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We've been in the candlemaking business for over 7 years.Have a couple wholesales and people love the coloring.Never any frosting but I know when they get to the customer depending on the temp in the stores they can frost.Problem is we've done these candles over 2 times and looks like we need to again.Frosting.My husband makes them in our shed with heat and brings them in the house.Did wait till they settled but doesn't wait now.Checked them a few minutes ago and they are frosted.

We use 402 soy and have since we started.Husband went online and said 402 can have issues with frosting so he mixed 416 and 402.He read where mixing those 2 ihelps the frosting.IT DIDN'T.I feel so sorry for my husband doing these over again.He heated the jars and it helped for a short time then again the frosting.We need to get this wholesale order out and having this problem for the very first time.

I'm trying to undersrand soy frosts and that is the way it is but never had this problem.At least my husband made them they looked great.We got compliments on the color.If we Shipp after that it could be where they display them.

Any answers.This is enough to make us quit.I don't know what to tell the new wholesaler.Our orders are out within a week but now this.My poor husband works 7 days a week and many 12 hours so this can't continue.I'm not able to work with the actual making of candles since dx with Breast cancer 2 1/2 years ago.


Thank You


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No because I've never heard of this.Just checked more of the candles.It is surprising because usually the darker colors are the ones but the lighter colors too.

I will check Wal Mart.My husband and I can ship 15 today but that's all.I checked and they looked OKHe worked 12 hours and will be home at 3 and will crash.He's going to be upset.As they dried they looked great.Then I wake up this am and not good.We have the prettiest colors but not with this doggone frosting.

Thank You for giving me one idea.


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CO helps alot with the smoothness but adding 1 tbs of USA pp and tempering the wax greatly reduces the chance of frosting...you can purchase USA (not the same as UA which is for parrifin) from The Candlemakers Store...hth

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I do not use those waxes but I use 415- and Palm Stearic acid has eliminated frosting for me- I dont know how it would work with colors as I do not color my candles but even uncolored I would get frost with 464- 135- C3 and 415

Might be worth a try adding some to see

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In the middle of all this husband went online and decided to change waxes after years using 402. We were livid with frosting problem. Caused so much chaos.Esp since the first time having problems when we started years ago.He decided after his research the 444 will be best.It also says it puts out a good throw.IMO the 402 was a good throw but we can't take all the problems with frosting.Summer months it will frost but not as bad as winter.I've had a teeny bit of frosting doing show in the hot weather but nothing as bad as I had with this last order in the winter.

Lynn S

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I wouldn't give up on the 402. In fact the GB 464 IS 402 with USA (universal soy additive) added. That's the only difference. Why not add your own USA to the 415 you already have?

check out the gb website http://www.gfgb.com/candles/candle_products.htm

Edited to add: Have you changed anything at all recently? Are you using the same dye as you always have?

Edited by IwantItgreen
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Did wait till they settled but doesn't wait now.


I noticed this statement in your first post. Does this mean you carry them in from the shed while they are liquid? Moving the candles before they have totally cooled could cause frost. I had been told that when I started making candles, so I made it a practice to not move them until cooled. Something to think about.

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I have heard of adding Coconut oil also. I personally have never used it. I make Soy candles and they like to see frosting on it. At first I use to remelt and do them over. I gave up. It just happens with Soy wax. I put on (my web site) all of my candles might have some frosting on it this is normal happens when you use this wax. Forgot to say Candle wax has attitude so I am still learning. It depends on the weather and everything. Just when I think I have it all figured out some thing happens.

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We tried both ways.My husband leaves them in the shed till they just harden.Then brings them in. They seem OK at first then we might look a few hours later or next morning and frosting.He also tried bringing them in before they harden(only because I insisted) .Neither worked.I just think its the temp out there.Not a even keel temp.We use small heaters and he puts the heater close to the candles.Wants to make sure they are warm in the colder shed.The shed also has no insulation.Just wood walls. Glad wamer temps are here.This has been total chaos and a loss.

Strange but in Feb I had a order for 132 candles.No frosting.Same place making them.Ran out of my last bit of 402 from one company but brought 402 from another.Then problems.I see no reason for that.Same wax but a diffferent company.The first company went out of business. Husband now changed to 444.He read up on it. It is better but some seperation. Still think that is the cold.

We're getting ready to supply a art center.I think this will work since temps are going up now.And we changed wax.I must say our colors are very very pretty. I just hated to see that doggone frosting.I've had a few customers tell me that's OK soy candles frost.This will be when I'm at a craft show in the summer and the heat can cause frosting while they're displayed.

I was just livid having a wholesale order we should have out in a week and took 2 weeks.And alot of wasted waxscent. wicks etc.We were ready to QUIT.


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TammyGCC. I know the characteristic of soy is frosting. I see you cover that on your site I assume.I could do that.I want them to be perfect when they arrive but after that I don't care.If they would email me with a problem I tell them that's what soy does.

I was going to get coconut oil but husband changed wax. IF I heard right he said the 444 has coconut oil in it.I will have to ask him when he gets home but seems that's what he said. Candles did do better as far as frosting since he changed wax


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I feel your pain on the frosting thing when it comes to Soy wax. I remember thinking I was doing something wrong. Temp ect..... I did not know. I just accepted the fact that is what Soy based wax does. I use the Ecosoya CB-135 It does not frost as bad but do not listen to me I have found out all wax has a attitude of its own. I have been doing this for years when I think of all the wicks and time I wasted thinking that it was my fault. It makes me sick. Good luck to you.

