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Anyone tried Daystar's Ahoy, Matey?


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I looked at that one, too, but one of the scent components listed is "ocean," which sounds like it probably has an ozone/calone element. (I'm also not entirely sure what "sea moss" is.) The first review (on WSP) says "If you like ocean scents you will like this," which is a problem for me, since I don't like most ocean scents.

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Most oceanic scents regardless of how strong, intense, rich, earthy...they are...are all still too "clean"; which is off-putting an unrealistic to a true sea/ocean scent!

The problem is that a "true" oceanic scent doesn't currently exist, and probably never will. Most perfumers ( as well as fragrance oil companies) try to find a balance between NICE (wearability,pleasantness) and REAL (stinky, linear, mild, etc) With most companies preferring the clean aspects because it's either easier to sell, or more universally accepted as an "ocean" scent. Each person interprets smell differently, but because 1 perfumist decided "long ago" that myrtle flowers smelled vaguely of a fresh ocean; now every manufacturer uses IT as a starting point for their marine scents, and were forced to have it in any marine scent. I'm guessing a true marine scent contains not only the fresh notes but also salt, fish notes, dead algae, sand, etc. Unfortunately,those aspects are not nearly as easy to replicate, and is less likely to be manufactured due to it's limited appeal. I think were stuck with super fresh marine fragrances until someone decides to make something that isn't based of off floral accords.

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Thanks FelixnCharlie I got my scent strip today! Can't really tell if the scent is true, all I could smell was the base powdery drydown, so for anyone looking for a positive review of Daystar's Ahoy, Matey...I can't offer much. It is more soapy than I remember (compared to the perfume) couldn't really experience any of the top and heart notes. But from what I "could" smell, It wasn't at all oceanic. Thanks anyway FelixnCharlie for sending the test strip. I'll have to order a 1-ounce sample from DayStar to truely test it.

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Ravens did you mean WSP? I don't see this on TCS but WPS has one…like I need to try others! lol

sorry I'm late answering.... been quite busy. The South Pacific Waters FO is from The Candle Source. Sent you a sample; let me know when you receive it :-)

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I haven't read through all the posts but have you tried Celestial Sea from Moonworks?

This is the scent description: This bold and brisk water fragrance opens with a salty, ozonic sea spray but what develops is an ocean musk built from sea moss, driftwood and sand. Hidden but slightly evident are crisp notes of soft violet, jasmine and lily rose that give the otherwise stout fragrance a delicate clean character.

Doesn't work in my wax which is a blend I made up so I don't use it. Wish it did though, it smelled really nice.

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Got the sniffie for Ahoy, Matey--thanks, felixncharlie! It's definitely different than other ocean scents, but sadly it's still not what I'm looking for. A little perfumey, a little powdery, and a little bit of a salt smell. I don't get algae, though, and I definitely wouldn't associate the scent with the ocean in a blind test. Ah, well... the search continues.

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I think it is a bit powdery myself and a bit light for my taste. When I first opened the bottle I thought it smelled like my Uncle Joe, LOL well the cologne he used to wear. I'm glad you got to smell it without buying it, I have sooooo many ocean scents that were sadly just like this one. Oh well I'll keep trying :)

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The quest for a good ocean scent is darn near impossible. I'm also on the hunt for a perfume/cologne free variation of a true salty sea smell. I think I'm just going to have to blend my own. I cant stand the floral, powder aspects. O well. Glad I got to try the sample of Daystar's Ahoy...On to new scents I guess. The hunt continues.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I keep searching for this scent as well. That unmistakable smell when you get those sea salt notes in the air. We live near the beach...we have salt water all around us and I know what I'm looking for and still haven't found it either. What's so unfortunate is when a supplier will put "salty sea air" type words in their descriptions and when you get it, it smells "clean" and nothing like what I know salty sea air smells like :( Maybe some type of blend is in order. Gee...maybe I'll find it or come up with a blend before summer is over :(

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When Willow Woods was in business I used to buy her Ocean scent. It was a dupe of Pier 1 "Ocean"...an older fragrance. It was definitely salty and almost briny. I would sell out of it at every show. I have been going nuts trying to find a replacement for it. I did just see on the Candles and Supplies website that they sell an FO called: Ocean - Pier 1 "Type"...I have never purchased FO's from them before so I cannot attest to their overall quality - but you might want to explore that one if you have not done so already - hth.

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