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Room Spray with Essential Oil Recipe


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Well I thought I was all set with CMS spray base but I'm getting some push back from customers who went a very natural mix.

Anyone have a recipe for the distilled water version with essential oils including the percentage of essential. I found a couple of mfg's and they don't list any preservatives, just distilled water so now I'm completely baffled about making these.

Thank you,

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I use the following:

1.5 ounces high proof alcohol - vodka works running alcohol NOT

1.5 ounces distiller water

30 drops essential oils

If I don't have the alcohol I just use the water- alcohol only serves to help the scent linger a little longer but I personally don't see that big of difference either way

Just shake it up good before spraying

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Thanks everyone for the info....the more I research, the more I think it's more of a pain than it's going to be worth. Anyway, check out this link. They sell essential oils sprays that are just water and essential oils. They do say you have to shake them. I would think these would need a preservative but I guess not. They also have recipies on how to mix.


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They sure do need an appropriate preservative that is safe to spray (ie. not phenopip). Imagine the spores, molds, fungi, protozoa and bacteria that will end up airborne each time that pump is pressed. It will make them very easy to inhale directly into nasal passages and mucous membranes.

That 'natural' oil and water concoction would also benefit greatly from an emulsifier. Shaking doesn't really make the molecules of EO small enough to mix thoroughly. Some sprays may contain mostly oils while others contain mostly water.

Potable alcohols (vodka, everlear, etc) may be fine for personal use when used at reasonable rates, but are not legal for sale in the US. Isopropyl alcohol is a bad idea in sprays. Too much of any alcohol is not so great to spray in the air. It can irritate eyes, lungs and mucous membranes triggering migrane attacks among many other symptoms.

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Anything that has water in it needs to have a preservative. I know some people who prefer more natural don't like that, but that's when you explain to them that the hazards of spraying mold, bacteria, etc in the air is FAR worse than the small 1% of preservative that is needed to protect their lungs! :)

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For selling purposes that all makes total sense- I don't sell Sprays at all and only use around my home mainly for cleaning purposes- and have a very geriatric dog that has accidents everywhere in his "room" a batch doesn't last last long for me- I make it as I need it

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I would just do commercial witch hazel mixed with the essential oils..it contains just enough alcohol to be self preserving and disperse the oils (14%) and its safe for dogs..just use a dog safe essential oil blend such as lemongrass,citronella,eucalyuptus,peppermint,geranium and lavender..a few drops into an ounce of witch hazel is all you need..hope this helps :)

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