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My fo's


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All of my fo's are sellers.I have alot.More than most.Now I can't let them go.Raves on all of them.I would like to add a few(something different) but overwhelming now.All scents I have everyone likes.I can't remember one no one didn't like. I might add a few but taking off some might be bad if customer is expecting it to be there.I will order a certain scent request for someone but so far no one has asked.They seem satisfied. :confused:


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Customers are used to fragrances changing. Every major candle company adds and drops them often.

I, personally, don't want to deal with more than 35 scents (including seasonal). It's just too much. At the end of each year I evaluate sales of each scent. I drop the slow selling ones and find new ones. I also think this keeps up with the trends and keeps things fresh.

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If you really want to add something, without dropping anything you already have, you might try doing some really different blends.

Check out the suppliers, and see the scent descriptions they offer, on scents that appeal to you, and try mixing them yourself, out of what you have on hand.

That way, you'll cure your wanting to add something new to see how it goes, you won't be dropping anything, and most importantly, you won't be putting out additional money on new FOs that you don't know if they will or won't " go over" with your established clientele.

JMO :)

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Several years ago I dropped some of my FOs so I have a core of 12 scents. I will market these until if and when one or another no longer sells. Then I will introduct a replacement or an altogether new scent.

In addition to my core scent group I add 4-6 seasonal scents. I have saved a lot of money doing my candles this way. Unfortunately since I make soap too I still ended up with oils I used for soap only. I try to make as many as I can do double duty for soap and candles. But it doesn't always work out!

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