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I-phone credit card terminal


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We just got square up about a month or so ago. Got tired of paying high priced fees!! We use ours all the time. As a matter of fact, we used it yesterday to charge several accounts and the money was in our business account today. Love it! People are like "wow" when they see us run their card, and when they sign "on the line" on my I-phone, they say things like, "this is crazy". When we ask if they want a receipt sent to their email, most chuckle because they can't believe how far technology has come. Love it! You won't be sorry

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They take a percentage of each sale but there are no other fees. It's 2.75% of swiped transactions (you have the card & customer signs) and 3.5% of manually entered card transactions (phone orders). I switched hubby's IT business to Square too and he is saving a ton of $ with it vs traditional credit card companies. I love it for shows because I don't have to come home and manually enter all their information and risk something getting denied anymore. I also like that I don't have to worry about securing anyone else's credit card information anymore with the paper slips.

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