've switched to liquids. Maybe one of the soapers with more experience will have suggestions though....

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Well, I had to throw away that batch of soap. My first totally wasted batch. What a mess! The dye didn't dissolve right, and I got dark red all over my hands (and even my shirt somehow) when I unmolded and started to cut the soap.

I am through with powdered dye. I just bought it because it was on sale at Bramble Berry. It sure turned out to be an expensive bargain.

You should have saved that soap! M&P can be remelted and thats exactly what I would do with a powder dye that didn't disolve and incorporate in your soap. Remelted the dye would have been incorporated and no longer a problem. Also, if you used to much you just remelt and add a bit more base to it.

Powdered dyes can be problematic in M&P. I usually put a small amount of melted base in a pyrex bowl. Add my powdered dye and stir, stir, stir. Pop in the micro for a quick burst and stir again. Then add my remaining base and stir again. I check the bottom of the bowl to see if all the powder has been incorporated before pouring into my mold. I have found this method to be the best for my own soapmaking. Others have their own method. Some like to add their powder dyes to liquid glycerin to dissolve it first. I found it worked better for me using a small amount of base first.

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You should have saved that soap! M&P can be remelted and thats exactly what I would do with a powder dye that didn't disolve and incorporate in your soap. Remelted the dye would have been incorporated and no longer a problem. Also, if you used to much you just remelt and add a bit more base to it.

Powdered dyes can be problematic in M&P. I usually put a small amount of melted base in a pyrex bowl. Add my powdered dye and stir, stir, stir. Pop in the micro for a quick burst and stir again. Then add my remaining base and stir again. I check the bottom of the bowl to see if all the powder has been incorporated before pouring into my mold. I have found this method to be the best for my own soapmaking. Others have their own method. Some like to add their powder dyes to liquid glycerin to dissolve it first. I found it worked better for me using a small amount of base first.

I thought about remelting the soap, but I didn't want to have to clean up the dye mess again if it didn't dissolve still. My cousin was here and she was laughing! while I was trying to clean up dye that seemed to spread like an evil ooze over everything. I thought I'd never get my mold cleaned out, plus somehow the dye kept getting on my fingers and the counter and I can't even explain how.

I wasn't sure how fragrance oil would react to being reheated either.

I should have read up on it more before trying the powder. I just read to mix it with a carrier oil, and I thought that would do the trick. NOPE. It didn't! It really pained me to throw away two pounds of soap though.

I'm getting ready to order some liquid red dye from Peak since they have a discount on shipping now. Plus that batch was the last of my soap bases. Must get more. Think I'll try some Aloe Vera base along with the Goat's Milk and Clear Glycerine.

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Would a little frother help to break things up when mixing with glycerin bfore adding to the melted base? Works well when using oxides in CP...

It works good for micas in M&P for me. Its a little mixer I picked up at one of the suppliers with different ends to put on. One is a frother type.

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I thought about remelting the soap, but I didn't want to have to clean up the dye mess again if it didn't dissolve still. My cousin was here and she was laughing! while I was trying to clean up dye that seemed to spread like an evil ooze over everything. I thought I'd never get my mold cleaned out, plus somehow the dye kept getting on my fingers and the counter and I can't even explain how.

I wasn't sure how fragrance oil would react to being reheated either.

I should have read up on it more before trying the powder. I just read to mix it with a carrier oil, and I thought that would do the trick. NOPE. It didn't! It really pained me to throw away two pounds of soap though.

I'm getting ready to order some liquid red dye from Peak since they have a discount on shipping now. Plus that batch was the last of my soap bases. Must get more. Think I'll try some Aloe Vera base along with the Goat's Milk and Clear Glycerine.

A couple of suggestions that may help you.

I got my powdered micas in ziploc baggies. I transferred the dye into a small plastic container. This helps tremendously in so many ways. Its easier to use and measure out the dye you want from a container rather than dipping a measuring spoon into a ziploc bag. It also cuts down on 'dust' created by resealing your bag and pressing out air. A small container can stack nicely on top of another container and is easier to store.

You don't have to worry about remelting M&P soap with fragrance. You won't lose the fragrance. But if you want you can add a small amount of the fragrance in when its remelted. I often add a tsp of the same FO I used in the original soap when I remelt a 2 lb batch. That helps the scent to 'pop' and make the soap smell 'freshly' scented again.

You should be able to gently wash out your soap mold with warm sudsy water to get the dye out. Use a wet sponge to spot clean your countertop or other places the dye touched.

Don't give up on using powdered dyes. Try it again with the tips you have learned and you should have a much better experience.

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Thanks, everyone for your advice and tips. I guess I shouldn't have thrown those bars of soap away. But the mess was awful.

I think I got most all the dye out of my mold, Candybee, but it took a lot of washing, then I put it in the top rack of the dishwasher. It is one of the molds with the crevices, so that made it harder to clean. (The one that makes 8 bars of soap and says 'Handmade.')

As for using powdered dye, it just seems like liquid is so much easier! You don't have to mix it with anything, and it is already dissolved. Is the powdered better for coloring, or what is the advantage of going to the trouble of using powdered dye vs the liquid?

I must admit, I threw the powdered dye away too. :)

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The powdered dyes I use are micas from TKB Trading. I got them there because they sell quality soap dyes for use in soap and B&B. They have both liquid and powder and note which are good for what application.

I tend to use micas more in CP and liquids in M&P. Just because they are easier to work with in the right medium.

But my grape POP mica makes a fabulous lavender color in my M&P so it was worth it to me to work with it. It just took a couple of tries to get working with the mica powder in my M&P.

Where did you get your powder dye? Does it say its good for use in soapmaking?

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Oh yes, it was for soap making. I got it from Bramble Berry. I'm sure it was the soaper's fault and not the dye's. :)

The powdered dyes I use are micas from TKB Trading. I got them there because they sell quality soap dyes for use in soap and B&B. They have both liquid and powder and note which are good for what application.

I tend to use micas more in CP and liquids in M&P. Just because they are easier to work with in the right medium.

But my grape POP mica makes a fabulous lavender color in my M&P so it was worth it to me to work with it. It just took a couple of tries to get working with the mica powder in my M&P.

Where did you get your powder dye? Does it say its good for use in soapmaking?

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I mix my powdered dyes with some glycerine and use a frother to mix it up well. I try to mix up the color before I start the soap. I am sorry you had such a mess..

I probably didn't stir it well enough or long enough, and I sure didn't use a frother! I just thought it would dissolve in the oil.

It was an awful mess that just kept spreading it seemed. But at least my cousin, who was watching me unmold the soap, thought my whole ordeal was immensely funny. So glad I could brighten her day. :)

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