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TammyGCC. I know the characteristic of soy is frosting. I see you cover that on your site I assume.I could do that.I want them to be perfect when they arrive but after that I don't care.If they would email me with a problem I tell them that's what soy does.

I was going to get coconut oil but husband changed wax. IF I heard right he said the 444 has coconut oil in it.I will have to ask him when he gets home but seems that's what he said. Candles did do better as far as frosting since he changed wax


Don't expect coconut oil to solve the frosting problems. I have not found CO listed as an ingredient in 444 or 464, soy additives yes but not CO.

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Every box of 402-415-444-464 are all made at the same plant. Golden Food/Golden Brands in Louisville, KY. If you haven't had frosting in 6 years then you are very lucky. I have been using their wax for 12 years and have pulled my hair out over frosting and leaking issues so many times I can't count. I have added Bees Wax, Paraffin, Palm Steric, CO, USA additive and who knows what else. With every different batch, the weather, temp of the room etc, I have had different result. Most times with candles I can put the jar with wax in it and remelt in the microwave, let sit and it will turn out beautiful. But who could do that every time. Some times I'll pour hot and have a fan cooling in a very cold room. Others I'll pour cooler and they are great. But one things for sure, nothing works all the time. It's probable the batch of wax and nothing you have done wrong....

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At least I know I am not alone. Candle making is hard. I think like I said Soy wax or any wax for that matter has attitude. Every time I think I have the wicks figured out and the scent, color something happens. I know you want it to be perfect. ( I am a perfectionist ) I personally gave up when it comes to candles and just tell everyone frosting is a normal thing with wax.

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Hi Lynn,

It is very frustrating and many of us can totally understand. Please know that with any soy wax you use and even adding coconut oil it can still cause frosting whether it's summer or winter. Unfortunately, that is the make up of soy wax. In the winter or colder temperatures the frosting is far worse and especially when dye is added. The only way I have seen it eliminated is by adding a teaspoon of beeswax to one pound of soy wax.

I hope this helps!


Edited by kandleindulgence
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Strange but in Feb I had a order for 132 candles.No frosting.Same place making them.Ran out of my last bit of 402 from one company but brought 402 from another.Then problems.I see no reason for that.Same wax but a diffferent company.The first company went out of business. Husband now changed to 444.He read up on it. It is better but some seperation. Still think that is the cold.

We're getting ready to supply a art center.I think this will work since temps are going up now.And we changed wax.I must say our colors are very very pretty. I just hated to see that doggone frosting.I've had a few customers tell me that's OK soy candles frost.This will be when I'm at a craft show in the summer and the heat can cause frosting while they're displayed.

You've been making candles long enough I'm sure you know this, but for those who might not be aware, when you change waxes, every single thing must be retested.

IMO, it's a good idea to at least spot retest with every new batch of wax. But with a new type of wax, retesting is imperative.

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The candles have hardened when he brings them in.Frosting.It isn't the best temps out there.he has a heater on them to hopefully keep the frosting from happening but always somewhere on the candle there is some.

We changed wax.444.He read on it that no frosting using this wax.I told him that is hard to believe.We got it and a candle today had frosted.It is colder here in Ohio now.Some warm temps and back to cold.

He is now going to use the coconut oil like someone mentioned.He gave up on all other options.

What we really need is to re-do our building with alot of insulation.I also know heat can frost.I've been to shows and see frosting starting in those hot temps at Sept shows.

I wantitgreen.The only thing we changed over a year ago is moving from the basement to the shed out back. I was dx wth breast cancer and shouldn't be around the making of candles.I've even burn them less since.The scent when making the candles got to me.I used to have breathing problems.Got better then now the problem is back.I don't want to be around the chemicals when making them. Not healthy IMO.Some use ventilation and some don't.In the shed it is cool and breezy but when it was in the basement the scent came up through the registers.

My husband wants to continue but I am discouraged because it is hard on both of us with the frustration.We sure have wasted alot of scent, wax and if he uses the same jar he must clean it. Alot of heartache and stress I don't need.


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I looked today for the Coconut Oil.None or our Wal Mart doesn'r carry it.I found LuAnn's Safflower oil. I think that was what it was. I wonder if a health food store would carry Coconut Oil.Would anyone know???

I might try a couple other grocery chains but had no luck at Walk Mart. Bummer


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Lynn, CO will not inhibit frosting, it only helps with smoothing the wax out. Tempering and adding additional USA is your best bet, or try the beeswax, but soy frosts. I use C3 and rarely do I ever get frosting, but there are certain fo's that I know will bring it on. If you really dont want to deal with the frosting anymore, go colorless! Alot of people do and their candles look great :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you considered not adding colour to your candles? I'd rip my hair out over frosting. I minded more than customers. Frosting is normal for soy, as you know. It bothered me so much though, visually; I finally just stopped colouring the candles. I was concerned that this was going to affect sales, but it hasn't in the least. Actually, some ladies say they even prefer uncoloured. Obviously there is still frosting, but it is difficult to see (unless you look extremely closely in the brightest light.) Going uncoloured was the best decision I made. As long as a candle smells good, that's all that matters.

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