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Help--fo leaked all over carpet

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I started smelling a caramel-type scent a few days ago in the room where I keep me candle stuff and I finally found where it's coming from. You know when air leaks from your bottles and the bottle gets "skinny" through the middle? Well, my caramel pecan from Ky did that to the point the plastic bottle cracked open and leaked scent all over my carpet. Of course, it was a 16oz. bottle that was nearly full. Anyway, what is the best thing to get this stuff out of my carpet? Also, I'll never pour this scent again I'm so tired of smelling it---uugghh!!! Thanks!!

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Thanks everyone for your advice. Fortunately, some of it leaked on paper towels and boxes, but there's a spot on the carpet about 6" across. I used carpet cleaner and then, as Beth suggested, I put baking soda on it to absorb it and hopefully, mask the smell. I may have to try the ZEP spray next. If the stain/smell is still there, I'll have to break down and go get the steam cleaner. I do know I don't want to eat or smell anything caramel for awhile.

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I had the same thing happen with a Honesuckle fragrance on a card table. I put the table in the garage and I until garbage day (then forgot it was there due to it being winter) and the garage smelled like flowers for months afterwards.

Good Luck,


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